The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities issued the Local Government Transparency Code 2015 (the Code) which came into effect on 1st April 2015. The Code was issued through powers under Section 2 of the Local Government, Planning and Land Act 1980 and replaces any previous codes issued in relation to local authorities in England under those powers.
The aim of the Code, which can be found here, is to increase transparency through publication of open and reusable data enabling taxpayers to see how local authorities are using public money.
The Code does not replace, or supersede, the existing framework for access to public sector information provided by the:-
The Code applies to Town and Parish Councils which a gross income or expenditure in excess of £200,000.
Crewe Town Council provides some information below but also elsewhere on this website.
Under the below headers, information and data will be published at least quarterly by the Town Council. Under the Data Protection Act 2018, personal data will be redacted if it can identify an individual.
Where contracts are awarded through a tender process and the value exceeds £50,000, the data will be published upon project delivery.
The Council publishes expenditure over £500 including supplier and transaction information.
The Council’s expenditure for each financial year can be found below:-
All expenditure is reported to Full Council at each ordinary meeting which are approximately bi-monthly. The schedule for all meetings can be found here and Agendas can also be viewed the noticeboard outside the Town Council Offices.
A summary overview of the Council’s income and expenditure as a whole can be found below:-
As part of its ongoing commitment to the local community and voluntary sector, the Town Council offers grants throughout each financial year to support groups, activities and projects organised to benefit the people of Crewe.
A list of these grants can be found below:-
The Code requires local authorities to publish details (including job descriptions, responsibilities and staff numbers) of any senior employees earning over £50,000 per annum. Crewe Town Council has one employee earning over this amount.
The Council’s staff structure can be found here.
There are no trade unions recognised at the Town Council.
An annual budget is set aside for the Mayor of Crewe to draw upon for expenses incurred whilst attending civic functions during their term of office.
Councillors may claim expenses such as mileage.
Copies of contracts to businesses and to the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector worth more than £5,000 can be found on the schedule of payments.
Invitations to tender and quote are issued for goods and services over £5,000.
Tenders will be published here.
In order to ensure transparency and reasonableness, the following items are included on the Council’s Asset Register whether they have been gifted, purchased or otherwise acquired by the Town Council together with their location.
These may include:-
The Town Council owns the following land and property:-
Crewe Town Council is not responsible for public car parks in Crewe. Public car parks in Crewe are owned and managed by Cheshire East Council. Details of these can be found here.
The Town Council does have access to land at its offices on which it is able to park three vehicles.
The Town Council’s policies and governance documents can be found here.
A copy of the Town Council’s budget will be published annually. Crewe Town Council is funded through the precept, which is collected along with your council tax.
The budget for the financial year 2024 – 2025 can be found here.
In accordance with the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015, Councils are required to have an annual and mid-year internal audit. The Internal Auditor is appointed by Council who evaluate and review the Councils risk management, controls and governance. The Councils current Internal Auditor is JDH Business Services.
A copy of the latest Internal Audit Report can be found here.
Copies of these can be found below:-
All Council and Committee minutes can be found here.
In 2020, Crewe Town Council adopted a Constitution which can be found here.
Crewe Town Council does not provide any social housing or own any social housing stock.
There are no waste collection contracts managed by Crewe Town Council.
If you are unable to find the information you wish to see, please contact:
[email protected]