Crewe Town Council is delighted to announce the successful creation of a Business Improvement District (BID) in Crewe!
A Business Improvement District in Crewe has been a long-term ambition for the town centre and the creation of the BID will result in £1.6 million of investment managed by businesses for businesses to deliver:
Crewe Town Council commissioned and oversaw Groundwork Cheshire to initiate the development process earlier this year. During this period they listened to local businesses and organisations and what they wanted from a BID in Crewe. The BID Business Plan was developed in close collaboration with the BID businesses before the Proposal went to referendum.
BID organisations were given the opportunity to vote for and against the BID Proposal and thanks to the cooperation between Crewe Town Council and the BID businesses, the result of the ballot was a resounding success with 67% of eligible local businesses voting in favour of the BID. A new BID company will now be formed with board representatives from across the levy paying community to deliver on the plans.
We are delighted to welcome Crewe BID to the table and look forward to working with them. This puts a significant resource into local hands and will give local businesses a voice and influence in the town’s regeneration.
What is a BID?
Business Improvement Districts are business-led partnerships which are created through a ballot process to deliver additional services to local businesses.
They can be a powerful tool for directly involving local businesses in local activities and allow the business community and Crewe Town Council to work together to improve the local trading environment. A levy will be charged on all business rate paying businesses to fund the BID and the business plan includes realistic targets for additional fundraising to enhance the proposition.