Operations and Improvements Committee
Operations and Improvements Committee
Crewe Town Council
1 Chantry Court
Forge Street
T: 01270 756975
MINUTES of the meeting of Operations and Improvements Committee 10th May 2022
Present: Cllr A. Coiley Cllr N. Walton Cllr M. Edwards Cllr B. Wye
Cllr D. Straine-Francis Cllr T. Dunlop Cllr K. Murray Cllr J. Rhodes
O&I 21/5/1 | To receive apologies for absence. |
Apologies were received from:
Cllr J. Messent; Cllr D. Clark; Cllr J. Cosby; Cllr G. Palin; Cllr B. Minshall |
O&I 21/5/2 | To note declarations of Members’ interests. |
No declarations were made. | |
O&I 21/5/3 | To confirm and sign the minutes of the Operations and Improvements Committee meeting held on 14th February 2022 |
Resolved: that the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting. | |
O&I 21/5/4 | Public Participation |
A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments. | |
No public were present or comments submitted. | |
O&I 21/5/5 | To note the year-to-date financial position for the Operations and Improvements Committee |
The year -to- date financial position was noted. | |
O&I 21/5/6 | To receive an update and consider matters related to the Delivery Plan for 2022/23
(attached). |
RESOLVED: To support a marketing programme around summer activities up to £3000 from Regeneration Projects budget. | |
O&I 21/5/7 | To consider matters related to heritage activities in Crewe |
O&I 21/5/7.1 | 7.1 Christ Church |
(i) To develop a response from Crewe Town Council in relation to any changes to the current proposition and funding arrangements. To include the statement that this committee is supportive of finding a sustainable future for the building. (ii) That the Heritage Officer, Regeneration Manager, Cllr Dennis Straine- Francis and Cllr Ben Wye form a Task and Finish Group. iii) Delegation of authority to the Crewe Christ Church Task & Finish Group to recruit four third sector representatives to the Crewe Christ Church Task & Finish Group. (iv) To approve discussion with the Architectural Heritage Fund: a. a further extension to the grant award b. reallocation of the award budget to deliver the Crewe Christ Church Task & Finish Group objectives. |
O&I 21/5/7.2 | Heritage Development |
(i) To approve the Heritage Group’s recommendations for the unveiling of Crewe’s first Red Transport Heritage Plaque at Crewe Heritage Centre as 4 July 2022 and Crewe’s first Blue Heritage Plaque at Mirion House on 9 July 2022. (ii) To approve the Heritage Group’s proposal for Ada Nield Chew to be the second recipient of a blue plaque. (iii) To approve the commissioning of a Conservation Architect to support nominations to the Local List using the £2,000 budget allocation for project scoping from budget line 465 4277. Cllr Straine-Francis requested a scheme for soldiers who died in ww1 and 2. Cllr Rhodes requested support for a statue to Ada Nield Chew. Proposal when ready to return to this committee |
O&I 21/5/8 | To receive an update on the work of the Crewe Rangers |
Members received the update and noted the opportunity for greater delivery to enable the service to have broader reaching benefits to include all wards in the town.
Members expressed their approval of the work of the Rangers. |
O&I 21/5/9 | To consider a proposal from Councillor Wye regarding a campaign to discourage idling of car engines outside schools. |
Cllr Wye explained that 40,000 deaths a year were attributed to air quality and that Crewe’s air quality in Crewe breached W.H.O. standards. This has a negative impact particularly for children on brain development and mental health.
Leaving cars idling is in breach of the law but CEC is considering an education need prior to any enforcement activity. Members requested liaison with Cheshire East Highways to see the business plan and evidence related to prevention of idling and for Councillor Wye and the Regeneration Manager put forward a proposal for the next meeting. |
O&I 21/5/10 | To receive and consider a report on the Cleaner Crewe Project and continuation of funding for a Community Enforcement Officer. |
(i) That the committee supports the project and recommends to Council that the financial support for the project within the approved budget for 2022/23 is released to Cheshire East Council to fund a further 12 months of the project (ii) That further consideration is made for continued funding to the end of March 2024 as part of the 2023/24 budget setting process. |
O&I 21/5/11 | To receive and consider a report on investment in play areas for 2022. |
i) To Allocate £100,000 to support one park not included in the pockets park project. ii) That the nominated parks would be Leighton Park (Frank Webb Avenue) or Claughton Avenue on the basis of their current quality and being in a ward not previously supported by Town Council investment. iii) Final selection to be subject to further analysis and consideration at the July meeting. iv) To seek from Council full delegation to select the park at the July meeting and proceed with procurement and development. |
O&I 21/5/12 | To consider an additional contract for town centre painting scheme. |
To approve an additional phase of work and expenditure up to the value of £5000 from EMR 356 Town Centre Capital Projects earmarked reserves. Colour subject to informal consensus. |
O&I 21/5/13 | Regarding Item 14: |
Committee considered a resolution under Section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 to exclude the public and representatives of the press from the meeting during the consideration of Item 14 on the grounds that matter contains sensitive information and by reason of the confidential nature of the business being transacted.
Resolved: To exclude members of the public and press from the meeting to discuss item 14 |
O&I 21/5/14 | To consider the future resource and strategic direction for Heritage support and Development in Crewe. |
To recommend to Council that the Heritage Officer post is retained in the council staffing structure as a permanent post. |
O&I 21/5/15 | To note the proposed date of the next meeting Tuesday 19th July at 7pm, location and format of the meeting to be confirmed subject to government Covid-19 safety guidance and restrictions at that time.
Noted |
Meeting closed at 7.47 pm
Chair Cllr A Coiley
Clerk L Lewis
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