Full Council Committee Meeting
MINUTES of the meeting held 13th June 2023
In attendance:
Cllr Clair Chapman
Cllr Dawn Clark
Cllr Alan Coiley
Cllr Sally Graham
Cllr Steve Hogben
Cllr Toni Mortimer
Cllr Kev Murray
Cllr James Pratt
Cllr Jill Rhodes
Cllr John Rhodes
Cllr Ben Wye
Cllr Dennis Straine-Francis
Cllr Dennis Straine-Francis opened the meeting by welcoming the councillors and providing an update on recent mayoral engagements.
FC/23/2/1 | To receive apologies for absence | ||||
Cllrs Bratherton, Edwards, Faseyi, L Hogben, Houston, Mackay, Messent and Yates | |||||
FC/23/2/2 | To note declarations of Members’ interests | ||||
Cllr Murray declared a non-pecuniary interest in Agenda Item 5a | |||||
FC/23/2/3 | To confirm and sign the minutes of the Crewe Town Council Meeting held on 16th May 2023 | ||||
RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting. | |||||
FC/23/2/4 | Public Participation | ||||
A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments in relation to the published agenda items.
None |
FC/23/2/5. | To receive updates from Committee Chairs in relation to meetings held since the Crewe Town Council meeting on 16th May 2023:-
a. Committee: Finance and Governance RESOLVED: i. That the amended Standing Orders are approved ii. That the new Banners Policy is adopted iii. That support for the Crewe Heritage Centre and associated operational council structure is approved
b. Committee: Operations and Improvement Chair: TBC Meetings held: None Items for consideration: None
c. Committee: Marketing and Events Chair: TBC Meetings held: None Items for consideration: None
d. Committee: Planning Chair: Councillor John Rhodes Meetings held: 22nd may 2023 (draft minutes attached) Items for consideration: None
e. Committee: Community Plan Chair: TBC Meetings held: 6th June 2023 (draft minutes attached) Items for consideration: None
f. Committee: Personnel Chair: Councillor Jill Rhodes Meetings held: None Items for consideration: None |
FC/23/2/6. | To note any updates from members having attended external meetings
Cllr Wye thanked all those who attended and helped with the family bike ride on Sunday. It was a great success and enjoyed by all Cllr Jill Rhodes provided an update on the work of the Town Board, including progress towards completion of the LY2 project and the proposal of the SCCC for a Marketing Crewe company. |
FC/23/2/7. | To note, consider and approve payments as recommended by the Finance & Governance Committee (None – standing item) | ||||
FC/23/2/8. | To note the conclusion of the Knife Angel installation in Crewe | ||||
Noted | |||||
FC/23/2/9. | Crewe Town Council Corporate Strategy
Noted that a new draft strategy would be developed and shared with members prior to further consideration. |
FC/23/2/10. |
To note the date of the next meeting of Council – 26th September 2023 at 6pm |
Meeting closed at 6.20pm
Chair Cllr Dennis Straine-Francis
Clerk P Turner
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