Planning Committee
Minutes 22nd September 2020
In attendance:
Cllr John Rhodes, Cllr Marilyn Houston, Cllr Emma Angier, Cllr Tom Dunlop and Cllr Dennis Straine-Francis
PL20/3/1 To receive apologies for absence.
Cllr Palin and Cllr Hogben
PL20/3/2 To note declarations of Members’ interests.
PL20/3/3 Public Participation
There were no public submissions or requests for participation
PL20/3/4 To confirm and sign the Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 21st July 2020.
RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as true record of the meeting
PL20/3/5 To receive an update presentation relating to Cheshire East Council’s Licensing and Planning work on an Article 4 Directive
A presentation was given by a Cheshire East Council (CEC) Principle Planning Officer on the process, timescales, implementation and potential impact of an Article 4 Directive as it relates to areas in Crewe and the proliferation of Houses in Multiple Occupancy (HMO). The presentation also identified planning policy additions that will seek to control the proliferation of HMOs through the currently draft CEC Site Allocation and Development Policies Document (SADPD).
Members thanked the CEC planning officer for the information and sought clarification on the timescales, efficacy and data associated with current HMOs in the area.
PL20/3/6 To consider making a response to the following planning applications:
• 20/3795N Second storey rear extension over the existing ground floor extension
Location: 23 Salisbury Avenue, Crewe, CW2 6JW
The application was noted and the indicated sympathetic materials welcomed
• 20/3801N Extension of existing plant room to provide additional plant to service a proposed district heating system for adjacent Cheshire East Buildings.
Location: Crewe Lifestyle Centre, Moss Square, Crewe, CW1 2BB
No objection
• 20/3762N Residential development for 148 new build dwellings & associated works.
Location: Land off Sydney Road, Crewe
RESOLVED: That the committee objects to the proposed plans on the following grounds
i. That the positioning of the playground area is inadequate and not appropriate as too close to the road and far from the highest density of the proposed development
ii. That the development will create unacceptable traffic congestion at an already highly congested point of the highways network
iii. That there is insufficient parking provision, which does not meet Cheshire East Local Plan policies relating to minimum acceptable number of parking places per dwelling unit
iv. In sufficient provision of electric vehicle charge points
v. Boundary treatments to allow access through for wildlife (eg hedgehogs)
vi. The communal residential waste bin storage areas are not readily or safely accessible for curbside waste collection services
• 20/3835N Change of use from a shop to a restaurant / bistro. Location: 6 Market Street, Crewe, CW1 2EG
No objection
• 20/3885N Single storey side extension. Location: 1A Russet Close, Crewe, CW1 4FR
No objection
• 20/3882N Proposed 2 storey extension on side of house. Location: 1 Cranage Road, Crewe, CW2 8NJ
No objection
• 20/3876N Two storey side extension, replacement windows & internal alterations.
Location: 190 Alton Street, Crewe, CW2 7PT
No objection
• 20/3947N The erection of a generator, generator enclosure. and associated works.
Location: To the west of office building, Gawsworth House, Westmere Drive, Crewe, CW1 6XB
No objection
• 20/3942N Proposed new dwelling and revised access to road to create singular access to previously approved planning applications reference 18/069N & 18/5442N
Location: Land to the south of, Maw Green Road, Crewe.
No objection
• 20/3171N Proposed sub division of existing large 3 bedroomed first floor flat to create 2 number new 1 bedroom flats – no external alterations to existing elevations.
Location: 16A Union Street, Crewe, CW2 7DJ
No objection, bur concern expressed relating to lack of parking provision, leading to further pressure for on street parking in the area.
• 20/3357N Single & two storey extension Location: 62 Bedford Gardens, Crewe, CW2 6JR
• 30/3441N Two storey side(s) and front extension, single storey extension to rear, increase roof height, detached double garage and boundary wall / gate(s), re-submission of application no. 20/1360N
Location: 5 Buchan Grove, Crewe, CW2 7NG
No objection
• Notice of proposal Cheshire East Borough Council (Selworthy Drive and Bradfield Road, Crewe) Prohibition of waiting order 2020.
No objection
To consider making responses to any urgent planning application consultations that have arisen since this agenda was published.
The consultations as yet to be issued relating to the CEC SADPD was noted
The communication relating to the CEC Strategic Planning Committee of 23/9/20 was noted
20/3937N – Construction of 2 storey left hand side extension
26 Wistaston Green Road, Wistaston, CW2 8QH
No objection
20/4041N – Change of use from 21-bed, 3 no Houses in Multiple Occupation (Sui Generis) to residential children’s care home (use Class C2).
The Wharf Residence, Thomas Street, Crewe, CW1 2BD
No objections
PL20/3/8 To note responses submitted under delegation since the previous meeting:
The following responses were noted:
• 19/4366N Extension of existing car park to deliver additional parking spaces. Location: Emerald, Westmere Drive, Crewe, CW1 6UN.
Response submitted 13.08.20: We object to this application on the following grounds: There is still no concern shown regarding the removal of priority deciduous woodland to achieve their aims. With this in mind, we do not wish to change the comments that the planning committee agreed in January.
• 20/3146N Two storey extension
Location: 116 Holland Street, Crewe, CW1 3SL Response submitted 19.08.20: No Objection
• 20/3110N construction of brick built front porch Location: 141 Lime Tree Avenue, Crewe, CW1 4HT Response submitted 19.08.20: No Objection
• 20/3036N Single storey rear extension. Location: 28 Sunnybank Road, Crewe, CW2 8SX Response submitted 19.08.20: No Objection
• 20/3097N Change of use from tool hire and vehicle hire centre to sale of cars, parts, tyre fitting and vehicle detailing activities.
Location: Primo House, 221 Edleston Road, Crewe, CW2 7HT Response submitted 19.08.2020: No Objection
• 20/3006N Side first floor extension.
Location: 18 Merebank Road, Crewe, CW2 8AS Response submitted 19.08.20: No Objection
• 20/2947N Change of use of garage to beauty salon Location: 183-185 Underwood Lane, Crewe, CW1 3SE
Response submitted 19.08.2020: The committee does not object in principal but, noting the submitted comments of the neighbour, seeks that any associated planning consent granted should include for an enforceable condition(s) that ensure the operating hours of the unit do not exceed 9am to 5pm Monday to Saturday (potentially reduced hours on a Sunday) on the grounds of impact on amenity of neighbouring residential properties due to noise.
• 20/2983N Extension of the permitted A1 use to Approval 17/4719/N – Proposed conversion of former car showroom & workshop to 3 No. A1 retail units with associated car parking, new external plant compound, replacement of shop front glazing and alteration to existing door & window openings to add A5, D1 and sui geberis (Vets) uses to Unit 2 and Unit 3 Location: 1 Remer Street, Crewe, CW1 4LS
Response submitted 19.08.2020: The committee does not object in principle but raises concern relating to potential traffic issues associated with access / egress to the site directly from the roundabout.
• 20/3241N Replacement garage
Location: 55 Manor Way, Crewe, CW2 6JY
Response submitted 19.08.2020: This committee does not object in principle, But seeks that any associated planning consent granted seeks to include an Enforceable condition to restrict onward use of the building for overnight or residential accommodation.
• 20/3233N The proposed development of three bespoke detached houses with communal access to replace four detached houses with communal access approved under planning permission 12/0831N.
Location: Land at Maw Green Road, Crewe.
Comments submitted 19.08.2020: Although Crewe Town Council does not object to this application, it is sought that, should the application be approved, the following issues are addressed in an enforceable format within the approval conditions:
1 That each property proposed has 3 parking spaces with suitable manoeuvre room (due to the scale of the properties it is reasonable to assume a minimum of 2 vehicles per property).
2 That each property provides for external electric vehicle charging, in light of the Cheshire East Council recognized climate emergency.
3 That, due to the hard landscaping in replace of open grass land, the development includes for SuDS (sustainable drainage) to minimize the impact of rainwater run off, expecting to be increasing due to climate change.
4 That all fencing and boundary treatments are hedge-hog friendly and soft landscaping is wildlife friendly.
5 That the designs are amended to remove the sun decks as shown on the plans due to the overlooking nature on properties directly opposite to the development site.
• 20/3144N Extension and realignment of Car Park
Location: Aldi Foodstore Limited, University Way, Crewe, CW1 5BL.
Comments submitted 19.08.2020: Although Crewe Town Council does not object to this application, it is sought that, should the application be approved, the following issues are addressed in an enforceable format within the approval conditions:
1 That the development includes for significant rainwater run off drainage, with capacity to properly manage the expected increasing occurrence of heavy rainfall due to climate change.
2 That the applicant, and their successors on the site, must ensure the drainage is regularly maintained and kept clear of blockage or detritus build up.
• 20/3508N Convert existing dwelling into 4 No. self-contained flats Location: 75 Furnival Street, Crewe, CW2 7LH
Response submitted 19.08.2020: This committee objects on the following grounds:
1 The overdevelopment of the premises, being that the design does not deliver 4 flats, but includes for 2 very small bedsit units which, due to their restrictive dimensions, do not reflect the good quality accommodation defined within the Cheshire East Council local plan.
2 That the bedsit proposed designs provide for inadequate separation from the WC to the food preparation and consumption area of the bedsits.
3 That the over division of dwellings in this area does not support the surrounding community value, in that traditional housing is being sandwiched by multiple occupancy units on short term rents, as is the case with the adjoining neighbour of this property.
4 That the design is equivalent to a house of multiple occupancy.
5 That the design does not provide for adequate designated space for appropriate residential waste receptacle storage and onward collection.
6 That there is no provision for bike storage, which does not support the sustainable / active transport strategy of the council.
7 There is no indication of extraction for the submitted designs (although noted that this is a building regulations issue).
• 20/3198N Change of use of Class B1 Business usage to Class D2 Assembly and Leisure – To open as a soft play centre.
Location: 1 Underwood Lane, Crewe, CW1 3JX
Response submitted 19.08.2020: This committee does not object in principle but seeks that any associated planning consent granted should include for an enforceable condition(s) that ensure the operating hours of the unit do not exceed 9am – 6pm Monday to Friday (potentially reduced hours on a Sunday) on the grounds of impact on amenity of neighbouring residential properties due to noise.
• 20/1872N The construction of 25 dwellings; provision of associated access, drainage and hard and soft landscaping; and other associated works. Location: Coppenhall East, Broad Street, Crewe.
Response submitted 01.09.20: Crewe Town Council maintains its previously submitted objection to the application (comments submitted 26.05.20). The objections are based on:
1 Social housing proportion and distribution is inadequate.
2 Inadequate community facilities in final built out proposals, being that they lack a shop, public house or adequate play and recreation space for the scale of the development, which does not meet with the Cheshire East Local Plan Strategy associated policy.
3 The proposal indicates overdevelopment of the site.
• 20/3605N Garden shed built on inside of the property boundary. Location: 14 Parn Close, Crewe, CW1 4GD
Response submitted 09.09.2020:
The council does not object to the application, but seeks that any approval granted provides for an enforceable condition that ensures that the building cannot be used for living or overnight accommodation.
PL20/3/9 To consider the committee’s budget requirements for financial year 2021/22
RESOLVED: That the committee budget underspend for 2020/21 will be moved to Ear Marked Reserves (EMR) for 2021/22 and the committee precept requirement for 2021/22 set at £0, noting that general reserves may be required should a large and complex planning issue require significant professional support in that financial year.
PL20/3/10 To note the date of the next meeting 20th October 2020 at 7pm
Meeting Closed at 8:54pm
Chair – Cllr John Rhodes
Clerk – P Turner
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