Community Plan Committee

Minutes 16th November 2020

In attendance: Cllr Tom Dunlop, Cllr Benn Minshall, Cllr Nan Walton, Cllr Dennis Straine-Francis, Cllr Tess Buckley and Cllr Jill Rhodes

CP20/5/1 To receive apologies for absence


CP20/5/2 To note declarations of Members’ interests


CP20/5/3 Public Participation

There were no members of the public present or questions/comments submitted.

CP20/5/5 To confirm the Minutes of the Community Plan Committee meeting held on Monday 21st September 2020

RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting

CP20/5/6 To note the year to date financial position for the Community Plan Committee

The spend to date was noted, commenting that there had been low spend to date due to restrictions related to Covid-19.

RESOLVED: That this committee’s budget underspend for 2020/21 will be added to the General Reserve at the end of the financial year.

CP20/5/7 To consider matters related to applications made to the COVID-19 Response Fund from:-
a) Saint Michaels Church Hall
RESOLVED: That a grant of £625 is awarded (reflecting the value of the grant application minus the cost of insurance)

b) St. Peter’s Church
RESOLVED: That a grant of £1,000 is awarded

c) Motherwell Cheshire CIO
RESOLVED: That the application is deferred, awaiting further information and resubmission

d) Crewe Town Football Club
RESOLVED: That the application is deferred

e) St. Paul’s Centre
RESOLVED: That a grant of £1,000 is awarded

f) Home-Start Central Cheshire
RESOLVED: That a grant of £894 is awarded

g) Stroke Survivors Speech and Language Group
RESOLVED: That the application is deferred

h) Filament Projects CIC
RESOLVED: That the application is deferred

i) Family Ties CIC
RESOLVED: That a grant of £2,500 is awarded

j) Crewe Railroaders American Football Team
RESOLVED: That the application is deferred, to be reconsidered with more details and evidence of the costs associated

k) Crewe Clean Team
RESOLVED: That a grant of £400 is awarded

CP20/5/9 To consider matters related to funds received from Cheshire Community Foundation

RESOLVED: That the funds received are returned to Cheshire Community Foundation, as they cannot be allocated or spent under the terms of the grant.

CP20/5/10 To consider matters related to Christmas projects for vulnerable people and families in Crewe

RESOLVED: That the Finance & Engagement Manager provides a detailed report to committee on a winter support scheme (to be circulated in draft prior to submission to committee).

CP20/5/11 To consider matters related to budget setting for the Community Plan Committee

Resolved: That the draft committee budget for financial year 2021/22 is approved for recommendation to the Finance & Governance Committee

CP20/5/12 To note the dates of future meeting of the Community Plan Committee:-

• Monday 18th January 2021
• Monday 29th March 2021

Meeting closed at 8.14pm

Chair Cllr T Dunlop
Clerk P Turner

Meeting documents

3. Community Plan Minutes 16.11.2020

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