Planning Committee

Minutes of the meeting of Crewe Town Council Planning Committee 21/07/20

In attendance: Cllr John Rhodes (Chair), Cllr Tom Dunlop, Cllr Dennis Straine-Francis and Cllr Marilyn Houston

PL20/2/1 To receive apologies for absence.

Cllr Angier – apologies received and noted

PL20/2/2 To note declarations of Members’ interests.


PL20/2/3 Public Participation


PL20/2/4 To confirm and sign the Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 23rd June 2020.

RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting

PL20/2/5 To consider making a response to the following planning applications:

20/2496N Proposed demolition of children’s nursery and build new children’s nursery, associated play area & play equipment and new perimeter fencing

RESOLVED: That this committee expresses support for the submitted application

20/1454N Proposal for a two storey, 18 bed specialist unit care home on an existing soft landscape area adjacent to Telford Court Care Home; including additional car parking, ancillary gardens and increase to existing bin store

RESOLVED: That this committee strongly objects to the application on the following grounds:
i. That neighbour/resident comments reflect severe concern relating to the scale and proximity of the proposals as well as existing issues relating to the site associated with light pollution, noise and waste management
ii. That the proposals demonstrate over development of the site
iii. That the proposals provide for an overbearing development particularly in light of the proximity to the existing neighbouring dwellings
iv. That the proposals will have a severe impact in terms of loss of amenity for the neighbouring dwellings in terms of loss of privacy and over looking.
v. That the proposals will have a severe impact in terms of loss of amenity for the neighbouring dwellings in terms of loss of light
vi. That designs of the proposals do not meet the Cheshire East Local Plan Strategy policies and design guidance associated with distance of proposed windows from existing windows (CEC Borough Design Guide Vol2, ii)111and ii)112 – demonstrating loss of residential amenity)
vii. That the proposals do not meet Cheshire East Local Plan Strategy policies and design guidance associated with waste bin storage (CEC Borough Design Guide Vol2, ii)120)
viii. That any approved application must include enforceable conditions relating to bin storage, noise and light pollution.

20/2518N Proposal: Improvement of Crewe office including raising roof by 1.0M to accommodate first floor office and facilities

Cllr Cosby’s support for the application was noted and supported

PL20/2/6 To consider making responses to any urgent planning application consultations that have arisen since this agenda was published.

20/2823N Proposal: Change of use from dental practice to 2 no self-contained flats, 1 per floor. 23 Union Street, Crewe, CW2 7DJ

RESOLVED: That this committee has no objections to the application in principle but seeks that the proposals are refined to address the following:
i. In light of localised waste and fly-tipping issues, the bin storage for the development is clearly defined in the design and any associated conditions of planning consent (as per Cheshire East Council Local Plan Strategy and Borough Design Guide Vol 2, ii) 120.)
ii. That it is clarified that there are on street parking issues in the area and the development should seek to not adversely impact on this
iii. That, to address amenity of the proposed upstairs flat, access to the rear of the property is included in the designs
iv. That to address fire safety for the proposed upstairs flat, access to the rear of the property is included in the designs
v. As required and defined within the Cheshire East Council Local Plan Strategy and Borough Design Guide Vol 2, ii) 120, bike storage for both flats is defined in the designs.

20/2939N Proposal: Demolishing existing conservatory and outbuilding and build new atrium lantern extension to the rear of the property. 112 Ernest Street, Crewe, CW2 6JZ

No objection

20/2588N Proposal: Rear Lean to conservatory. 8 Dutton Way, Crewe, CW1 3JE

No objection

20/2876N Proposal: Partial demolition and redevelopment and partial refurbishment of an existing building resulting in total of 25673 sq.m of B8 floor space at Units A & B, 1 Weston Road, Crewe

No objection

20/2877N Proposal: Partial demolition and redevelopment of an existing building resulting in total of 25106 sq.m of B8 floor space at Units A & B, 1 Weston Road, Crewe

No objection

20/2984N Proposal: Extension of temporary permission for the portacabin application approved 2017 (17/3953N). Ruskin Community High School, Ruskin Road, Crewe, CW2 7JT

No objection

20/2958N Proposal: Rear Ground Floor extension. 9 Rosehill Road, Crewe, CW2 8AR

No objection

Street Trading License Application – Queens Park Drive, Crewe, CW2 7SB

RESOLVED: That the committee does not object to the application in principle, but seeks enforceable conditions of any approved license to include for the applicant/licensee to be responsible for all litter and waste associated with sales from the associated food and beverage unit

PL20/2/7 To note responses submitted under delegation since the previous meeting:

20/2601N Proposal: Proposed rear extension to create additional apartments at 2nd floor Location: 15 – 17, EDLESTON ROAD, CREWE, CW2 7HJ
Comment was made at the last meeting under 20/1973n and it was submitted under delegation on July 3rd.


PL20/2/8 To consider response to Vulnerable and Older Persons’ Housing Strategy – Consultation

Committee agreed that that town council supports Cheshire East Council’s proactive engagement for its consultation on the vulnerable and Older Person’s Housing Strategy. However, this council has no direct involvement or expertise in that sector so is not in a position to offer significant insight. Should members wish to comment on an individual basis, they can do this via the Cheshire East Council website.

PL20/2/9 Applications circulated to all members in advance of this meeting, which have received no comments in response:

At the time of reference, there were no consultation responses submitted. No member responses received. Unless directed otherwise, there will be no comments submitted for the following applications

20/2606N Proposal: Listed Building Consent for Installation of new and replacement CCTV cameras within Original Part of Crewe Municipal Buildings. Works consist of installation of new cameras and cable routes.

20/2458N Proposal: Rear facing single storey extension

20/2744N Proposal: Retrospective application for the erection of a garden/hobby/home office building in rear garden
Location: 59, REMER STREET, CREWE, CW1 4LU

RESOLVED: That this committee does not object in principle, but that any planning consent granted should include enforceable condition(s) associated to prevent the building being used for overnight or residential accommodation.

20/2555N Proposal: Full planning application for an additional 430 sqm/4,629 sqft of ancillary office space within Unit 1A, erection of gatehouse and barriers, 2.4m high perimeter fence around Units 1A and 1B, realigned landscape maintenance layby, reduction of HGV parking and replacement with additional 47 overspill car parking spaces and additional windows on western elevation of Unit 1A.

PL20/2/10 To note the date of the next meeting as 22nd September 2020

Meeting ended at 7.57pm

Chair Cllr John Rhodes
Clerk P Turner

Meeting documents

2 Planning Minutes - 21st July 2020

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