Adopted by Council: 26th February 2019
Planned Review Date: February 2022
Crewe Town Council has a policy on sponsorship in order to:-
- Uphold the Council’s reputation and brand identity
- Further the Council’s strategic vision and support its priorities (by facilitating communication messages)
- Secure best value for money and maximise income
- Provide a framework and control measures
- Establish a corporate approach and standards (including best practice)
- Ensure compliance with legislation, advertising industry codes and other Council policies
- Support development of commercial partnerships with the private sector
- Safeguard the image of the Council
To sponsor something is to support an event, activity, person, or organisation financially or by providing products or services. It should be mutually beneficial.
Sponsorship should not be confused with other types of funding which the Council administers e.g. Crewe Town Council Grant Scheme.
Sponsorship is a business relationship between a provider of funds, resources or services and an individual, event or organisation which offers in return rights and association that may be used for commercial advantage in return for the sponsorship investment.
Sponsorship policy
- Sponsorship is not a way for any company or organisation to be viewed favourably by the Council in any other business arrangements they might be a party to.
- Organisations that will not be considered or approved for sponsorship opportunities include, but are not limited to, those which represent a conflict of interest or are connected directly or indirectly with the following:-
- Advocacy of, or opposition to, any politically, environmentally or socially controversial subjects or issues
- Disparagement or promotion of any person or class of persons
- Promotion or incitement of illegal, violent or socially undesirable acts
- Promotion or availability of tobacco products, weapons, gambling or illegal drugs
- Financial organisations and loan advancers with punitive interest rates
- Promotion or availability of adult or sexually orientated entertainment materials
- Any organisation wishing to sponsor a Council owned product or service must adhere to this policy and the Council’s Terms and Conditions for Sponsors.
- A sponsorship briefing form must be completed to define any sponsorship opportunity for a potential sponsor.
- All sponsorship deals will be subject to a signed agreement between the Council and the sponsoring organisation. For smaller projects this might be in the form of the Council’s standard Terms and Conditions for Sponsors; for larger or more complex arrangements, a document may be drawn up relating specifically to that project.
- The Council must ensure a return on investment when it is a sponsor. The appropriate lead Officer must consult the Council’s Marketing and Events Officer before deciding whether the Council should be a sponsor or whether sponsorship of a Council product/service is the best marketing communications method.
- Publicity and media coverage will be arranged by the Council for all appropriate sponsorship deals.
- The use of branding and logos of any sponsoring company must not interfere with the Council’s Corporate Identity or Brand Guidelines.
- The size and positioning of sponsors’ logos on any promotional material, goods or signage must be considered by the appropriate lead Officer in conjunction with the Council’s Marketing and Events Officer