Medium Term Financial Plan
Adopted by Council:26 September 2023
Planned Review Date: September 2028
Welcome to Crewe Town Council’s Medium Term Financial Plan which sets out the Council’s financial strategy up to 2027/28
Having a sound financial strategy in place is of the upmost importance as the Council looks ahead to what is likely to be an increasingly challenging future.
The Council faces significant potential commitments over the next few years relating to capital investment in its fixed assets, expenditure which may see its balances and reserves diminish, or consideration for ensuring a balanced budget to maintain sustainable financial resilience.
It will be considered if the Council should have greater involvement and control of local services and assets and the ongoing revenue demands of these will need careful consideration and understanding of potential impacts on resources.
This Plan aims to highlight and quantify the key financial challenges facing the Council over the coming years, with particular emphasis upon the forecast increases in staffing costs, the significant expected capital investment linked to the delivery of asset and service management and the risk management of the potential impact on Council balances and reserves; and put in place a financial strategy to meet these challenges.
The Plan sets out a Revenue and Capital Budget forecast for the five-year period and estimates the level of Precept and Council tax increase that may be required in order to balance the budget.
Whilst the next five years will undoubtedly present the Council with a number of challenges, we are confident that this Medium-Term Financial Plan provides a sound strategy for the planning of the Council’s finances and spending over the remaining term of this Council to the financial year 2023/24, which ensures that services are protected, and which aims to keep future Council tax increases to a minimum.
The Council is fortunate in that its finances are building towards good health at the present time, and the implementation of this Plan will ensure that the Council can build on these strong foundations, continue to meet the needs of our local community, and provide value for money added value services to our local taxpayers.
Purpose of the Medium-Term Financial Plan
1. The Town Council recognises its statutory duty to provide allotments where that need is established and will work with the federations to ensure where possible, the need is satisfied.
2. The Council believes that self-management fulfils the twin aims of ensuring greater control of a site for allotment holders and of reducing the Council’s administrative responsibilities. It is also a route to engaging with local communities in the management
and regeneration of important environmental assets. The Council will therefore continue to offer the sites to the federations through lease agreements.
3. The Council will continue to have responsibility as the statutory provider of allotments; ensuring devolved management practices are exercised appropriately so as to demonstrate compliance with legislation and statutory requirements.
4. The properly constituted allotment federations will accept responsibility for a range of duties under a lease from the Council. These will be set out in the agreement as will the Council’s responsibilities. The Council retains defined oversight and strategic
5. The Council will work with the federations to ensure that allotments are promoted to attract new allotment holders from all sectors of the community.
6. The Council will encourage the mentoring of young people by older people in cultivating plots, fostering education and community cohesiveness. Gardeners are great resources, with years of experience and knowledge of working allotment plots that if passed on
to newcomers will remain in the community for generations ahead.
7. The Council will encourage the provision of allotments to industry best practice and will provide support for major improvements. It will remain cognizant of the guidance by the National Allotment Society.
8. The Council will encourage the provision of allotment sites that are welcoming and accessible to all, with good and safe access to sites, access for people with disabilities. It will encourage sites to be attractive throughout, with an option of smaller plot
sizes, raised beds and wheelchair access, where there is a demand.
9. The Council will work in partnership with allotment stakeholders on management and development issues promoting community involvement and social inclusion.
10. The Council will expect the federations to have policies which provide for:-
• Well maintained paths, roads and parking areas
• Remedying neglected plots
• Opportunities and encouragement to individuals and communities wishing to be involved in the cultivation of allotments
• Efficient and effective allotment administration
• Fair, open, equitable treatment and safe tenure
• Opportunities for developing gardening skills
• Fair rents
11. The Council will encourage the federations to ensure well-maintained, clean and safe allotments through:-
• tenancy agreement to reinforce tenant’s responsibilities.
• undertaking individual site audits to identify any unwanted waste on each site.
• disposing of all dangerous and unwanted waste on each site and work with allotment holders to ensure they dispose of their waste responsibly.
• provision of good allotment guides for all tenants to support the terms of the tenancy agreement and to clarify tenant responsibilities.
• working to control weeds on vacant plots before they go to seed, where possible.
12. The Council will work with the federations to encourage sustainable practices, including:-
• improving waste management on sites.
• minimising the amount of pollution generated on allotments.
• maximising water efficiency.
• investigating the demand for the creation of ‘organic only’ plots.
• promoting the use of water butts to reduce the use on mains water usage.
13. The Council will work with the federations to encourage bio-diversity and conservation, including:-
• identifying, recognising and protecting any areas rich in wildlife value, such as hedges and marginal areas.
• promoting the range of habitats available for wildlife.
• assessing and recording the heritage value of each allotment site.
• raising awareness of the heritage value of allotments.
14. The Council will encourage healthy, safe and secure allotments, including:-
• adequate water provision.
• toilet and hand washing facilities.
• basic first aid kit.
• a reasonable level of security as necessary.
• sites that are secure places for all members of the community.
• sites that are free from hazards to health.
• ensure dogs on sites are kept under control and that sites are free from dog fouling.
15. The Council will jointly undertake with the federations/associations yearly risk assessment visits to all sites.