Planning Committee

MINUTES of the meeting held on 23rd May 2022


In attendance:

Cllr John Rhodes

Cllr Tom Dunlop

Cllr Lena Hogben

Cllr Marilyn Houston


PL/22/1/1 To receive apologies for absence
  Cllrs Angier and Faddes
PL/22/1/2    To note declarations of Members’ interests
PL/22/1/3 To confirm and sign the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 25th April 2022
  RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting
PL/22/1/4 Public Participation
  A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments.


PL/22/1/5 To consider making a response to the following planning applications:
Application No: 22/1335N
Proposal: Proposed change of use to 97 Victoria Street at ground floor from A5 to A1, new shop front to 95 and 97, proposed internal alterations at 1st floor level to existing flats
Location: 95-97, VICTORIA STREET, CREWE, CW1 2JN

No objections


Application No: 22/1749N
Proposal: Proposed Utility Store Extension

No objections


Application No: 22/1443N
Proposal: Outline application for the erection of two detached dwellings with garages

No objections


Application No: 22/1412N
Proposal: Full application for the erection of affordable housing together with access, landscaping and public open space including a tree lined walkway and other associated works.
Location: Land Off, SYDNEY ROAD, CREWE


The committee commented that there was no objection to the principle of development of affordable housing on the site, but that elements of the site proposals did not meet expectations or standards.


RESOLVED: That the committee objects to the proposals on the following grounds:

A.      Inadequate and substandard living accommodation as defined by the Technical Housing Standards and prescribed in the National Planning Policy Framework (2021)

1.      That bungalow design sizes do not meet the Technical Housing Standards for double occupancy, meaning they would have to mandated for single occupancy

2.      The walk up apartment design sizes do not meet the Technical Housing Standards for double occupancy, meaning they would have to mandated for single occupancy

3.      The 2 and 3 bedroom unit design sizes do not meet the Technical Housing Standards for bedroom sizes.

B.      Site layout and treatments

1.      The site does not provide for children’s play area(s) and there is no local provision in safe or reasonable distance. The scale of the proposed development should provide for adequate, appropriate and mixed accessible play equipment.

2.      Waste storage provision detail has not been shown, therefore not demonstrating socially sustainable waste storage.

3.      Lack of cycle storage for residential units.

4.      Lack of sustainable energy production, being that the residential units should include for roof-mounted photo voltaic electricity production.

5.      Lack of electric vehicle charging points

6.      Treatment of boundaries should detail for wildlife permeability

7.      All boundary hedging should be retained

8.      The development proposals should, within Cheshire East Local Plan Policy, provide for net biodiversity gain.

9.      Lack of additional nesting sites, eg bird boxes and swift boxes

10.  Lack of invertebrate habitats, eg bee bricks

11.  Lack of bat boxes.

12.  Treatment of the Eastern boundary should include for acoustic/sound proofing to dampen the potential railway noise affecting the amenity of the residents that will occupy the development.


Application No: 22/1195N
Proposal: Change of use from office to residential 9×1 bedroom self-contained flats


RESOLVED: That the committee objects to the proposals on the following grounds:

1.      Lack of secure cycle storage

2.      Unit designs and sizes do not meet technical housing standards, therefore providing low quality and high density accommodation

3.      It is unclear how socially sustainable waste storage is to be achieved and this would require clarification to ensure localise don street waste issues are not exacerbated and that will negatively impact the amenity of existing residences.

4.      Inadequate parking provision will lead to localised issues that will negatively impact the amenity of existing residences

5.      Lack of sustainable energy production, being that the residential units should include for roof-mounted photo voltaic electricity production

6.      Lack of provision to deliver net biodiversity gain (eg invertebrate habitats and bird boxes)

7.      The proposal demonstrates over-=development of the site.

8.      Lack of clarity in the available designs to show if access to the rear of the property can be achieved in a reasonable and safe manner.

9.      Lack of external lighting (non-intrusive) design detail to demonstrate safety to the rear and side of the property


Application No: 22/1439N
Proposal: Advertisement Consent for fascia sign and projecting sign

No objections


Application No: 22/1525N
Proposal: First floor dormer extension to rear of dwelling

No objections


Application No: 22/1606N
Proposal: Single storey extension to rear/side, removal of dormers to roof and the insertion of roof lights and elevational changes to front/side elevation
Location: 2, LORD STREET, CREWE, CW2 7DG


RESOLVED: That the committee objects to the proposals on the following grounds:

1.      That the proposal indicates that the development will be used as a House of Multiple Occupation (HMO), which is contrary to the Cheshire East adopted Article 4 Directive associated with Crewe.

2.      The provision of a high density/HMO accommodation demonstrates overdevelopment of the site

3.      The removal of the existing dormer features will be detrimental to the heritage character of the building and the overall street scene as the existing dormer features are in keeping with the surrounding properties. The dormers should be retained.

4.      Any planning approval given should contain such enforceable conditions to ensure the completed development can only be used as a single dwelling for a single family unit.


Application No: 22/1494N
Proposal: Prior Approval: Roof mounted solar PV on non-domestic building
Location: Building P33 Bentley Motors Limited, PYMS LANE, CREWE, CW1 3PL

No objection


Application No: 22/1497N
Proposal: Prior Approval: Roof mounted solar PV on non-domestic building
Location: Building P29 Bentley Motors Limited, PYMS LANE, CREWE, CW1 3PL

No objection


Application No: 22/1496N
Proposal: Prior Approval: Roof mounted solar PV on non-domestic building
Location: Building L1 Bentley Motors Limited, PYMS LANE, CREWE, CW1 3PL

No objection


Application No: 22/1495N
Proposal: Prior Approval: Roof mounted solar PV on non-domestic building
Location: Legends Bentley Motors, SUNNYBANK ROAD, CREWE, CW2 8WD

No objection


Application No: 22/1632N
Proposal: Prior Approval: Roof mounted solar PV on non-domestic building
Location: Bentley Motors Limited, PYMS LANE, CREWE, CW1 3PL

No objection


Application No: 22/1449N
Proposal: Prior Approval for a Proposed Change of Use Class E to Residential Class C3
Location: 99, MANOR WAY, CREWE, CW2 6JU

The committee commented that the application did not provide for enough detail, but that there was no objection to the principle of the proposals.

RESOLVED: That the committee supports and reflects the concerns and objections raised by adjoining residence.

1.      The application requires more detail relating to noise insulation/mitigation

2.      Clarification of use of the proposed flat

3.      Seeks that any proposals are conditioned to ensure no adverse impact on the amenity of existing residences.

4.      Greater detail of socially sustainable waste management

5.      Concerns relating to the lack of amenity space for the proposed flat


PL/22/1/6 To consider making responses to any urgent planning application consultations that  have arisen since this agenda was published

Application No: 22/1909N
Proposal: Proposed two storey part single storey extension at rear

No objection


Application No: 22/1521N
Proposal: Change of use to convert existing dwelling into two self contained flats

Although there are no formal objections to the proposals, the committee seeks that the application provides more details on the following:

1.      Secure cycle storage

2.      Proper waste storage – particularly as the proposed 1st floor flat does not have direct access to the rear.

3.      Provision of external stairway to the rear of the property for the use of the proposed 1st floor flat


PL/22/1/7 To note responses submitted under delegation since the previous meeting


7.1 Planning application 99 Manor Way Ref no 22/1419N

The following observations, having been circulated to the committee prior for comments and amendments, were submitted on behalf of Crewe Town Council Planning Committee relating to planning application 22/1419N:

1.      That the existing boundary hedges and trees should be retained and maintained and not adversely affected by any proposed development. This will fulfil local planning policy associated with sustainability and biodiversity protection, as well as retaining positive features of the street scene.

2.      That such enforceable conditions are included in any associated planning consent to ensure that the development does not adversely impact on the amenity of neighbouring property due to noise or operation (such as deliveries) during ant-social hours

3.      That the proposals are redrawn to regularise the planning position for external features not currently included, such as extraction/refrigeration, external lighting, signage and roller shutter doors

4.      That the proposals should be resubmitted to include for the treatment of the existing garage, which is not shown on the proposals

5.      That consideration to highways restrictions should be given in relation to reducing parking on the corners close to the premises

6.      That the amenity of neighbouring residents should be considered in all issues relating to the operation of the premises

7.      That there should be no detrimental effect on the street scene , for example due to stark nature of the elevations or the shutter door feature.

8.      That the waste storage area is defined away from the adjoining residential boundary to reduce the risk of loss of amenity to the neighbouring residence

PL/22/1/8 To note and/or consider correspondence, consultations,  planning policy circulated by the planning authority (Cheshire East Council) and member items
  8.1 Cheshire East Traffic Consolidation Order (Static) 2022


PL/22/1/9 Update on Planning Application 22/1381N (corner of Edleston Road and Brook Street – land adjacent to 205 Edleston Road)

It was noted that the application is to be heard at the Cheshire East Council Southern Planning Committee on 25th May 2022. Representation from Crewe Town Council at the meeting will be made by Cllr Jill Rhodes

PL/22/1/10 To note the proposed date of the next meeting Monday 27th June at 6pm


Meeting closed at 6.54pm


Chair Cllr John Rhodes

Clerk P Turner



Meeting documents

Planning Committee Agenda pack 23 May 2022

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