Planning Committee

Crewe Town Council

1 Chantry Court

Forge Street




T: 01270 756975



To: Members of the Planning Committee

Dear Councillor,

You are summoned to attend the meeting of the Planning Committee to be held at 6:00pm on Monday 17th October 2022. The meeting will be held at the Crewe Town Council Offices, 1 Chantry Court, Crewe, CW1 2DL.

In the interests of maintaining safety, adherence to guidance a nd to facilitate appropriate

public access, the meeting will be recorded and shared on the Crewe Town Council channel. Yours sincerely,

Peter Turner

Town Clerk




1 To receive apologies for absence
2 To note declarations of Members’ interests
3 To confirm and sign the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 27th June 2022 (attached)
4 Public Participation
A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments. Any member of the public wishing to participate should email [email protected] by 4.00 p.m. on the day of the meeting, providing their name, email address and an indication of the subject of their question or comment. Alternatively, your comments or questions can be submitted in advance and read to the committee at the meeting by the clerk.

 Attendance at the meeting in person is permitted, but space is limited and you are asked to consider if you might be able to access the meeting virtually in consideration of available space and associated government safety guidance. Please feel free to contact the office to discuss this in more detail if you would like to.


5.  Presentation from Cheshire East Council regarding Crewe Active Travel


6.  Presentation from Cheshire East Council regarding the Southern Gateway Project


7.  To consider making a response to the following planning applications:


Application No: 22/3813N
Proposal: Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) on application 19/4896N –

Erection of 73 dwellings, comprising 42 independent living apartments and 31 houses (all affordable homes) with associated access and landscaping

Location: Land At Former Crewe L M R Sports Club, GODDARD STREET, CREWE


Application No: 22/3812N
Proposal: Convert existing dwelling into 2 No. self contained flats.
Location: 11 , Holt Street, Crewe, Cheshire East, CW1 3AY


Application No: 22/3828N
Proposal: Two storey & single storey extensions to dwelling


Application No: 22/3824N
Proposal: Proposed Triple Garage


Application No: 22/3745N
Proposal: Change of use from 2 flats into 4
Location: 1-4 NILE STREET, CREWE, CW2 7LL


Application No: 22/3786N
Proposal: Single storey rear extension to kitchen and dining areas.


Application No: 22/3693N
Proposal: Convert existing dwelling into two self contained flats
Location: 162, MILL STREET, CREWE, CW2 7AX


Application No: 22/3646N
Proposal: Refurbishment and remodel of existing ground & first floors of building

B1 together with removal of “Cock Loft” at roof level, addition of new 2nd floor structure and form new exhibition hall to rear infilling the courtyard

Location: Bentley Motors Limited, PYMS LANE, CREWE, CW1 3PL


Application No: 22/3899N
Proposal: One door replaced. New cladding to part of the front facade. New digital

screens in main entrance, 2 new signage in the front facade and 2 new signage in existing street totems

Location: Phoenix Leisure Park, DUNWOODY WAY, CREWE


Application No: 22/3900N
Proposal: Advertisement consent for new digital screens in main entrance, 2 new

signage in the front facade and 2 new signage in existing street totems

Location: Phoenix Leisure Park, DUNWOODY WAY, CREWE


8.  To consider making responses to any urgent planning application consultations that have arisen since this agenda was published


9.  To note responses submitted under delegation since the previous meeting


10. To note and/or consider correspondence, consultations, planning policy circulated by the planning authority (Cheshire East Council) and member items

10.1  20  is Plenty Campaign

10.2  Correspondence regarding Broad Street speed limit

10.3  22/00124E – planning enforcement action Grand Junction Retail Park

10.4  Cheshire East Council consultation on Draft Developer Contributions SPD

10.5  22/00626E – planning enforcement action Digital Advertising Sign at Earle Street Roundabout

10.6 Wistaston Green Road Bridge Consultation Letter


11.  To consider the budget setting process for 2023/24 as it relates to this committee


12.  To note the proposed date of the next meeting Monday 21st November at 6pm




Crewe Town Council:

Planning Committee


Crewe Town Council

1 Chantry Court

Forge Street




T: 01270 756975


Agenda Item 3

MINUTES of the meeting held 27th June 2022

In attendance:                    Cllr Emma Angier         Cllr Lena Hogben                            Cllr Kevin Murray Cllr                                                 John Rhodes                             Cllr Dennis Straine-Francis


PL/22/2/1 To receive apologies for absence
Cllr Gary Palin; Cllr Marilyn Houston; Cllr Tom Dunlop
PL/22/2/2 To note declarations of Members’ interests
PL/22/2/3 To confirm and sign the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 23rd May 2022
RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting
PL/22/2/4 Public Participation
A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments.


PL/22/2/5 To consider making a response to the following planning applications:
Application No:                   22/1506N

Proposal:                               CCTV Column

Location:                               QUEENS PARK, VICTORIA AVENUE, CREWE, CHESHIRE, CW2 7SE

The Heritage Officer comments were noted and are to be submitted to the planning authority.


Application No:                   22/1766N

Proposal:                               Change of Use from mixed use comprising Taxi Business (sui generis) o ground floor with 1 No self contained 2 bedroom flat (class C3) at first floor to mixed use comprising Retail Shop (class E(a) ) on ground floor and 2 No self contained 1 bedroom flats (class C3) at first floor

Location:                               9, HIGHTOWN, CREWE, CW1 3BP


Agenda Item 3

RESOLVED: That the committee objects to the proposals on the following grounds:

i. The proposals do not give a clear representation of the details for appropriate and adequate storage of external waste bins

ii. The proposals do not give a clear representation of the details for appropriate and adequate storage of bicycles

iii. Inadequate parking resulting in on street parking, which will exacerbate local issues and impact amenity

iv. No direct access to waste storage area from the first floor residential units

v.  No external amenity space for the 1st floor residential

vi. The displayed accommodation area does not meet minimum Technical Housing Standards of 39sqm


Application No: 21/4750N
Proposal: Proposed change of use from retail and residential flat above into

residential dwelling.

Location: 625, WEST STREET, CREWE, CW2 8SH


Decision made by planning authority


Application No: 22/1542N
Proposal: The proposal is to partly take down the 1960s vestry block and

reconstruct extending this to the west and north, within the existing gardened areas, to provide additional lavatories, an enlarged meeting space for after service use, together with a good sized kitchen and storage.

Location: St Andrews Church, BEDFORD STREET, CREWE


The Heritage Officer comments were noted and are to be submitted to the planning authority.


Application No: 22/2158N
Proposal: Front porch, side and rear extension.
Location: 288, BADGER AVENUE, CREWE, CW1 3LW


No objection


Application No: 21/6463N
Proposal: Second storey side extension


No objection

[Note that the comments shown on the authority planning application page do not relate to this application – the planning authority will be made aware.]


Application No: 21/5030N
Proposal: Advert Consent for proposed sales signage & promotional flags


No objection


Application No: 22/1888N
Proposal: Change of use from storage unit to rear of existing pub (previously

approved for conversion to HMO) to self contained serviced accommodation unit (Sui Gen) for short term stay (not permanent residence).



Agenda Item 3

Members expressed concern that the space could be used as long term accommodation, being that there is no means of checking its ongoing usage following completion. It was noted that the space would be better allocated as utility space for the HMO created in the main portion of the premises associated.

RESOLVED: That the committee objects to the proposal on the following grounds:

i. That the proposal represents the risk of additional HMO accommodation at the site by stealth and is          therefore overdevelopment of the site

ii. The accommodation, if used for longer-term residency, would not meet minimum Technical Housing       Standards.

iii. If the planning authority is minded to approve this application, such enforceable conditions as can be        meaningful must be associated to ensure the accommodation is not used for longer-term residency.


Application No: 22/1956N
Proposal: Change of use to convert existing dwelling into two self contained flat
Location: 333, WEST STREET, CREWE, CW1 3HU


The committee does not object to the principle of the proposal for the premises.

RESOLVED: That the committee objects to the proposal on the following grounds:

i.  The 1st floor accommodation does not have direct access to the external amenity space and/or waste          storage.

ii.  Inadequate detail to demonstrate appropriate waste storage

iii. Inadequate detail to demonstrate bicycle storage


Application No: 22/2285N
Proposal: Ground floor rear and side extension.
Location: 26, Deneside Avenue, CREWE, Crewe, Cheshire East, CW1 3ST


No objection


Application No: 22/2008N
Location: 51, LORD STREET, CREWE, CW2 7DL


The Heritage Officer comments were noted and are to be submitted to the planning authority.

RESOLVED: That the committee objects to the proposal on the following grounds:

i. The 1st floor accommodation does not have direct access to the external amenity space and/or waste          storage

ii. Inadequate detail to demonstrate appropriate waste storage

iii. Inadequate detail to demonstrate bicycle storage

iv. Inadequate parking resulting in on street parking, which will exacerbate local issues and impact                  amenity

v.  Such enforceable conditions to ensure the units remain as one bedroom units and are not subdivided       or let

Agenda Item 3


Application No: 22/2041N
Proposal: Advertisement consent for four advertising signs placed at entrance

points on the roundabout.

Location: Roundabout at junction of A523, Queen Street and Grand Junction Re

Park, Crewe


No objection


Application No: 22/1964N
Proposal: New ground floor rear extension to provide increased retail floorspac


RESOLVED: That the committee objects to the proposals on the following grounds:

i. The infill proposal will remove the available space for commercial waste storage on the site.

ii. The risk of waste storage on the highway and in the public realm, which is a current and ongoing issue on the pavement adjoining the premises.

iii. Loss of amenity to surrounding properties due to commercial use of the highway for storage of overspill products and assets (eg bread trays)


Application No: 22/2327N
Proposal: Proposed porch extension to front and single storey extension to rear
Location: 14, FIRWOOD WALK, CREWE, CW2 6NE


No comments


Application No: 22/1994N
Proposal: Advertisement consent for 5No. Internally LED illuminated flex face

boxes complete with digitally printed flex face skins and 1No. Set of 3 internally illuminated fret cut aluminum ‘goalpost’ trays with 80mm returns



No comment


Application No: 22/1957N
Proposal: The proposed works involves the installation of new Air Source Heat

Pumps (ASHPs) to provide heating and domestic hot water to the colle consisting of 17 separate ASHPs spread across two compounds on the roof on exisiting structural steel. The works will include an acoustic screening surrounding the two compound areas. Block E roof the addition of a small GRP plantroom to house the associated plant. The scheme will also include an element of Solar PV located on a third sec of roof (Block G).

Location: South Cheshire College, DANE BANK AVENUE, CREWE, CHESHIRE, CW2



The committee sought that the applicant provides clear and accessible detailing of the


environmental assessment associated with noise output from the proposed units.


Application No: 21/5885N                                                                                      Agenda Item 3
Proposal: Change of Use from dentists surgery to 4 apartments.
Location: Highfields Dental Practice, 129, EDLESTON ROAD, CREWE, CW2 7HP


The committee repeated it’s objection to the overdevelopment of the site as represented in the amended proposals for this application.

RESOLVED: That the committee objects to the revised designs, repeating past objections and adding the following:

i.                    Apartment 1 does not meet the minimum technical housing standard of 39sqm

ii.                   Apartment 2 does not meet the minimum technical housing standard of 39sqm

iii.                 The proposals do not ensure no subdivision or subletting of 1st Floor units

iv.                 Safe external fire escape from the 2nd floor should be considered and detailed.

v.                   In consideration of the Cheshire East Council adopted Article 4 Directive that seeks t reduce and minimize the negative impact of Houses of Multiple Occupancy on neighbourhoods in Crewe

vi.                 Creation of a sandwich effect on the neighbouring property (131 Eddleston Road) which is contrary to the Cheshire East emerging Article 4 directive

vii.               Loss of amenity to existing residents due to noise, overcrowding, on street parking a waste management issues.

viii.             We reflect and support the issues raised by residents who have submitted their objections

Application No: 22/1565N
Proposal: Change of Use to residential flats on first and second floors


RESOLVED: That the committee objects to the application on the following grounds:

i. Lack of detail how the extraction for kitchens and bathrooms 1st and 2nd Floor will affect elevations

ii. Bedroom areas 1 and 2 1st and 2nd floors indicates shared living spaces, which subvert the Technical Housing Standards, indicating 3 people in a one bedroom unit. Clarity is required as to what the intent and living arrangement is anticipated as the end use.

iii. Such conditions to ensure that the units cannot be sublet or subdivided following development would need to be practically enforceable.


Application No: 22/1770N
Proposal: Outline application for infill dwelling


The committee noted the neighbour comments. No objections


Application No: 22/1988N
Proposal: Advertisement consent for new fascia signs


No comment


Agenda Item 3


Application No: 22/1972N
Proposal: This application is a full planning application to change the use to a

residential children’s home (C2).



RESOLVED: Whilst the committee does not object to the principle of providing high quality accommodation for children and yo0ung people in care settings, the committee objects the proposals on the following grounds:

i. The proposal does not provide adequate outdoor amenity space as the external yard is small and also allocated for staff parking

ii. The external yard does not provide safe parking due to the very tight and restricted

iii. Lack of detail of any internal layout changes and space


Application No: 22/2178N
Proposal: Conversion to a habitable building and Change of Use to a “Self Cateri

Holiday Unit and Premises”.

Location: Coach House, 1A, HUNGERFORD AVENUE, CREWE, CW1 6EP


The committee does not object to the proposal but seeks such enforceable conditions as to ensure the unit is not used as a long term residence or dwelling and that the unit is not to be subdivided from the main residence


Application No: 22/2118N
Proposal: variation of condition No 6 on existing permission P94/0529; Erection

No. Non-Food Retail Units with Associated Car Parking.

Location: Unit 13, Grand Junction Way, Crewe, CW1 2RP


RESOLVED: That the committee objects to the application on the following grounds:

  1. The condition referenced is to protect the viability of the town centre and the proposal provides for a facility that could otherwise be located within the town


Application No: 22/2113N
Proposal: Alterations to elevations to include removal of windows, a new access

door installed and replacement glazing, minor works to BOH to includ new dry store and a bin store formed, finished with close board fencin and associated works to the site

Location: McDonalds Restaurant 100, DUNWOODY WAY, CREWE, CW1 3ZN
No comment


Application No: 22/2307N
Proposal: Demolition of existing locomotive storage unit (132m2) followed by the

erection of a replacement locomotive storage unit (617m2).

Location: Crewe Diesel Depot, NANTWICH ROAD, CREWE, CW2 6GT


No comment


Application No: 21/4446N                                                                                                  Agenda Item 3
Proposal: Change of use from existing C4, 6 bed, 6 person HMO to Sui Generis 6

bed, 9 person HMO




Recommended for refusal at Cheshire East Council Southern Planning Committee


PL/22/2/6 To consider making responses to any urgent planning application consultations that have arisen

since this agenda was published


Application No: 22/2131N
Proposal: First floor extension to rear of dwelling


No comments


PL/22/2/7 To note responses submitted under delegation since the previous meeting


7.1 Delegation of decisions agreed process

RESOLVED: That the process of detailing and submitting a delegated response is approved.


PL/22/2/8 To note and/or consider correspondence, consultations, planning policy circulated by the planning authority (Cheshire East Council) and member items
8.1  North West Crewe Package

The representation from the council to Cheshire East Highways and the response from Cheshire East Council identifying the updated road closure information was noted.


8.2  Cllr Wye – Crewe Cycling & Pedestrian Schemes Consultation

It was agreed that the committee supported the principle of investment and opportunity for improved active travel routes

RESOLVED: That the clerk should represent the committee’s objection to the design proposals on the following grounds:

i.                    The design proposals reduce accessibility to the Forge Street/Lyon Street retail park.

ii.                   The proposals will create areas of significant risk of anti social behaviour at the points to the side of the works due to their lower levels at the back of Home Bargains and the side of Chantry Court.


8.3  Nantwich Road Bridge Enhancement Scheme Levelling Up Fund Bid

RESOLVED: That the committee provides a letter of support for the project








8.6  Represention on behalf of the council relating to Government information on HS2 The clerk is to explore the viability and value of pursuing a formal petition relating to the associated draft act


Agenda Item 3


PL/22/2/9 Update on Planning Application 22/1381N (corner of Edleston Road and Brook Street – land

adjacent to 205 Edleston Road) Noted

PL/22/2/10 To note the proposed date of the next meeting Monday 18th July at 6pm



Meeting closed at 8.03pm Chair Cllr John Rhodes Clerk P Turner






The below listed applications were responded to by the clerk on behalf of the Planning Committee. The draft responses having first been shared with the Chair of the committee and then the members of the committee for comment and amendment as required.


Application No: 21/6385N
Proposal: Construction of 119 affordable homes with new access from Broughton

Road and ancillary open space.

Location: Land East Of Broughton Road And North Of, BIDVALE WAY, CREWE


Submitted response:


Crewe Town Council’s Planning Committee repeats its submitted comments, objecting to the proposal as the amendments have not addressed issues associated with sustainable energy generation, demonstrable net biodiversity gain, sufficient play and recreation facilities and ongoing maintenance, sufficient compensatory replacement of any removed hedges and/or trees, boundary treatments are not permeable to wildlife, eg hedgehogs.


Additionally, the committee reflects the objections submitted by the Nature Conservation officer response which identifies the detrimental impact of the proposals on local wildlife, which must be mitigated and provide for increased opportunity for wildlife. The education response to consultation identifies that provision of 100% funding contribution towards education establishment impact is required but not represented within the application.


Application No: 22/3113N
Proposal: The proposal is to utilize an area on the North West of the car park to construct a modular building of approx. 102 M2 Building

would be used for post room/ parcel room

Location: Bentley Motors Limited, PYMS LANE, CREWE, CW1 3PL


No objection


Application No: 22/3267N
Proposal: Double storey side extension with Single storey rear extension-

resubmission of 21/4879N



No objection




Application No: 22/3182N
Proposal: Conversion from Nail Shop (Sui Generis Use Class) to Domestic

flat (Was previously a flat)



No objection


Application No: 21/2601N
Proposal: Demolition of existing building and erection of a residential block of flats

and ground floor office Class E(c) or Class E(g)(i)



Submitted response:

The amended designs are welcomed although do not achieve the support of the committee due to the proposed loss of Crewe’s built heritage at that site and so the committee sustains its objection to the proposals.


Application No: 22/3334N
Proposal: 2no new build residential units
Location: 8 , Vincent Street, Crewe, Cheshire East, CW1 4AA


Submitted response:


The committee objects to the proposals on the following grounds:

i. The proposals demonstrate overdevelopment of the site, removing outdoor amenity space for the current occupiers of 2 flats at 8 Vincent Street

ii. The proposals do not provide for adequate external amenity space for the proposed dwellings, being that the external yard is of small scale and suggested to be shared by 2 households.

iii. The proposals will adversely affect the amenity of existing residents neighbouring the property through additional on street waste storage.

iv. The proposals will adversely affect the amenity of existing residents neighbouring the property through displaced on street car parking from the current residences and additional on street parking from the proposed dwellings. To presume that these residences will not have associated cars is not reasonable as has been demonstrated multiple times in Crewe where CEC Planning and Highways has misleadingly declared the development to be in a sustainable location but the occupants still have cars.

v. Adequate cycle storage has not been detailed

vi. Adequate waste storage has not been


Application No: 22/0119N
Proposal: Advertisement consent for the installation of a digital advertising display.


Notice of appeal


Previous response:

RESOLVED: That this committee objects to the application for the following reasons: i. The proposals will create a significant distraction at a vey busy road junction ii. As a gateway location to the town, this would not add any value to the streetscene and all developments should seek to improve the appearance of the town rather than detract from it. iii. The junction has previously been considered too dangerous for organised walking busses for children and as such should not be considered for such a distraction iv. There is concern the nature of the display would potentially be a trigger for those living with visually activated conditions (eg vertigo, specific forms of epilepsy)


Submitted response:


Appeal submission at Appendix 1


Application No: 22/3262N
Proposal: Variation of Condition 2 on 21/2562N – Refurbishment of car

showroom and servicing facility (including MOT). Removal of showroom accommodation and canopy to the side of the building and squaring off (on plan) of the showroom with small extensions. The application proposes to rearrange the site organisation and swap the locations of the customer parking and the used car display. To facilitate this a new site access off Weston Road Service Road is requested. A substantially similar scheme

was granted planning consent on 11/09/2015, ref:15/2462N

Location: Blue Bell BMW, FOURTH AVENUE, CREWE, CW1 6XH


No objection


Application No: 22/3367N
Proposal: Change of Use from dentists surgery to 4 apartments.
Location: 129, EDLESTON ROAD, CREWE, CW2 7HP


Submitted response:

The committee objects to the proposal as the plans show only 3 flats but permission is sought for 4.




Application No: 22/3339N
Proposal: Variation of condition 2 on approved application P99/0582 to

extend the operational hours of the car wash to 7am to 9pm

Monday to Saturday & 8am to 7pm Sundays & Bank Holidays

Location: Shell Service Station, BRADFIELD ROAD, CREWE, CW1 3RA


Submitted response:


That the committee objects on the following grounds:

  1. The condition is to ensure the activity does not have a detrimental effect on amenity locally and should be retained.


Application No: 22/3388N
Proposal: Single storey rear extension with front porch


No objection


Application No: 22/2745N
Proposal: Listed Building Consent for provision of a 8.535 x 7.620m general

storage shed, along with a 5.000m single storey extension to the adjacent student support centre

Location: Ruskin Community High School, RUSKIN ROAD, CREWE, CW2 7JT


No objection


Application No: 22/2820N
Proposal: Extension to the existing Springfield School sports pavilion, to

accommodate 60 extra pupils. To include new classrooms and all provisions associated . Extension and rodelling of existing kitchen Alteration to car park facilities New secure fencing and automated gates, high level fencing to surround the southern part of the site and enclose the car park.

Location: Springfield School, OLD CREWE GREEN ROAD, CREWE, CW1 5HS


Submitted response:


The committee objects on the following grounds:

i. The removal of trees reduces the amenity of pupils and residents and is strongly opposed

ii. The removal trees is an unsustainable action with regard to the CEC-declared Climate Crisis

iii. The removal of trees is not suitable as the tree stock does not demonstrate significant or observable poor condition or excessive age and as such provides no arboricultural reason for removal


The proposals demonstrate biodiversity This is against local planning policy, where net biodiversity gain must be achieved and demonstrated. This would require significant planting of aged mature trees in excess of the cover already on site.

The proposals do not provide for any sustainable energy With the significant roof surface area, photovoltaic (or similar) installations should be a requirement of development

The proposals to not provide for electric vehicle charging points whilst seeking the development of a car park facility of scale.

Drainage of rainwater from the roof directly to the watercourse risks contamination of the watercourse

Specification of the car park surface is unavailable and not demonstrably permeable


Application No: 22/2499N
Proposal: Reserved matters application for appearance, landscaping, layout

and scale with respect to 304 dwellings on Parcels C, D, E, F and G

– approved outline application 19/2178N.

Location: Land Off Minshull New Road and FLOWERS LANE, LEIGHTON


Submitted response:

The committee objects on the following grounds:

i. That the site does not provide for adequate amenity and play facilities for the scale of development

ii. That the scale of the development will present an unsustainable burden on social infrastructure (eg schools, health)

iii. That net biodiversity gain has not been established or evidenced, which therefore does not meet Cheshire East Planning policy


Application No: 22/1955N
Proposal: Planning application to regularise the creation of a House of

Multiple Occupancy. Including the installation of a fire escape.

Location: 180, NANTWICH ROAD, CREWE, CW2 6BP


Submitted response:


That the committee objects to the proposals on the following grounds:


i. The provision of an HMO in this area is contrary to the CEC Article 4 directive associated. This relates to planning consent for such developments and as such should provide reason for refusal

ii. The approval of an HMO in planning terms in this location would have adverse amenity on other residents, recognising the proliferation and concentration of concentrated housing units in this area

iii. The proposals do not provide for sustainable waste storage of appropriate scale and accessibility

iv. The proposals do not provide for adequate cycle storage, contrary to local plan policy for sustainable transport.

v. The proposed internal layouts do not demonstrate ensured tenancy levels and occupancy density

vi. Crewe Town Council remains opposed to the further development of HMOs in Crewe, being that such developments have demonstrated a detrimental social impact on residents’ amenity.


Application No: 22/2764N
Proposal: Proposed porch extension and external render


No objection


Application No: 22/2920N
Proposal: Two storey extension to rear of dwelling to accommodate

additional bedroom, re-submission of application No 20/5093N



No objection


Application No: 22/3127N
Proposal: Two storey side extension.
Location: 45, URSULINE WAY, CREWE, CW2 6LB


No objection


Application No: 22/3070N
Proposal: Proposed residential dwelling within the curtilage of the existing


Location: 1 , Doddington Road, Crewe, Cheshire East, CW2 8ND


No Objection


Application No: 22/3178N
Proposal: Single storey rear extension.
Location: 32, CLYDE GROVE, CREWE, CW2 8NA


No objection



Application No: 22/2476N
Proposal: Reserved  Matters  application  for  approval  of  appearance,

landscaping, layout and scale following Outline approval 19/2178N for erection of 304 dwellings on Parcels A and B

Location: Land Off Minshull New Road And, FLOWERS LANE, LEIGHTON


Submitted response:


The committee objects on the following grounds:

i. That the site does not provide for adequate amenity and play facilities for the scale of development

ii. That the scale of the development will present an unsustainable burden on social infrastructure (eg schools, health)

iii. That net biodiversity gain has not been established or evidenced, which therefore does not meet Cheshire East Planning policy


Application No: 21/4382N
Proposal: Demolition of existing buildings and erection of a residential development

(Use Class C3) alongside a care home (Use Class C2) with associated access, parking, landscaping and infrastructure



Submitted response:


Crewe Town Council has expressed its opposition and objections to the proposal and remains in opposition to the proposal on open greenfield land, which is not identified within the Cheshire East Local Plan for development.


Application No: 22/3432N
Proposal: Two storey side extension and single storey rear extension with

loft conversion.

Location: 67, LUNT AVENUE, CREWE, CW2 7NA


Suggested response:


The committee has no objection in principle, but seeks that windows on the side elevation are obscured glass to maintain existing privacy levels.


Application No: 22/3447N
Proposal: Change of use from commercial at ground floor (Use Class E) and

residential at first floor (Use Class C3) to a single commercial unit for use as a tanning and beauty salon (Use Class Sui Generis).

Location: 63, EARLE STREET, CREWE, CW1 2AS


No objection


Application No: 22/3540N
Proposal: Removal of existing single storey storage building and proposed

two-story side extension



No objections


Application No: 22/3492N
Proposal: Proposed single storey entrance lobby extension
Location: Apollo Buckingham Health Science Campus, CREWE GREEN



No objection. Shared with the Heritage officer


Application No: 22/3493N
Proposal: Listed Building Consent for proposed single storey entrance

lobby extension

Location: Apollo Buckingham Health Science Campus, CREWE GREEN



No objection. Shared with the Heritage officer


Application No: 22/2134N
Proposal: single storey rear kitchen extension


No objection


Application No: 22/3448N
Proposal: Change of use from appliance shop to take away
Location: 93-95, NANTWICH ROAD, CREWE, CW2 6AW


Submitted response:


The committee does not support the proliferation of fast food outlets in an area already heavily served on the basis of risk of anti social behaviour as well as increased on street waste and associated risk of vermin.


Application No: 22/3584N
Proposal: Demolition of existing Nissan hut and double garage. Rebuild

new single storey annex with double garage within same footprint as existing buildings.



Submitted response:


Whilst the committee does not object to the principle of the development it is sought that the following is provided within any associated consent by appropriate and enforceable conditions:

i. That the proposed development may not be subdivided from the primary residence

ii. That the occupation of the proposed development is restricted to members of the household of the primary residence

iii. That the occupation of the proposed development does not cause or lead to detrimental impact on the amenity of neighbouring residences.

iv. That the proposed development cannot be separately let or sublet or used as holiday or short-term accommodation on a commercial or income based occupancy.

v. The proposal should include for solar energy generation as well as sustainable heating, insulation and electric vehicle charging.


Application No: 22/3657N
Proposal: The construction and operation of a gas kiosk.
Location: Cowley Power, COWLEY WAY, CREWE, CW1 6AE


No objection


Application No: 22/3661N
Proposal: Two storey front and rear extension to enlarge existing rooms.


No objections


Application No: 22/3228N
Proposal: Reserved matters application for appearance, landscaping, layout

and scale with respect to green infrastructure and open space across the outline application area – approved outline application 19/2178N.

Location: Land Off Minshull New Road And, FLOWERS LANE, LEIGHTON


Submitted response:


The committee objects to the principle of development on the site without investment in health and education infrastructure. However, the play and leisure facilities proposed will be a positive benefit. It is unclear how these will be maintained and who will be responsible


for shared space maintenance and management. This should be detailed within any planning application and associated approval/decision.

It is advised and sought y Crewe Town Council’s Planning Committee that the play and leisure facilities include for the provision of CCTV to be included within the Cheshire East centralised CCTV monitoring unit.


Application No:                 22/3727N

Proposal:                            External alteration to the front and side elevations and introduction of individual apartment accommodation on the first floor.

Location:                            120, WEST STREET, CREWE, CHESHIRE, CW1 3HG


Submitted response:


Crewe Town Council’s Planning Committee objects to the proposals on the following grounds:

i. Over-development of the site – the proposals provide for high density accommodation with the units below National Technical Standards for both studio flats and single occupancy Whilst Cheshire East Planning has failed to adopt these standards, they are within the draft Cheshire East SADPD.

ii. In adequate provision for cycle storage, contrary to planning policy

iii. Inadequate provision for waste bins, contrary to planning policy

iv. Loss of amenity for neighbouring residents due to on street waste storage

v. Storage of wate and bikes within communal access areas would lead to inadequate access and egress in the event of an emergency

vi. The development of low quality and high density accommodation is not appropriate or sustainable for the community and is in effect subverting the intent of the Article 4 Directive to cease the proliferation of HMOs in



Application No:  22/2820N

Proposal: Extension to the existing Springfield School sports pavilion, to accommodate 60 extra pupils. To include new classrooms and all provisions associated . Extension and rodelling of existing kitchen Alteration to car park facilities New secure fencing and automated gates, high level fencing to surround the southern part of the site and enclose the car park.

Location:    Springfield School, OLD CREWE GREEN ROAD, CREWE, CW1 5HS


Submitted response:


The committee repeats its objection to the removal of mature trees from the site in response to the recognised climate emergency as well as the detriment to biodiversity, which is against planning policy.


Agenda Item 10.1



Correspondence from 20 is Plenty Campaign



20s Plenty for Cheshire East – To All Town Clerks


To: Clerk to Crewe Town Council


The 20mph limits campaign group 20s Plenty for Cheshire East warmly invites town and parish councillors from across the county to either of two short training sessions at the end of October.


We would be very grateful if you would forward this message to your councillors which explains why and includes registration details for the training.


About 20s Plenty for Us We are a ‘not for profit’ organisation with over 630 local groups nationwide aiming to make cities, towns and villages better places to be. We ask for

a 20mph limits to be normal on residential streets and in town and village centres, except where there is full consideration of the needs of vulnerable road users that could allow a higher limit.


The authorities of 28M people across the UK have agreed including Cheshire West who are seeing 43% fewer traffic collisions. Benefits include 20+% fewer road casualties, half the noise, less pollution, increases in cycling, decreases in car use and less fear, with no significant change in trip time. Also less CO2 emissions and reduced fuel costs for

drivers helping the cost of living crisis. We want Cheshire East Council to join the growing list of leading authorities.


Presentation – You are invited to a friendly presentation and Q&A session with Anna Semlyen, Campaign Manager of 20s Plenty for Us.


Come to listen and ask questions on how 20mph limits could work for your place


Thurs 27th October 6-7pm or Friday 28th October 10-11am


Please pre-register for the link via :


Thurs Oct 27, 2022 06:00

PM 09


Meeting ID: 835 9546 7764 :Passcode: 841275


Or Fri Oct 28, 2022 10:00

AM 9


Meeting ID: 862 4193 4728: Passcode: 49973


Next Steps Please put 20 mph on the agenda for your next meeting to vote on this motion:


[Your Parish or Town council name]:


  • Supports the 20’s Plenty for Cheshire East campaign;


  • Calls on Cheshire East County Council to implement 20mph in [your place]; and


  • Will write to Cheshire East County Council to request 20mph speed limits on streets throughout Cheshire East where people live, work, shop, play or learn, with 30mph as the exception on those roads, where full consideration of the needs of vulnerable road users allows a higher limit.


There are full briefing notes and a 7 min video explaining it at


As parish and town councils pass motions we will publicise progress on social media and a website. You may wish to nominate a single contact to keep informed.


FAQs answers 20 common questions. For more info

contact [email protected] or [email protected] or

see for details of eg how to set up a campaign and get a sample pack of 20mph stickers. We are free to join.




Thank you


20s Plenty for Cheshire East


Agenda Item 10.2



Resident Correspondence



Good evening Councillor



I live at

Broad Street

, [close to] to the steeply sloping railway bridge and right opposite


Maclaren playing field.

The bridge creates what I believe is called a blind summit across which many cars hurtle with little regard for what may be blocking the road unseen, ahead of them.

The whole street is also littered with double parked cars, small lorries and vans at times, many partly on the pavement. Others are doing reversing, pulling out from the Bargain Booze shop and lots of the other shops in the street, and opening doors into the traffic flow sometimes blatantly not looking and waiting.

There are many road junctions with cars popping out randomly, with drivers unable to see cars speeding towards them because of the parked cars.

Cyclists abound, without lights at night, sometimes with children on their handlebars, riding on and randomly off the pavement with no bells, earphones on and doing wheelies through the traffic lights.

At school closing times groups of children appear on the scene, some on bikes, criss-crossing the roads popping out from between parked cars randomly, and vehicles continue to hurtle through regardless.

Doing Speed Watch, we find that the traffic density is easily 500 vehicles an hour at times, and 1.6% of them are above 34mph, our action limit, and as much as 46mph.

The risk analysis I have just done would indicate that there is a high probability of a collision between a vehicle and a pedestrian if not another vehicle. The consequences of just one such event will probably be fatal if not maiming for a child.

I conclude that preventive measures are needed and the method I suggest is imposing a speed limit of 20mph on the whole of Broad St. to give drivers more time to deal with the unexpected and to lessen impact severity.

This should bring down the average speed, even though some may still exceed it.

Speed humps are not recommended. They are expensive to install, increase road maintenance as they fall apart and they fracture vehicle springs, which can poke into tyres unexpectedly with disastrous results.

Please could you put the request for a 20mph speed limit for the whole of Broad St. Crewe, on the agenda for discussion at the earliest available Council meeting,

Kind regards and thank you,





























Agenda Item 10.4



Cheshire E;�


Working for a brighter future‘€: together





Mr Pete Turner

1 Chantry Court, Forge Street Crewe CW1 2DL

Strategic Planning

Westfields, Middlewich Road

Sandbach CW11 1HZ

Tel: 0300 123 5014

(please ask for strategic planning) Email: [email protected]




DATE: 26/09/2022               OUR REF: Draft DC SPD


Dear Mr Pete Turner

Cheshire East planning policy document consultation

The council has published a planning policy document for consultation:

Draft Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document (DC SPD}

The draft DC SPD has been published for consultation and provides further guidance on the provision of and/or contributions towards infrastructure, facilities and services for the plan area, set out the circumstances where infrastructure provision, including financial contributions, will be sought through planning obligations.

This is the first stage of consultation on the SPD which, once adopted, will be a material consideration in decision-taking.

The consultation will run from Monday the 26th of September 2022 to 7pm on Monday the 7th of November 2022. Further information is available on the council’s DC SPD consultation webpage below: uk/kse/folder/29414


Please do not hesitate to contact the Strategic Planning Team using the details at the top of this letter should you require further information on this consultation.


Yours sincerley,

Tom Evans

Neighbourhood Planning Manager


All other enquiries 0300 123 5500                                                                     www.cheshireeast.2g7oofv3.u2


Your ref: Structures
Cheshire East Highways
Our ref: BRJ10664/CB0619 Brook Street Congleton

CW12 1RG

Contact: Jake Ford Tel: 0300 123 5020
E-mail: [email protected]
30th September 2022



By email to: [email protected]



Dear Sir/Madam


Wistaston Green Road Bridge & Wistaston Jubilee Footbridge Grid Reference: SJ 679 547


This financial year, Cheshire East Highways have commissioned to undertake a scheme remedial works to CB0619 Wistaston Green Road Bridge. Due to the condition of the existing structure, it is most likely that the bridge will need to be demolished and replaced with a suitable alternative.


Currently the structure carries Wistaston Green Road over Wistaston Brook under a priority traffic system which only allows single file traffic over the structure which creates a pinch point. As part of the scheme, it has been requested that the new structure should explore alternatives which will allow the structure to function under normal two-way traffic and removing the priority traffic. To do this the structure will need to be widened towards the south which will require carriageway realignment to the east and west of the structure and the subsequent permanent removal of Wistaston Jubilee Footbridge (Golden Jubilee Footbridge).


It is understood that Wistaston Jubilee Footbridge has some importance within the local community, particularly with walkers in the area who frequent the Wistaston FP4. Therefore, it would be greatly appreciated if you could share your thoughts on widening the structure and the removal of the footbridge.


I shall be pleased to hear from you if there are any factors I should consider in my design, either relating to the bridge itself, the traffic using the bridge or the timing of the works.


I look forward to receiving any comments you may have, and I would like to apologise in advance for any inconvenience and disruption which these works might cause in the future.


I would be grateful if you could return all correspondence to the email provided below.


Yours faithfully

Jake Ford Engineer Jacobs UK Ltd

Email: [email protected]


Enclosure with this correspondence are the following:-


  • Location of the structure

Agenda Item 10.6


Agenda Item 10.6














































































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A: Crewe Town Council Office, 
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Crewe, CW1 2DL
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