Planning Committee
In attendance: Cllr John Rhodes, Cllr Marilyn Houston, Cllr Lena Hogben, Cllr Emma Angier, Cllr Gary Palin, Cllr Tom Dunlop and Cllr Dennis Straine-Francis
PL/21/1. To receive apologies for absence.
Cllr Julian Proffit
PL/21/2. To note declarations of Members’ interests.
PL/21/3. Public Participation
A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments.
No public present or comments submitted
PL/21/4 To confirm and sign the Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 23rd March 2021
RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting
To consider making a response to the following planning applications:
Application No: 21/1378N
Proposal: Change of use of the ground floor and first floor a vacant retail (E) unit to an Adult Gaming Centre (AGC) (Sui Generis) (SG) and installation of a new galvanised steel staircase to the rear.
The committee expressed concern relating to the potential introduction of additional gambling machines in the town centre in light of growing impact and risks of gambling addictions on a national scale.
Application No: 21/1513N
Proposal: Advertisement Consent for internally illuminated fascia and projecting sign
Location: 13-15, NANTWICH ROAD, CREWE, CW2 6AF
No Objection
Application No: 21/1442N
Proposal: Proposed change of use of ground floor from public house (A4) to residential (C3) to form 3 No. Units with internal alterations
Location: Ground Floor 79, Victoria Street, CREWE, Crewe, CW1 2JH
The committee noted the recommendation for refusal represented as an objection from the CEC Environmental Protection Officer on the grounds of inadequate information and lack of soundproofing leading to loss of amenity due to sound transference between proposed and existing dwelling units. The committee expressed no other concerns or objections subject to the developer addressing the issues raised by the Environmental Protection Officer, the committee welcomes development of quality town centre living units.
Application No: 21/1598N
Proposal: To supply and install 1Nr 30sq. m, stand alone Modular bay building creating 1Nr bay modular building: finished in cedar externally, Modular building to part Land Part M, fully compliant to current building Regs and DfES standards- To design and achieve 1Nr classroom, disabled toilet & kitchen area.
Location: Oakfield Lodge School, WARMINGHAM ROAD, CREWE, CHESHIRE, CW1 4PP
No Objection
Application No: 21/1693N
Proposal: Single storey Kitchen Extension
No Objection
Application No: 21/1098N
Proposal: Variation of conditions 1, 8 & 14 on application 19/4337N – Application for approval of reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for the erection of 245 dwellings together with associated access, landscaping, car parking and public open space reserved following the grant of planning permission 19/2859N.
Location: Land At And To The North Of 138, SYDNEY ROAD, CREWE
Noted that Cheshire East Council has published a delegated decision notice of refusal prior to this meeting
Application No: 21/1724S
Proposal: EIA screening request for demolition and redevelopment of units A and B
Location: Units A and B, 1 WESTON ROAD, CREWE, CW1 6BP
No Objection
Application No: 21/1690N
Proposal: Advertisement consent for 5no illuminated and non-illuminated signage.
Location: T G Holdcroft, WESTON ROAD, CREWE, CW1 6JS
No Objection
Application No: 21/1649N
Proposal: Change of use from Tanning Salon (Sui Generis) to Hot Food Takeaway (Sui Generis), Extraction flue to be erected on rear elevation, no changes to remaining elevations.
Location: 50 , Coleridge Way, Crewe, CW1 5LE
Concerns were raised that the resident at 50A Coleridge Way expressed that they had not been consulted
RESOLVED: That this committee objects to the proposal on the following grounds:
i. The CEC Environmental Protection Officer has identified that there is insufficient evidence submitted to support the application
ii. That the proposal risks loss of amenity for residents due to odour associated with the proposed development
iii. That the proposal risks loss of amenity for residents due to noise associated with the proposed development
iv. The proposal will not be in keeping with the current neighbouring elevations
v. Concerns over localised lack of parking capacity will lead to on street parking problems
vi. Increased litter and on street waste associated with take away and fast food outlets
vii. Loss of amenity for neighbouring residences due to anti-social operating hours
Application No: 21/1801N
Proposal: Proposed 5G telecoms installation:
Location: 5G telecom mast, COPPENHALL LANE, CREWE
RESOLVED: That the committee objects to the proposal on the following grounds:
i. The associated documentation indicates that there are no schools nearby, but this is inaccurate as there is a school approximately 350m away from the proposed site (The Axis Academy, Lodgefield Drive, Crewe, CW2 8TU); as well as other facilities regularly used by young people
ii. The development proposed site will obstruct the pedestrian use of the pavement.
iii. The proposal is close to a number of grassed verge and amenity areas, which would be more appropriate site off the pavement and therefore not obstructive to active travel.
Application No: 21/1789N
Proposal: Replace existing garage with kitchen extension
No Objection
Application No: 21/1627N
Proposal: Variation of condition 24 (Travel Plan) on approved application 18/5121N – Variation of condition 2 on approved application 16/0341N – Demolition of all existing on-site buildings and structures, the construction of a five storey engineering technical centre comprising offices at the front of the building and warehousing at the rear, the construction of a two storey design centre comprising offices and a workshop together with associated works
Location: Land North Of, PYMS LANE, CREWE
No Objection
Application No: 21/1019N
Proposal: Advertisement consent for 2no LED digital display’s
Location: Harveys, 14, GRAND JUNCTION WAY, CREWE, CW1 2RP
No Objection
Application No: 21/0766N
Proposal: Change of use so a member of the household is able to work solo from home as a dog groomer from part of a detached garage. The property will still be primarily used as a home and no external work needed. Minimal changes would be needed within the garage.
Location: 11, DRURY CLOSE, CREWE, CW1 5LA
No Objection
Application No: 21/1553N
Proposal: Installation of external water tank & housing to serve retrospective sprinkler system to extra care scheme
Location: Pickmere, ROSE TERRACE, CREWE, CW1 3ET
No Objection. The committee welcomed the enhancement and investment in maintenance of a sprinkler system at this site.
Application No: 21/1831N
Proposal: Part double, part single side and rear extension and internal alterations
RESOLVED: That the committee objects to the application on the following grounds:
i. That the development constitutes overdevelopment of the premises
ii. That the development will deliver a new House of Multiple Occupancy (HMO), adding to concerns relating to proliferation of HMOs in Crewe
iii. The development of type is not in keeping with the area or neighbouring properties.
Application No: 21/1718N
Proposal: Change of use from a (C4) HMO to an HMO (Sui Generis) including loft conversion & ground floor rear extension
Location: 95 Hungerford Road, Crewe, CW1 5EY
Concerns were raised associated with how residents might safely exist the building in case of fire and it was queried if all aspects of the proposals meet fire regulations
RESOLVED: That the committee objects to the proposal on the following grounds:
i. Over development of the site, due to the additional room in the loft
ii. That the proposal does not clearly demonstrate safety for the loft (2nd floor) additional living space
iii. That the loft (2nd floor) additional living space is too small to provide adequate living accommodation
Application No: 21/1518N
Proposal: Rear single storey extension
No Objection
Application No: 21/1514N
Proposal: Single storey rear extension
No Objection
Application No: 21/1842D
Proposal: Discharge of conditions 7 & 10 on application 19/2545N – Approval of all reserved matters following outline approval 15/1537N for the infrastructure works at Basford East.
Location: Land At Basford East, CREWE GREEN LINK WEST, BASFORD
No Objection
PL/21/6. To consider making responses to any urgent planning application consultations that have arisen since this agenda was published.
Application No: 21/1970N
Proposal: Advertisement Consent for replacement fascia sign
Location: 114, EDLESTON ROAD, CREWE, CW2 7HD
No Objection
Application No: 21/1969N
Proposal: Change of Use of the ground floor from a hair dressers salon (Class Use E (c) ii) to a hot food take away (Class Use Sui Generis) including changing the existing signage on the front elevation
Location: 114, EDLESTON ROAD, CREWE, CW2 7HD
RESOLVED: That this committee objects to the proposal on the following grounds:
i. That the proposal risks loss of amenity for residents due to odour associated with the proposed development
ii. That the proposal risks loss of amenity for residents due to noise associated with the proposed development
iii. Concerns over localised lack of parking capacity will lead to parking problems
iv. Increased litter and on street waste associated with take away and fast food outlets
v. Loss of amenity for neighbouring residences due to anti-social operating hours
PL/21/7. To note responses submitted under delegation since the previous meeting
PL/21/9. To note the date of the next meeting 25th May 2021 – location and format of the meeting to be confirmed subject to current Covid-19 guidance and restrictions
Meeting closed at 7.14pm
Chair Cllr John Rhodes
Clerk P Turner
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