Operations and Improvements Committee

 31st January 2023

Crewe Town Council: Operations and Improvements Committee



 Minutes of the Operations and Improvements Committee – 31st January 2023

 Present: Cllr Messent, Cllr Wye, Cllr Clark, Cllr Edwards, Cllr Straine- Francis

Town Clerk, Heritage Manager, Regeneration Manager

1 To receive apologies for absence.
  Apologies were received from: Cllr Coiley, Cllr Cosby, Cllr Palin, Cllr Walton, Cllr Minshall, Cllr Morrissey.
2    To note declarations of Members’ interests.
  No interests were declared.
3 To confirm and sign the minutes of the Operations and Improvements Committee meeting held on 31st October 2022.
  The minutes accepted and duly signed.
4 Public Participation
  A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments.
   No questions were received.
5 To note the year-to-date financial position for the Operations and Improvements Committee.
  The financial position was Noted.
6 To receive an update and consider matters related to the Delivery Plan for 2022/23.

i. To place residual budget 307/4180 CCTV £2340 in earmarked reserves to be used against

future costs.

ii. To Fund additional two Bear Bins for Nantwich Road at a cost of up to £600 from 473 4721

Public Realm budget.

iii. To allocate remaining funds from 320 4120 volunteer support to an earmarked reserve to

support the development of Frank Webb Park and opening activity.

iv. From 307 4186 regeneration projects: To place up to £6500 in earmarked reserves

towards cost associated with the Knife Angel and associated programme. Any remaining

budget to be allocated to purposes outlined in delivery plan.

v. To note the completion of the AHF – funded project and final funding claim.

7 To receive an update and consider matters related to the Cleaner Crewe Project.

I. That £2934 is allocated from Public Realm budget 23/24 to cover increased costs of the

contract to provide and Enforcement Officer with Cheshire East Council.

II. Allocation of £1500 Regeneration Projects budget For 23/24 to provide creative activities

in the section 46 area for community events.

8 To receive an update and consider matters related to

8a. Heritage

8b. Christ Church:


8a Heritage.


(i) To approve the requests to transfer identified budgets to ear marked reserves.

• £800 for the production of plaques.

• £1,500 for the production of heritage trails.

• £5,000 to undertake a schools & community needs assessment.

• £2,000 to develop a significance assessment of Crewe.

 Members noted the support of the Railway Cottages Residents Group and to convey thanks to their Chair for their support and assistance on the Heritage walks.

8b Christ Church

Noted :The update on the project and conclusion of the Architectural Heritage Fund award.

9 To receive an update on the Crewe BID update.
  The report was noted.
10 To receive an update on the Cheshire East Council potential disposal of garage sites.

To convey to Cheshire East Council that the Town Council would not wish to take up their offer of taking ownership of the garage sites.

11 To consider matters related to the Draft 2023/24 Business delivery Plan.

i. That the service delivery plan and associated spend within the approved

2023/24 budget is recommended to Council.

ii. That £2934 is allocated from Public Realm to cover increased costs of the

contract to provide and Enforcement Officer with Cheshire East Council.

iii. That the committee supports further investigation of resources and funding to

develop delivery of the Cultural Strategy and gives permission for regeneration

projects funds to be utilised to support town centre cultural activities.

iv. That Earmarked Reserve ‘Hoardings and Frontages’ £21,487 is reallocated on

request of Cheshire East Council to improving shop fronts and associated activity

in support of the repurposing the high street programme.

v. That all associated spend and procurement is delivered within the council’s


vi. That all ongoing work, actions and outcomes are reported regularly to the

associated committees and council where relevant.

vii. That undefined aspects of delivery are progressed though the appropriate

governance, committee or council for further development and definition for

later approval.

12 To note the proposed date of the next meeting: Tuesday 7th March 2023 at 6pm.
  Meeting closed at 6.55 pm.


Chair Cllr J. Messent

Clerk : L. Lewis






























Meeting documents

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