Operations and Improvements Committee

Minutes of the Operations and Improvements Committee Meeting 16th March 2021

In attendance: Cllrs Minshall, Hogben, Palin, Coiley, Cosby, Walton and Messent (Joined at item 6)

Also present Cllr Dunlop, Town Clerk and Regeneration Manager

O&I 20/6/1 To receive apologies for absence.

Apology received from Cllr Messent who would be joining the meeting late.

O&I 20/6/2 To note declarations of Members’ interests

No declarations were made.

O&I 20/6/3 Public Participation

A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments.

No requests to participate in the meeting were received.

O&I 20/6/4 To confirm and sign the Minutes of the Operations and Improvements Committee meeting held on the 12th January 2021.

Resolved: The minutes were accepted as a true record.

O&I 20/6/5 To review the year -to- date financial position for the Operations and Improvements Committee.

Councillor Coiley requested details of the budget items which were to be earmarked for expenditure in 2021.

The Regeneration Manager listed the items to be earmarked and referred to the delivery plan which also highlighted the details.

The financial position was noted.

O&I 20/6/6 To consider matters relating to Valley Brook Cycle Path.

(At this point Councillor Messent joined the meeting and delivered his report)

Resolved: To award £2500 to Minshall Vernon Parish Council to support signage and volunteer work on the Valley Brook Way, recognising its benefit to the section as it travels through Crewe Parish.

O&I 20/6/7 To consider matters relating to the budget for 2021/2022 and delivery plan and related reports.

A) Resolved:
i. The delivery plan within approved budget was accepted. Permission to spend on projects and activities as yet not defined, detailed or known to be brought to committee for consideration as required.

Additional detail had been provided in two annexes:
Annex 1 Heritage:
B) Resolved:
i. To agree in principle to a change in the structure and terms for the Heritage Working Group to a Heritage Steering Group, with a recommendation to the next committee meeting for amended terms of reference.
ii. To co–fund a governance and skills review for Crewe Heritage Centre’s Trust to the value of £1383, as part of a forward development plan.
iii. To approve actions to raise the profile of Crewe’s Heritage through the Blue Plaque Scheme £600
iv. To fund the purchase of display screen for use in the Market Hall £2000
v. To approve engagement with the community to raise the profile of Christ Church via interpretation boards or garden enhancements £3000.
vi. The Chair raised the matter that a decision from Government regarding Future High Streets funding was imminent. Consequently urgent decisions may be required to ensure progress of the Christ Church project. Cllr Messent proposed that decisions regarding application of heritage budget should be delegated to the Regeneration Officers, Town Clerk and himself as Chair to enable necessary activity to progress.

C) Resolved:
i. Responsibility was delegated to the Regeneration Manager, Heritage Officer, Town Clerk and Chair of Committee to make any decisions regarding application of un – defined expenditure or re-allocation of use within funding provided to ensure that the project is expedited as efficiently as possible.

Annex 2 Town Promotion – Communications Officer
D) Resolved:
i. To recommend to Full Council to create the post for an internal communications, social media and PR support on a 1 year trial basis, with ongoing review and evaluation.
ii. £10,000 allocation of total approved budget 2021/22 budget code 473/4723 Town Promotion.

O&I 20/6/8 To consider a request from Ford Lane Allotments association with regard to expenditure for fencing requirements for Walker Street allotments.

Resolved: To approve purchase and donation of fencing to Ford Lane Allotments Association for use on Walker Street and Ford Lane sites to the value of £3000.

O&I 20/6/9 To note the date of the next Operations and Improvements Committee meeting:

Wednesday 19th May 2021 at 6.00pm

Chair: Councillor B. Minshall
Clerk: L Lewis

Meeting ended at 6.53 PM

Meeting documents

O&I Minutes 16.03.20

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