Town Council Meeting

Minutes of the Meeting of Crewe Town Council, 29th June 2021

In Attendance: Cllr Tess Buckley, Cllr Alan Coiley, Cllr Tom Dunlop, Cllr Hazel Faddes, Cllr Lena Hogben, Cllr Dennis Straine-Francis, Cllr Benn Minshall, Cllr Jill Rhodes, Cllr John Rhodes and Cllr Phoenix Morrissey

CTC/21/2/1. To receive and consider apologies for absence
Cllr Emma Angier, Cllr Gary Palin, Cllr Ben Wye, Cllr Jamie Messent, Cllr Julian Proffit, Cllr Joe Cosby and Cllr Marilyn Houston

CTC/21/2/2. To note declarations of Members’ interests


CTC/21/2/3. To confirm and sign the minutes of the Crewe Town Council Meeting held on 18th May 2021

RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting

CTC/21/2/4. Public Participation

A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments

There were no public questions or comments

CTC/21/2/5. To receive updates from Committee Chairs in relation to meetings held since the previous Crewe Town Council meeting on 30th March 2021:-

a. Committee: Finance and Governance
Chair: Councillor Jill Rhodes
Meeting held: 8th June 2021;

Items for consideration:
i. To approve amended Standing Orders For Contracts governance document as recommended by the committee

RESOLVED: That the Standard Orders For Contracts are approved and adopted.

ii. To approve a budget of £15,000 for the development of project business cases and feasibility studies in readiness for future funding applications as recommended by the committee

RESOLVED: That a budget of £15,000 is approved for the development of project business cases and feasibility studies in readiness for future funding applications

b. Committee: Operations and Improvement
Chair: Councillor Jamie Messent
Meetings held: 19th May 2021

Items for consideration:
i. To approve and adopt the Heritage Strategy as recommended by Committee

RESOLVED: That the Heritage Strategy is approved and adopted

ii. To approve the development of a trust for the future delivery and management of Christ Church and wider regeneration remit, following transfer of the site to Crewe Town Council as recommended by the committee

RESOLVED: That the development of a trust for the future delivery and management of Christ Church and wider regeneration remit, following transfer of the site to Crewe Town Council, is approved

iii. That funding of £64,000 is approved to support the Cheshire East Council LY2 project, as recommended by the committee

RESOLVED: That funding of £64,000 is approved to support the Cheshire East Council LY2 project
iv. That funding of £100,000 for the refurbishment of Lansdowne Park is approved from the approved 2021/22 budget as recommended by the committee.

RESOLVED: That funding of £100,000 for the refurbishment of Lansdowne Park is approved from the approved 2021/22 budget

c. Committee: Marketing and Events
Chair: Councillor Joe Cosby
Meetings held: 24th June 2021
Items for consideration: None

d. Committee: Planning
Chair: Councillor John Rhodes
Meetings held: 25th May 2021
Items for consideration: None

e. Committee: Community Plan
Chair: Councillor Tom Dunlop
Meetings held: None
Items for consideration: None

f. Committee: Personnel
Chair: Councillor Jill Rhodes

Items for consideration:
i. To approve the updated staffing structure

RESOLVED: That the updated staffing structure is approved and adopted.

CTC/21/2/6. To note any updates from members having attended external meetings
Cllr John Rhodes – Reported attendance at the Crewe Town Board’s Green & Blue Transport Group
Cllr Jill Rhodes- Reported attendance at the Crewe Town Board and that the announcement for the Town Improvement Plan funding, which is due and will identify if the town has been awarded the associated regeneration funding

CTC/21/2/7. To note, consider and approve payments (1/5/21 to 31/5/21) to the value of £64,701.73 and spend to date as shown in the attached reports

RESOLVED: That the payments to the value of £64,701.73 are approved

CTC/21/2/8. To approve the heads of terms and funding of a Community Enforcement Officer (employed by Cheshire East Council) dedicated to Crewe and supporting the Cleaner Crewe Project

RESOLVED: That the Heads of Terms and associated funding from the 2021/22 budget are approved

CTC/21/2/9. To nominate a Crewe Town Council representative for the Cheshire East Increasing Equality Commission

RESOLVED: That Cllr Ben Wye is appointed as the Crewe Town Council Representative

CTC/21/2/10. To agree the budget setting process for the drafting and setting of the 2022/23 annual budget.

RESOLVED: That the budget setting process is approved.

CTC/21/2/11. To agree the budget setting process for the drafting and setting of the 2022/23 annual budget.

RESOLVED: That the budget setting process is approved.

To note the date of the next meeting of Crewe Town Council as Tuesday 28th September 2021 at 7pm. Location and meeting format to be confirmed subject to Covid-19 restrictions and considerations at that time.

Meeting closed at: 7.16pm

Chair Cllr Tom Dunlop
Clerk P Turner

Meeting documents

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