Community Plan Committee

7th November 2022

Minutes of the meeting held on 14th November 2022

Present:  Cllr Coiley, Cllr Straine-Francis, Cllr Walton, Cllr Edwards, Cllr Morrisey, Cllr Hogben, Cllr Faddes, Cllr Jill Rhodes, Cllr Tom Dunlop, Cllr Clark, Cllr Wye, Cllr Cosby


1 To receive apologies for absence
  Cllr Benn Minshall
2   To note declarations of Members’ interests
  Cllr Straine-Francis declared a non-pecuniary interest in Agenda item 7.3 – Men is Sheds

Cllr Straine-Francis declared a non- pecuniary interest in Agenda item 7.6  – Stroke Survivors Group

Cllr Jill Rhodes declared a non-pecuniary interest in Agenda item 7.1 – ConNEXTions / St Andrews Church

Cllr Coiley declared a non-pecuniary interest in Agenda item 7.7 – Nantwich Road Action Group

Cllr Faddes declared a non-pecuniary interest in Agenda item 7.1 – CoNEXTions

3 To confirm and sign the Minutes of the Community Plan Committee meeting held on 12th September 2022

RESOLVED:  That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting.

4 Public Participation
  A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments.
  ·         There were no comments or questions from the public

·         Joe Cosby, Community Development Officer, Cheshire East Council provided a presentation relating to Agenda item 8

5 Member item:

5.1  Idling funding request – Cllr Wye

RESOLVED: To allocate funding of £2275 from Health & Wellbeing budget 470 4767

6 To review the year- to- date financial position for the Community Plan Committee.

The year-to-date financial position was noted by members.

7 To consider matters related to grant applications received from:

  Organisation Purpose Amount
7.1 ConNEXTions


Recovery Hub costs

To award funds of £1595


7.2 Hope4more


Support for school non attenders

To decline the application


7.3 Crewe Men in Sheds


Laptop, Materials & Tools

To award funds of £1632


7.4 Caudwell Children


Get sensory packs

To award funds of £1278.51


7.5 Ruskin Park FC


New equipment & training courses

To decline the application


7.6 Stroke Survivors Group


Stroke Survivors Crewe 2023


To award funds of £1000


7.7 Nantwich Road Action Group


Christmas Trees on Nantwich Road


To award funds of £2000


7.8 Visyon


Wellbeing Team Support

To decline the application


7.9 Malayali Association


Sound equipment (re submission)

To decline the application


7.10 The Haven on North Street


Happiness at The Haven


To decline the application


7.11 Crewe Youth Club


The Mirion Street Centre

To decline the application

8 To consider unallocated budget and the committee’s response to the impact of Fuel Poverty and the cost of living. Please see report attached.

RESOLVED: To recommend to council:

i.                    The virement of £16,000 from unallocated committee budget as identified for the purpose of a winter response, supporting services to those in Crewe affected by the heating and cost of living crisis in Crewe

ii.                   That the allocation of the funding is delegated to the Chair of the committee in consultation with the committee.

9 To provide an update to members on the progress of the Business Delivery Plan.

Members noted the update of the business delivery plan.

10 To consider suggested changes to Community Plan – A vision for Crewe. Attached

RESOLVED: To Recommend to council:

i.                    That the amended Grants Policy is approved (subject to the amended list of funded and non-funded activities agreed in consultation with the committee)

ii.                   That the refreshed Community Plan amendments are approved

11 To consider the committee’s draft budget for 2023/24.  

RESOLVED: The draft committee budget for 2023/24 was agreed and recommended to the Finance and Governance Committee for inclusion within the council’s budget for 2023/24.

12 To note the proposed date of the next meeting on Monday 23rd January 2023 at 6pm.

Members noted the date of the next meeting



Chair: Cllr Alan Coiley

Clerk:  J.Dow

Meeting ended: 19.50

Meeting documents

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