Annual Meeting of Council & ‘Mayor Making’

 Annual Meeting of Council & ‘Mayor Making’

May 16th 2023


In attendance: Cllr Clair Chapman                     Cllr Dawn Clark                     Cllr Martin Edwards                                              Cllr Irene Faseyi                          Cllr Sally Graham                           Cllr Lena Hogben                                                    Cllr Marilyn Houston                 Cllr Steve Hogben                           Cllr Stuart Mackay                                                 Cllr Jamie Messent                     Cllr Toni Mortimer                        Cllr Kev Murray                                                       Cllr Jill Rhodes                             Cllr John Rhodes                            Cllr Dennis Straine-Francis                                   Cllr Simon Yates

Also in attendance was Nan Walton – outgoing Mayor of Crewe


1 To receive apologies for absence
  Cllr James Pratt, Cllr Joy Bratherton, Cllr Alan Coiley.

RESOLVED: That Cllr Ben Wye’s apologies are received and is given dispensation on the grounds of urgent personal issue.

2    To note declarations of Members’ interests
3 To confirm and sign the minutes of the Crewe Town Council Meeting held on 28th March 2023
  RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting
4 Public Participation
  A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments in relation to the published agenda items.

Speaker 1

Congratulated new members, specifically 2 members who were elected “opposition”

They referenced the sad spiral of decline. They asked questions relating to why Crewe Town Council hadn’t objected to the town centre multi storey car park; the council’s engagement with the highways authority; the reason for the Makers Market taking place on a Sunday; Why the traditional market is not thriving; and why the council did not put on events.

It was clarified to the speaker that the council did object to the multi storey car park; That the council regularly reports pot holes and engages with senior management of the highways services; that the Sunday delivery of the Makers Market is very successful, is as advised by the operator and falls on a day of free parking; that the traditional market is reflective of the national picture for traditional markets and traditional town centres due to the changing nature of shopping habits; that the council puts on a calendar of numerous  events, that are free to access, including operation summer which had dozens of free activities and events for families and residents.

It was also commented that it was disappointing to hear such negativity about Crewe, which is a great and improving place to live and work, with huge opportunity through the investment and building work taking place.

5 To confirm the Mayor (elect) as Mayor of Crewe for 2023/24

RESOLVED:  That Cllr Dennis Straine Francis is elected Mayor of Crewe for the civic year 2023-24

6 To confirm the Deputy Mayor (elect) as Deputy Mayor of Crewe for 2023/24

RESOLVED: That Cllr Dawn Clark is elected Deputy Mayor of Crewe for the civic year 2023-24

  Following this, the meeting was adjourned to enable the incoming Mayor and Deputy Mayor to receive the insignia of office

The meeting was then reconvened

7 To propose a vote of thanks and to present a past Mayor’s Medal to the outgoing Mayor, Nan Walton

RESOLVED: Nan Walton was thanked for her term as Mayor and service to the town and received the past mayor’s medal

8 To receive an address from the Town Mayor
  The address was received.

Cllr Jill Rhodes and former Cllrs Nan Walton and Benn Minshall were formally thanked for 10 years’ service as councillors on Crewe Town Council.

To note the minutes of committee meetings held since Council in March:


10 To appoint a council leader and deputy leader
RESOLVED: That Cllr Jill Rhodes is appointed Leader and Cllr Jamie Messent appointed Deputy Leader
11 To consider and approve constitutional governance as recommended by the Finance & Governance Committee

1.      Constitution

2.      Standing Orders

3.      Financial Regulations

4.      Standing Orders for Contracts

5.      Council & Committee Terms of Reference

RESOLVED: That the governance documents are approved
12 To consider the approval of committee structures and nominations to Committees
RESOLVED: That the committee structures as circulated are approved
13 To consider and approve representations on outside bodies

1.      Crewe Town Board – Cllr Jill Rhodes

2.      Crewe Pledge Management Board – Mayor & Deputy Mayor

3.      Crewe Town Allotment Federation – Cllr John Rhodes

4.      Crewe Town Board Blue & Green Infrastructure Steering Group – Cllr Ben Wye

  RESOLVED: That the appointments to outside bodies are approved
14 To confirm the Council’s adoption of the Councillor Code of Conduct
  RESOLVED:  That the council confirms adoption of the Councillor Code of Conduct
15 To note and approve matters related to:

1.      Council list of assets – to be received and noted

2.      Provision of Insurance cover – to be received and noted

3.      Affiliation to Cheshire Association of Local Councils. – to be considered and approved

  RESOLVED: That matters related to the following are approved:

1.      Council list of assets – to be received and noted

2.      Provision of Insurance cover – to be received and noted

3.      Affiliation to Cheshire Association of Local Councils. – to be considered and approved

16 Internal auditor – to approve JDH Business Services as internal auditor 2023/24 & approve the Internal Audit for 2022/23

RESOLVED:  That JDH Business Services is approved as the council’s independent internal auditor

17 External support services

RESOLVED: That the external support services listed are approved

1.         To approve Wirehouse Employer Services for HR and H&S support

2.         To approve Blain Boland & Co Solicitors for legal support

3.         To approve John Greenhall & Co for finance and accountancy support

18 To note, consider and approve payments 1/2/2023 to 30/04/2023 to the value of £168,212.29 and spend to date as shown in the attached reports

RESOLVED: That the payments to the value of £168,212.29 are approved

19 General Power of Competence


  1. That eligibility to adopt the Power is agreed
  2. To adopt the General Power of Competence with immediate effect
20 To approve the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) for 2021/22

RESOLVED: That the AGAR for 2021/22 is approved

21 To receive the Meeting Calendar for civic year 2022/23


22 To receive the Annual report for 2022/23


23 To note the date of the next meeting of Council – 13th June 2023 at 7pm

Meeting closed at 7.32pm

Chair up to and including item 6 – Nan Walton

Chair from and including item 7 – Cllr Dennis Straine-Francis

Clerk – P Turner

Meeting documents

Annual Meeting of Council agenda pack

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A: Crewe Town Council Office, 
1 Chantry Court, Forge Street, 
Crewe, CW1 2DL
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