Personnel Committee


In attendance: Cllr Jill Rhodes, Cllr Nanette Walton and Cllr Marilyn Houston

PlC/1/20/1 To receive apologies for absence.

Cllr Benn Minshall and Cllr Jamie Messent

Plc/1/20/2 To note declarations of Members’ interests.


PlC/1/20/3 To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 9th March 2020

RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting

PlC/1/20/4 Public Participation

A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments.

There were no public comments or representations

PlC/1/20/5 It is recommended that Committee considers a resolution under Section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 to exclude the public and representatives of the press from the meeting during the consideration of Items 6 – 9 on the grounds that matters contain sensitive information and by reason of the confidential nature of the business being transacted.

RESOLVED: That the meeting enters closed session

PlC/1/20/6 To consider the interim Acting Up Arrangements and ongoing duties of those posts
It was discussed that the designation of Responsible Financial Officer will be held by the Town Clerk and that it is necessary for Council to resolve this at its next meeting.

i. That the standard job evaluation model and process for job descriptions is adopted
ii. The circulated draft job descriptions for the posts of Regeneration Manager and Finance and Engagement Manager are approved for consultation with the current post holders
iii. That the role evaluations and gradings are approved and the posts implemented as of 1/10/20 (subject to agreed minor changes delegated to the Town Clerk)
iv. That the role definitions and amendments are implemented for inclusion in the new council staffing structure as a completed part of the strategic review.

PlC/1/20/7 To consider the draft staffing structure review for onward recommendation to council
Amendment was made to the draft Regeneration Manager job description to include for feasibility and review of viability for a Business Improvement District

i. That the post of Deputy Town Clerk is deleted
ii. That the post of Finance & Engagement Manager is implemented, replacing the post of Community Engagement Officer (current officer to be consulted on the draft job description and to attain the revised role title, job description and evaluation as of 1/10/20 as at PlC/1/20/6 above)
iii. That the post of Regeneration Manager is implemented, replacing the post of Town Centre Projects Officer (current officer to be consulted on the draft job description and to attain the revised role title, job description and evaluation as of 1/10/20 as at PlC/1/20/6 above)
iv. That a review of the Marketing and Events Officer post to ensure that the job description and evaluation reflects its current responsibilities. A job description and post evaluation to be carried out in consultation with the post holder, approved by the Personnel Committee for recommendation to council as part of the revised structure. (NOTE: This cannot take place until after the return of the post holder from Maternity Leave.)
v. To create the post of Support Officer (confirming the temporary position) on a part time basis to support the ongoing delivery of projects and business improvement practices. A job description and post evaluation to be carried out in consultation with the current post holder, approved by the Personnel Committee for recommendation to council as part of the revised structure.
vi. To note the position of the commissioned Town Ranger Service within the structure and to consider the medium term (2 to 4 years) ambition and intent for this service within the council structure in line with the draft corporate strategy
vii. To create the post of Heritage Officer (2 year fixed term contract) within the council staffing structure, as directed by Council (job description, evaluation and person specification as approved at PlC/1/20/9 below)
viii. On completion of the above (excluding iv., which is subject to awaiting the return to work of the incumbent officer), the confirmed structure, job descriptions and evaluation results are to be presented to council for confirmation and implementation (to return to council with the completed aspects of iv. above when available).

PlC/1/20/8 To consider the regularisation of employment terms and conditions

RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk is delegated to progress the regularisation of the personnel function, records, job descriptions and contracts

PlC/1/20/9 To consider the draft Job Description and Person Specification for the funded Heritage Officer Post

Amendment was made to the draft job description to include for feasibility and review of viability for a conservation area(s) for Crewe, or other heritage designation for protection of the character of the built environment

RESOLVED: That the draft job description and person specification for the Heritage Officer is approved for recruitment, the role scaled as evaluated.

PlC/1/20/10 To note the appointment of Wirehouse Employer Services for HR and Health and Safety advice and support and to consider any associated recommendations


PlC/1/20/11 To consider the date of the next meeting.

The meeting to date to be advised subject to requirements of the committee and service.

Meeting closed at 7.41pm
Chair Cllr Jill Rhodes
Clerk P Turner

Meeting documents

A1 Personnel Committee Minutes 18 08 20

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