Finance and Governance Committee

Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 1st December 2020

20/5/01 Present:-
Councillors Tess Buckley, Tom Dunlop, Jamie Messent, Benn Minshall, Jill Rhodes, John Rhodes and Nanette Walton

Apologies were received from Councillor Joe Cosby

20/5/02 To note declarations of members interests

No declarations of interests were received

20/5/03 Public Participation

No questions or comments were submitted to the Finance and Governance Committee

20/5/04 To confirm and sign the Minutes of the Finance and Governance Meeting held on Tuesday 27th October 2020

Members resolved to approve the Minutes as an accurate record

20/5/05 To review the year to date expenditure for the Council as a whole and the current status of the Earmarked Reserves

The Councils year to date expenditure and Earmarked Reserves were reviewed

20/5/06 To review and inform the draft budget for the financial year 2021/22 for onward recommendation to Council for approval and adoption

The draft budget was reviewed and it was resolved to recommend to Council that it is approved and adopted

20/5/07 To consider the annual external audit return for recommendation to Council for approval

It was resolved to recommend to Council that the annual external audit return to approved

20/5/08 To consider matters related to items in storage (standing item until available following removal of Covid-19 restrictions and guidance)

20/5/09 To consider matters related to the John McBride Trust

It was resolved that a meeting of the Trustees is called to consider matters

22/5/10 To consider the date of future meetings of the Finance and Governance Committee:-

• Thursday 25th February 2021

Meeting documents

5 F&G Minutes 01-12-2020

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