Clean for the Queen is a national campaign to clear up Britain in time for Her Majesty the Queen’s 90th birthday which will be officially celebrated in June 2016.
Keep Britain Tidy is spearheading the campaign to encourage the nation to litter pick the area in which they live, work or play.
As you know, the issues of fly tipping and littering in Crewe is something which is constantly highlighted and discussed in the local press, on social media and was one of the biggest responses we received when Crewe Town Council carried out the consultation work for ‘A Vision for Crewe – Crewe’s Community Plan’.
We are therefore pledging to roll up our sleeves and get stuck in but we need you, in Crewe, to lend us a hand!
On Saturday 5th March and Sunday 6th March between 10am and 12pm, we would ask local residents to join us to tidy the area around the Hops, Chantry Court on Forge Street and most specifically the footpath which leads towards Dunelm Car Park. We have all the kit you will need, you just simply need to turn up!
So, are you able to join our Vision for Crewe Litter Pick? Even just for an hour? If you can, please contact us by email [email protected] or call 01270 75975 to pledge your RSVP.