Marketing and Events Committee

MINUTES of the meeting 31st January 2022

In attendance :            

Cllr Joe Cosby                Cllr Tom Dunlop                          Cllr Martin Edwards

Cllr Hazel Faddes          Cllr Marilyn Houston                  Cllr Jill Rhodes

Cllr Dennis Straine-Francis                                                  Cllr Ben Wye






1.      To receive apologies for absence

Cllr Jamie Messent

Cllr Phoenix Morrissey

2.      To consider the co-option of Cllr Edwards to the committee.

RESOLVED: That Cllr Edwards is co-opted to the committee.

ME/21/4/ 3.      To note declarations of Members’ interests.











4.      Public Participation

i.        The following question was submitted by email by a member of the public:

“Last autumn the Town Council put out a tender for an artist to create a festive themed shop window trail. Can you tell me why this project was abandoned and were any monies paid out to the artist?”

The following response was given:

In October 2021 as part of the planning for the Christmas programme we advertised an artist opportunity to develop and deliver a Christmas trail activity in Crewe Town for Crewe based artists via our website, social media, and the Crewe Cultural Forum.

Only one artist applied, given the timeline we were unable to re advertise the opportunity and therefore did not move ahead with the activity. No artist was contracted or payment awarded.

5.      To confirm and sign the Minutes of the Marketing and Events Committee meeting held on Monday 1st November 2021.

RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting.

























6.      To review the year to date financial position for the Marketing and Events Committee.

The report was noted.


7.      To consider and inform the Marketing & Events Committee Business Delivery Plan for 2022/23.


RESOLVED: Subject to further review at the next meeting of this committee:

i.                    That the draft service delivery plan and associated spend within the approved 2022/23 budget is recommended to be approved by Council

ii.                  That all associated spend and procurement is delivered within the council’s governance

iii.                That all ongoing work, actions and outcomes are reported regularly to the associated committees and council where relevant

iv.                 That undefined aspects of delivery are progressed though the appropriate governance, committee or council for further development and definition for later approval.


8.      To receive evaluation feedback on Lumen and Christmas 2021.

The evaluation report was received and noted. Members discussed at length the future delivery of Lumen and a Christmas programme.


RESOLVED: That the Lumen event is separated away from Christmas and that an options appraisal for Christmas events and Lumen delivery is provided to this committee for consideration at its next meeting.


9.      To consider and approve the direction for the Queens Platinum Jubilee celebrations.



i. That the Jubilee Tapestry funding application is submitted and, if successful, the project is progressed to completion.

ii. That the opportunity for a beacon lighting ceremony is explored for delivery in Queens Park (to be updated to the next meeting of this committee.

iii. That the delivery of a video to mark the jubilee is approved, in line with the Christmas video tone and light heartedness.

iv. That the community “street” parties are researched and potentially mapped to understand what is deliverable.

iv. That to allow time for planning and costing of activity listed above and for the relevant arrangements to be implemented via delegated authority to the Chair of the Marketing and Events Committee Cllr Joe Cosby, with updates presented at forthcoming Marketing and Events Committee.









10.   To seek agreement from members regarding a programming contribution for International Women’s Day 2022.



i.                    to purchase a series of literature to the value of £2,210 and donate to all primary schools within Crewe.

ii.                   To provide a presentation video to be used in schools as an alternative to an in-person assembly presentation.


11.  To note the date of the next Marketing and Events Committee meeting – Monday 14th March 2022 at 7pm.


Meeting Closed at 8.42pm

Chair    Cllr Joe Cosby

Clerk    R Rhodes



Meeting documents

Marketing and Events Committee Meeting Pack 310122

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