Members of the Youth Town Council met on Monday 27th April. This was the second meeting of the newly formed Youth Council and members discussed whether they wished to appoint on a voluntary basis a Youth Clerk. The Youth Council agreed on the night this was a sensible approach and asked the Town Clerk to advertise the vacancy via the local media.
The Town Clerk, Steve McQuade said ‘I’m pleased that the Youth Council has adopted this approach and I’d like to encourage any young person out there with an interest in a career in local government, the law or finance to think about whether they wish to put their name forward.’
‘The initiative compliments other initiatives happening in Crewe such as the Crewe Pledge and this opportunity could give a young person the freedom to develop their skills and build an impressive CV that is attractive to education providers and employers.’
‘The general idea is that as Town Clerk I would hand over the duties of Clerk to the Youth Council but obviously I’d be on hand to mentor the person chosen for the role. In terms of duties the main ones would be:
- To prepare the agenda and minute the Youth Council meetings.
- To assist in the management of the £5k budget allocated by the Town Council to the Youth Council.
- To coordinate the delivery of projects that the Youth Council wishes to undertake.’
‘If anyone is interested in taking on this role then I’d invite them to contact me for further information. A shortlist will then be compiled and the Youth Council will then proceed with interviews and the selection process.’