Three Young Advisors from the Crewe area have helped young people to have their say in the Town Council’s “Vision for Crewe” Community Plan. They looked at what is good and what needs improving from a young person’s perspective including what type of shops young people would like to see in the Town, and how safe they feel going around the town. Their findings will feed into the draft “Vision for Crewe” which will be launched at a Community Event in the Town Centre on Saturday 21st March.
Crewe Town Council took the advice of expert youth support organisations and commissioned a team of trained young people called ‘Young Advisors’ to do research on what young people in Crewe really want. The Advisors set up an on-line survey, spoke to other young people, and surveyed the town.
Councillor Damien Bailey, Chairman of the Vision for Crewe Steering Group said:
“This is a fantastic opportunity for young people to not only have their say and have a voice, but to get involved with other activities.
“Since the new Town Council was set up there have been some exciting new partnerships forming in the area, especially around youth employment, arts and culture.
“But first we need to listen intently to what young people are saying so that we can act on it, and we felt there is no better way to do this than to get help from young people themselves.”
Claire Evans, CAMHS Young Advisors Manager said: “We are delighted to work in partnership with the new Town Council in Crewe.
“The young advisors are 15-21 year olds who are trained to carry out work for different agencies. The young people we recruit gain new skills, experiences, friends, ideas and outstanding additions to their CVs to help them get a job. It’s a win-win for all involved and we commend Crewe Town Council for its support and enthusiasm for the initiative”.
Crewe Town Council continues to strengthen its partnerships with local organisations via its current Community Planning process. If you have any views or ideas about Crewe and want to feed these into the Town Council, why not take 5 minutes to complete the short survey at
If your organisation would benefit from a youth voice, contact Claire Evans on 01270 253841 to find out more.