Town Council’s Accounts available (2015/16)

As  a public body that is accountable to the people of Crewe the Council is required to publish its accounts and invite anyone with an interest to view the accounts and perhaps even ask for a copy. There is a period from 13th June this year when the right to view the accounts is statutory and the Council will publish a notice to that effect. The accounts have however now been closed and can be made available to view with immediate effect, but please note the accounts have not yet been signed off by the Council (that will happen in May, subject to Members accepting the accounts prepared by the Responsible Financial Officer) and will also need to be signed off by the external auditor (usually around August).

In publishing the data there are certain elements that are probably of more interest than the rest, though all the information is available to those with an interest. The following information is therefore available via the website:

  1. Section 1 of the Annual Return – Governance Statement (This is for Councillors to sign off to say they are ensuring the internal control systems in place are fit for purpose).
  2. Section 2 of the Annual Return – Accounting Statement (This sets out the levels of income and expenditure for the financial year to 31st March 16. Councillors are accepting a statement from the Responsible Financial Officer that he is satisfied the data is accurate. In effect this is members holding officers to account).
  3. Section 4 of the Annual Return – Internal Audit Report (This is the confirmation by an external auditor paid for by the Council to verify both sections 1 and 2 have been independently checked. It is an ‘internal’ report as the Council has bought in that service. Section 3 of the Return is completed by the External Auditor who is appointed on behalf of the public by the government to carry out an assessment that all is in order. These auditors will report in around August).

The Annual Return Sections 1, 2 and 4 can be found by clicking the link CTC Annual Return.

Finally, the Council has provided a balance sheet setting out its financial position at the start and end of the year. YE Balance Sheet

The information can be complex and overwhelming, but if you do want to know more then please contact the Town Clerk on 01270 756975.


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A: Crewe Town Council Office, 
1 Chantry Court, Forge Street, 
Crewe, CW1 2DL
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T: (01270) 756975
E: [email protected]