This year will be the first occasion when the Town Council organises the Annual Remembrance Day Service and Parade. The ceremonies will take place on 8th November and members of the public are invited to assemble on Memorial/Municipal Square for 10:30. We hope that there will be strong support for the event and that the whole of Crewe will fall silent on 8th (and 11th) November to mark the significance of the day.
The arrangements will involve road closures and we ask that if you are not planning to attend the event that you try to avoid the town centre during the ceremony. That will mean you can avoid being caught up in any short delays that may occur.
The Council wishes to update the list of attendees to make sure that relevant organisations and individuals are able to participate. Could we therefore ask that if you wish to march in the parade or to lay a wreath that you contact us so that we can invite you to the event, include you on the wreath laying list and if appropriate invite you to the relevant briefing sessions.