Adopted by Council: 24th September 2024
Review Date: September 2026
The Council will strive to attain best value for all goods, materials and services which it purchases.
“Best Value” will be defined as a balance of price, quality of product and supplier services.
The Council will operate a transparent procurement process in accordance with its Financial Regulations, Standing Orders and Standing Orders for Contracts.
• The Council will, wherever possible, purchase goods, materials and services locally and where “best value” can be satisfied. In doing this, procurement actions, such as Tender Opportunities and Requests For Quotations, may include for weighted scoring in favour of businesses and organisations based in or around Crewe.
• In evaluating “best value”, the past record of the supplier will be taken into account.
• For goods, materials or services over £30,000, an evaluation model encompassing both price and quality, will be developed in advance, against which best value can be judged. A scoring matrix should be used for all purchases or contracts above £3,000 for which quotations are required.
• For other than small value purchases, the environmental and social credentials of the supplier will be requested, in accordance with the Council’s Environmental Policy and Community and Social Policy.
• The Council will purchase Fair Trade goods where possible
• The Council will purchase recycled goods or less environmentally damaging materials where they meet the required functional standard. In doing this, procurement actions, such as Tender Opportunities and Requests For Quotations, may include for weighted scoring in favour of businesses and organisations that demonstrate greater sustainability.
• The council may seek to procure a provider for a 3- or 5-year term for services and products that are required repeatedly (e.g. printing, security and traffic management). This will be done within the financial regulations and statutory governance for public finance but will seek to provide more efficient and consistent procurement that removes repetitive and inefficient actions (e.g. requesting quotations on a case by case basis for printing leaflets).