Adopted by Council: 29th September 2020
Planned Review Date: May 2023
This describes the Town Councils role as a consultee of planning and development control and certain other services with the Terms of Reference of its Planning Committee. Local Councils and their Councillors have a crucial role in representing their locality and leading local development in the best interests of residents
This Policy was adopted on 29th September 2020 and supersedes any previous versions
In addition, the Town Council has adopted a Protocol of Conduct in relation to planning materials (the Planning Protocol) to ensure that in the planning process there are no grounds for suggesting that a decision has been biased, partial or not well-founded in any way
Role of Crewe Town Council
Local Town/Parish Councils are not planning authorities but are important consultees in the planning process. They are no longer statutory consultees but have the right to be notified by planning authorities if they have requested them to do so. It is important therefore that their consideration of planning applications in public are structured and objective
The local planning authority for Crewe is Cheshire East Council. The Town Council have requested to be notified in writing of every planning application in their area and may make representations to the local planning authority. They may also be heard at planning inquiries or make written representations. The Town Council may also make representations on consultations about the Local Development Framework documents and supplementary planning documents such as design briefs
The Town Council’s strength is in its very local knowledge. It can influence planning policies and decisions by making informed observations back up by evidence. It must make observations which are material planning considerations. Matters such as the enjoyment of a view or house valuations may be important to local residents but are not planning arguments
It can undertake:-
- Checking plans are accurate and appropriate
- Assessing local needs and informing the planning authority
- Gathering views and making them known to the planning authority
- Making effective views on planning applications
- Producing design guides for the town
- Taking the lead as the community draws up a town plan
- Actively engaging in the development plan process
- Asking the planning authority to enforce planning decisions
Policy Framework from Cheshire East Council
The Local Plan sets planning policies and allocates sites for development. It is part of the statutory development plan for Cheshire East and is the basis for deciding planning applications. The Local Plan covers a range of matters which include:-
- The number and location of new homes
- The amount and location of employment land
- Protection and improvement of important open areas
- Provision of new infrastructure
- Improvement of town centres
- Improvement of community facilities throughout the Borough
A number of key Local Plan documents are part of the statutory development plan which is the basis for deciding planning applications. Those documents that are still in draft will become part of the development plan once adopted. These are listed in the Appendix and can also be found on the Cheshire East Council website
General Principles – Planning Policy for Crewe Town Council
The following principles are designed to set out the Council’s overarching policy in relation to planning matters and will generally be implemented by the Planning Committee
The Committee will:-
- Support applications that will ensure Crewe will be a thriving centre for employment and leisure and not just as a dormitory town for local cities like Manchester
- Support thoughtful proposals that bring development to Crewe town centre. It will support commercial and leisure development that re-invigorates the town centre and allows a night time economy to develop
- Wish to see a major review and development of the infrastructure in Crewe before development takes place including an assessment of upcoming proposed infrastructure amendments
- Prefer residential development on brown and green field sites
- Not ordinarily support the conversation of family housing into house of multiple occupation particularly in areas that already have a high level of economic deprivation
- Oppose concentrations of houses of multiple occupation and seek Article 4 Directions in concentrated areas
- Support developments within the Town that have a reasonable percentage of affordable housing that is not in apartment blocks. It is also an expectation that developments will provide adequate play and public spaces, parking and bin storage as part of the design
- Welcome housing and other developments that include energy saving and generation features
- Welcome developments that take account of sustainable transport leading to reduced traffic congestion especially through the provision of infrastructure for safe cycling and walking
- Wish to see the existing ‘green gap’ around Crewe maintained. There should be no further encroachment into this area particularly in the Sydney area of Crewe
- Will develop a plan to support improvements in the town by the use of monies that come to the Council as a result of developments
- Unreservedly support the residents of neighbouring villages and Parish Council who oppose the unprecedented number of planning applications and developments
- Unreservedly make consideration to developments that double or treble the size of existing neighbouring villages or residential developments in and around small settlements or motorway junctions
- Support HS2 proposals as long as they are not to the detriment of the town and expect to see proposals as part of an integrated transport proposal and not freestanding and unconnected
- Evaluate the benefits from developing a Neighbourhood Plan and using it to assert more control over local planning issues and to provide a stronger voice for the town in planning decisions
Appendix 1
Document | Date | Information |
Local Plan Strategy | Adopted 27th July 2017 | The LPS sets out strategic priorities for the development of the area along with planning policies and proposals. It is accompanied by an interactive policies map. |
Site Allocations and Development Policies document | Draft published 19th August 2019 | The SADPD will allocate the remaining sites needed for future development and set out further detailed planning policies to be used when considering planning applications. Consultation on the Publication Draft SADPD took place between 19th August and 30th September 2019. |
Minerals and Waste Development Plan Document | Draft in preparation | The MWDPD will set out policies for dealing with minerals and waste and identify sites. |
Crewe Hub Area Action Plan | Draft in preparation | The Crewe Hub AAP will establish a planning framework to facilitate and manage development around a future HS2 hub station in Crewe. A consultation has taken place |
Saved Policies from previous Local Plans | Saved development plan policies. | A number of saved policies from the Congleton Local Plan, Crewe and Nantwich Local Plan, Macclesfield Local Plan, Cheshire Waste Plan and Cheshire Minerals Plan will continue to be used until the SADPD and MWDPD have been adopted. |