Adopted by Council: March 2024 Planned Review Date: March 2025
The Town Council does not pay an allowance to councillors generally.
The Mayor is elected by Council and holds office for a civic year. The Mayor is the statutory Chair of Council and the civic leader. The office brings political neutrality to Council meetings as well as promoting the Council and its role, by supporting all aspects of community life.
During their period of office, the Mayor puts in long hours representing the Council, supporting the community and often raising money for nominated charities. The Mayor has to transport themself to functions not only within the Town, but across the County. Limited secretarial support is available from the office.
Like most local councils of this size, Crewe Town Council has traditionally made provision in the budget each year for a Mayor’s allowance, to be used at the Mayor’s discretion.
Mayors’ allowances are covered by the Local Government Act 1972, sections 15(5) and 35(5). They are to provide recompense for appropriate clothing (which would not otherwise have been necessary), transport, contribution towards telephone, small tokens such as flowers, donations to charities, tickets to functions etc. There is no requirement for strict accounting for the spend, but a general report on activity suffices. The allowance is not exempt from income tax and therefore the way it is managed is important.
Limited hospitality and administration costs at Council events such as Civic Sunday, Annual Council, the Christmas Council and Annual Town meeting will be paid directly from the Civic hospitality budget, as will the postage for invitations and Christmas cards (if required).
Mayors traditionally hold events, to raise money for charity. The nominated charities are responsible for the fund raising aspects of this work and all income/expenditure accounting and banking.
The Allowance will be administered as follows:-
- Direct payments can be made for items such as tickets, room hire and small tokens on authorisation from the Mayor.
- The Mayor may claim back expenses incurred on providing receipts where
- The Mayor may be reimbursed for travel expenses, with mileage claims at the appropriate
- Any remaining allowance at the end of the Mayoral Year, may be paid through PAYE or the Mayor may authorise it to be donated to a local charity of their choice.