Crewe Town Council
Grants Scheme Guidance
Funding for activities up to £2,500
Adopted by Council: 26 September 2023
Planned Review Date: May 2025
Our Priorities
Crewe Town Council’s priorities are set out in the Crewe Community Plan which was adopted by the Town Council in March 2023 (a copy of which can be found at the end of this guidance). We recommend that you read the guidance before applying for a grant because your application will be considered with reference to the following themes:
Wellbeing & Social Isolation within the Crewe Town boundary
• Working to make a difference in the life of our communities and developing a combination of knowledge, skills, values and the motivation to be engaged in the place that they live.
• Supporting creativity.
• Opportunities, knowledge and skills to progress towards achieving and building the aspirations of young people.
• Developing or increasing access to existing services and new initiatives focussed on health and wellbeing. To further the creation of safe spaces.
Grant applications MUST support the following 4 areas:
1. Access to Services:
• Support local services to be delivered at the heart of communities enabling people to
access support closest to them (advice and guidance).
2. Increasing skills & learning: Utilise local skills, knowledge and talent.
• Empower a volunteering culture.
• Build resilience and aspirations by supporting safe activities for the community.
3. Social Isolation: Reduce social isolation and loneliness.
• Supporting the community.
4. Health & Wellbeing: Improve health and wellbeing.
• Support activities and projects focussed on health.
• Access to bereavement services and support
If you have any questions, queries or need assistance to complete your application, please email [email protected] or contact the Community Manager on 01270 756975.
We only fund organisations that:
• Are a voluntary, community or faith sector organisation, registered charitable organisation, social enterprise, community interest company, not-for-profit community business, community amateur sports club or a not-for-profit group which operates within the Crewe Town Boundary OR are able to significantly show and demonstrate that the proposed activity will positively benefit Crewe. Where there is not 100% attendance (or benefit) It must be evidenced that a significant proportion live within the Crewe Town boundary.
• Are able to provide proof of a bank or building society account in the organisation’s name which requires at least two signatures (please evidence) and, where possible, an audited set of annual accounts or 3 months of trading history. Please show a breakdown of reserved funds to identify capital expenditure. Please note, we will never pay funds to a personal bank account.
• Have the appropriate governing documents including safeguarding policies and procedures.
• We only fund activities or projects that:
• Directly involve, include or positively benefit residents within the Crewe town boundary. A map showing the boundary can be found here.
• From time to time, the Town Council may wish to create responsive funds which are targeted for a specific purpose. These funds will have their own guidance and application process but will be similar to those outlined in the Council’s current Community Grants Scheme.
We cannot fund:
• 100% of application / project costs
• DBS Checks
• Room hire / rent (unless sustainability can be shown after 6 months) ie if it is a long term project sustainability must be demonstrated.
• Consumables (Stock items)
• Schools and public bodies
• Incomplete applications, or where all the required information / documentation has not been provided prior to the relevant submission deadline.
• General running costs such as utilities, insurance, broadband, salaries or staffing costs. Building & structural repairs. Capital expenditure.
• Applications from national bodies without a local link, branch or association to Crewe or who are unable to demonstrate their effectiveness in the town of Crewe.
• Work which has already taken place or been started.
• Applications where funds will be used retrospectively.
• Activities that duplicate others already taking place in Crewe: Applications that are considered to be duplications of current or recently funded projects / activities, will be required to demonstrate collaboration with existing services / activities / projects in the town.
• Activities which are mainly of a political or religious nature.
• Applications from individuals as well as general appeals, sponsorship, or general fundraising requests from organisations.
• Applications for projects, events, or activities whose primary aim or purpose is fundraising.
• Loans against loss or debt.
• Applications over £2,500 unless it is in exceptional circumstances.
Match funding:
All applications must show a minimum of 20% match funding. We will not fund 100% of an application.
This can be made up of a minimum of 10% in direct (i.e. cash/financial) match funding and 10% in indirect match funding (see match funding in kind below).
Zero match funding will be at members discretion.
If your financial match funding is coming from another organisation please tell us whether it has been ‘secured’ or awaiting confirmation.
Match funding in kind:
Match funding in kind is where an organisation or individual provides a service or product that they do not charge for and does not therefore show up in the projects’ accounts. These costs will therefore be borne by the giver. Common examples include: The time of volunteers (which has a value), free use of space (ie room hire) etc.
Example funding matrix for an applicant’s project:
The ABC Club for Adult Literacy
Providing a support group for those building their literacy
Project Costs and Finances
How much is the overall cost of your activity / project?
Please detail (in section A) all associated costs. £3000 *
What will Crewe Town Council funds be used to pay for?
Item ** Total Costs (A) Amount requested from
Crewe Town Council (B)
Specialist Books £2,000 £2,000
Writing equipment £300 £100
Leaders’ resource pack £200 £0
Volunteer Leaders 10 x 2 hr sessions = £20 hrs @£15 per hr £300 £0
Room hire 10 x £20 per hr £200 £0
£ £
Grand Totals £3000 * £2100
Who else have you approached for funding for this activity / project?
Direct Match funding Contribution requested from:
The ABC Club – own funds £200
The Literacy Trust Grant (please indicate whether this is secured or pending ) £200
Total: £400
Indirect Match funding (ie volunteer value, free room hire etc) Please see guidance document
Volunteer leaders (10 sessions at 2hrs = 20hrs @ £15ph) £300
Room hire (nil but usually £20 per hire) £200
Total: £500
How to apply for funding:
• All grant applications must be submitted to: [email protected]
• A complete copy of the organisation’s latest set of accounts, (or at least three bank statements), proof of bank account, governing documentation and relevant policies must be supplied at the point of submission. Please also provide a breakdown of reserved funds to
identify capital expenditure.
• Your application will not be considered unless all documents are received at the same time.
• Please ensure that all your figures add up.
Application Deadlines
Grant applications will be considered five times per year. Applications for 2024 / 2025 MUST be submitted before midnight on the following dates:
Sunday 28th April 2024
Sunday 16th June 2024
Sunday 8th September 2024
Sunday 22nd December 2024
Sunday 9th February 2025
Reapplying after a successful application
• Organisations that have already received funding cannot reapply until a full financial year has passed. (eg: If you successfully applied in the year 2023/24 you cannot apply again until 2025/26.
Reapplying after an unsuccessful application
• Unsuccessful organisations can reapply throughout the financial year (for a different project) but not for a repeat application.
How applications are considered
• Your grant application will be checked and evaluated by a Crewe Town Council Officer and the Chair of the Community Plan Committee before it is submitted to the full Community Plan Committee for consideration. If necessary, we may come back to you for more details which will be added as supporting information.
• Incomplete applications will be declined leading to a delay in decision-making.
• Crewe Town Council may seek further clarification on any details or information contained within the grant application and liaise with external parties to verify information or details contained within the grant application.
• Where it is felt necessary, organisations will be asked to meet Crewe Town Council to discuss their application in more detail.
• An Officer and the chair of the Community Plan Committee will make their recommendations, after assessing the merits of each application, to the Community Plan Committee and a formal resolution will take place regarding the grant application.
• Crewe Town Council strives to allocate funding and donations in a fair and open manner, judging each application on its own merit. Agreeing to fund an application is at the absolute discretion of the Committee. Funds are allocated under the provision of various Local
Government Acts, the General Power of Competence and Audit Regulations.
• Crewe Town Councillors are governed by a Code of Conduct. Councillors have an obligation to declare any personal and / or prejudicial interest when considering the allocation of funds held by Crewe Town Council.
• Applicants will be notified in writing following the decision made by the Community Plan Committee of Crewe Town Council.
• At the officer’s absolute discretion (and in consultation with the Town Clerk and Chair of the committee), applications can be declined prior to consideration by committee if there are concerns raised through due diligence or associated with safeguarding and applicant
organisational sustainability.
If your application is successful
• Successful applicants will be asked to complete and sign a Grant Acceptance Agreement before funds are released.
• Funds will only be paid to successful organisations via direct bank transfer, not by cash or cheque.
• Receipt of funds must be confirmed in writing.
Grant conditions
• An end of year grant form report must be submitted upon completion of the project. The report shall highlight how the project has benefitted and made a difference to both the organisation and the community and include details as how the funds were spent. Organisations
may also be required to complete a case study and evidence postcodes etc.
• Organisations are required to submit an information / news release for use in the press, social media, and reciprocal websites. Any advertising of the funded project must include the Crewe Town Council logo which will be provided.
• Funds awarded MUST only be used for the stated project and for the purposes outlined in the original grant application. If an organisation wishes to vary the project or purpose for which the funds will be used, they must formally write to Crewe Town Council to seek
approval. No further work should be carried out on the project until this formal approval is granted. Crewe Town Council reserves the right to request all funds to be repaid should funds not be used for the stated purpose or project outlined in the original grant
• If an organisation is unable to spend all the funds allocated to the project or for the purpose stated in the original application, any unspent monies must be returned to Crewe Town Council at the earliest opportunity.
• If an organisation is unable to fulfil the project to which funding has been allocated, the organisation must immediately repay the grant funding in full to Crewe Town Council.
• In cases where a funded project generates a profit, Crewe Town Council must be informed in writing. Crewe Town Council reserves the right to request for the profit to be paid back to the Grants Scheme unless it is satisfied that the profit will be utilised to benefit
the organisation positively and the community, which it supports.