Pam Minshall, former Mayor of Crewe

It is with great sadness that we have been informed of the passing of Pam Minshall, a dedicated and passionate advocate for Crewe. Pam served as Mayor of Crewe for the newly-formed Crewe Town Council for the 2014/15 civic year, taking part in numerous civic engagements and events through that year, having been elected to the Council after its formation in 2013.

The current Mayor of Crewe, Cllr Dawn Clark commented, “I knew Pam from working with her on the Valley Community Action Project, the Valley CAP. I was asked to support them for a short project. The next thing I was Treasurer. That was over 20 years ago.

“Pam was community focused, she recognised when there was a need for action, such as the Valley Park orchard to providing sporting activities for children in the Alton Street area. Creating woods along the ravine, she knew folk and how to mobilise them, basically you didn’t say no to Pam.

“She wore many hats, as well as the community champion, local politician, secretary to a number of organisations, newsletter writer, Pam was always the go to person for local community activists as she was willing to add her name to a cause, support and provide sound advice. She will be missed by many.”

Cllr Simon Yates, who served with Pam on Crewe Town Council when it was established in 2013, said, “Pam Minshall was a strong believer that Crewe could be a better place for people to live and work.

“She was one of the first Mayors of Crewe when local government was restored to the Town and was the Councillor instrumental in creating a heritage plan for Crewe, being a great supporter of the History Society. Pam’s contribution to the development of the Town will be remembered.”

Pam was born in Crewe and educated at Crewe Grammar School, now Ruskin High School. She was a teacher at Brierley Street School and then went to lecture at South Cheshire college, now Cheshire College South and West. She was a governor at Ruskin for 25 years, and the Chair of Governors for most of that time. She had 4 children with her husband, Jeff, who was a lecturer and a Cheshire County Councillor. Pam was an active party political member and held positions at branch and constituency level. Amongst many interests, she was a member of the historical society and the family history society and gave talks on the history of Crewe. She also ran a U3A local history course.

Pam never blew her own trumpet although she was extremely competent and a good organiser. She was also a wonderful baker and people loved her cakes.

Something she only admitted in later years is that she and her A level students led the campaign to save the railway cottages, which were derelict and, at the time, identified for demolition. She campaigned and ensured that they were saved from becoming rubble. She was a strong voice for the rights of women and encouraged women to use their talents.

Pam Minshall will be missed by many, not least her family and very many friends and our thoughts and sympathies are with them all.

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