The Town Council met on Tuesday night and agreed that the Council recruit an apprentice to the post of Mayor’s PA/Admin Assistant. Cllr Hickson, Leader of the Council said ‘we are a progressive employer and the apprenticeship offers a fantastic opening for a young person to start a career in local government and to be paid at the Living Wage’.
‘We know we need to grow and this post will focus on supporting the Mayor in undertaking the main ambassadorial role for the Council as well as in coordinating the main civic events. This is a great opportunity for a young person to gain a range of skills in what will be a fast paced and challenging role’.
‘There are unique aspects to the role, what with all the civic protocols involved. So if you know your Lord Mayor from your Lord Lieutenant or want to know the difference this could be that start of a career for you’
Council Leader Kevin Hickson had intervened in the debate to request that the Town Council pay the apprentice the Living Wage rather than the apprentice rate or the minimum wage. Members supported this proposal and encouraged other employers in the area to make a commitment to going the extra mile and thinking seriously about paying that little bit extra to support apprentices and other employees address the financial pressures prevalent today.
Town Clerk, Steve McQuade said ‘We have worked closely with South Cheshire College on the job description/person specification and the recruitment process started earlier this week. I’d like to thank the College for all the support they have provided so far’