Cllr Simon Yates, Leader of Crewe Town Council, responded to the latest update on regeneration in Crewe by Cheshire East saying:
‘Crewe Town Council welcomes the announcement that the Town Centre developers have reached agreement with this cinema provider as it is the next step in delivering the regeneration of the town centre that has been wanted for so long. Hopefully this announcement will be followed by many others so that the people of Crewe can at last have confidence that the promised investment in our town will take place.
Crewe is developing as an economic and business centre very quickly on the back of previous investments in the town and in the expectation of HS2 and this needs to be reflected in the living conditions and experiences that Crewe people have in their town. It is disappointing that the start on site has been put back to the summer of 2019 and the Town Council will be encouraging Cheshire East Council to continue to keep the people of Crewe informed as the scheme develops, to take steps to protect those remaining business in the town centre and to maintain the vacant buildings so that they tell a story about the future rather than of the past’
View the Cheshire East statement.