Knife Angel draws visitors to Crewe

The Knife Angel sculpture has been drawing crowds from Crewe and its surrounding areas since its installation at the start of May! The Opening Ceremony was held on Wednesday 3rd May 2023 and was attended by the Mayor of Crewe (Councillor Nan Walton) as well as the High Sheriff of Cheshire, the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire and representatives from Cheshire Constabulary and Cheshire East Council.

The service was led by the Reverend Dr Oliver Igwe and a number of young people spoke in solidarity against knife crime and violence. The father of Oliver Freckleton – a 19 year old young father killed in December 2021 – spoke movingly of the devastation caused by knife crime and the impact on loved ones. The ceremony was brought to a close with a performance by Dope Male Performance Company.
The sculpture is located on Memorial Square, Crewe and a programme of activities will take place throughout the month of May – full details here:
KA Opening Ceremony cropped
Become a National Youth Anti-Violence Champion

An ‘Anti-Violence Champion’ is someone who completely renounces violent and aggressive behaviour as a means to solve issues, disputes and difficulties.

You can find out more by visiting:

National Youth Anti-Violence Champion details


Knife Angel Poetry Competition with Creative Crewe – closing date Monday 22nd May

Submit a poem inspired by the Knife Angel visit – and have the chance to win a prize and your poem read out at the Closing Ceremony on Tuesday 30th May!

  • The work must be original
  • It doesn’t have to rhyme
  • Please avoid offensive language
  • No longer than one side of A4

There are three categories (a winner and runner-up will be chosen from each):

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Adult (18+)

Closing date: Monday 22nd May at 5pm. The judging panel will include The Mayor, Crewe Library, Gareth the Rhymeologist and Creative Crewe.

Email your entry to [email protected] or drop it in to the Crewe Town Council offices at 1 Chantry Court, Forge Street, Crewe, CW1 2DL.

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1 Chantry Court, Forge Street, 
Crewe, CW1 2DL
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E: [email protected]