Would you like to do your bit for Crewe by becoming a town councillor? The Town Council is offering the chance to find out more.
‘I have asked the Town Clerk to give anyone interested in getting elected on to the Council in May the chance to find out more’ said Kevin Hickson the present Council Leader. “You will be able to raise any questions you have about the Council’s work and the job of a councillor. We want to encourage all those with an interest to take up the opportunity regardless of their political views. Seeking election to the council is an important step and best taken with a good understanding of what being elected will mean in practical terms’.
‘I’d also encourage potential candidates to talk to existing Councillors informally to get an idea of what the role involves’.
Deputy Leader, Jill Rhodes said ‘Every seat on the council is up for election in May – why not stand yourself? Being a Councillor is rewarding and a very important way of helping your community. I have met many people in the last two years who have strong opinions on what the Council should be doing. In May those people have the right to seek election so that they can put their ideas into practice. This offer of a briefing is a good opportunity for people to find out what ‘being on the Council’ involves’
‘It is also important that everyone who is eligible is properly registered to vote for the May elections so that they can exercise their democratic rights’. If you are not sure whether you are registered to vote, you should contact Cheshire East Council on 0300 123 5016 or go online to www.gov.uk/register-to-vote
Town Clerk, Steve McQuade said ‘I’ll be happy to brief anyone that contacts me either individually or in a small group, depending on numbers. You can call me on 01270 756975 for more details”.