Planning Committee Meeting

MINUTES of the meeting held 18th March 2024

In attendance:

Cllr Lena Hogben

Cllr Steve Hogben

Cllr Marilyn Houston

Cllr Toni Mortimer

Cllr Kevin Murray

Cllr John Rhodes

Cllr Dennis Straine-Francis


PL/23/9/1 To receive apologies for absence
  Cllr Messent
PL/23/9/2    To note declarations of Members’ interests
PL/23/9/3 To confirm and sign the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 12th February 2024
  RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting
PL/23/9/4 Public Participation
  A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments that relate to the items within the agenda.


To consider making a response to the following planning applications:

Application No: 24/0549N
Proposal: Conversion of the loft area to form 3rd floor bedroom
Location: 18 , Somerville Street, Crewe, Cheshire East, CW2 7NR

RESOLVED: That the committee objects to the proposals on the following grounds:

i.                    The proposal is for 2 additional bedrooms (not one as per application)

ii.                   The proposal represents overdevelopment of the traditional terraced house

iii.                 It is unclear if the proposals provide adequate headroom within the loft accommodation to meet minimum housing standards

iv.                 There is no identified safe egress from the loft accommodation in the event of an emergency (eg fire)

v.                   The proposals provide for poor standard and cramped accommodation that may not meet the minimum technical housing standards.

vi.                 There is inadequate detail within the application documents.

Application No: 24/0876N
Proposal: Internal alterations & fit out to provide British Heart Foundation retail unit including new illuminated fascia signs and non illuminated fascia sign

 No comments

Application No: 24/0877N
Proposal: Advertisement Consent for illuminated fascia signs and non illuminated fascia sign

 No comments

Application No: 24/0786N
Proposal: Certificate of lawful development for proposed recladding of existing premises and new UPVC windows in white.
Location: Jaymar Packaging, FIRST AVENUE, CREWE, CW1 6BG

 No comments

Application No: 24/0742N
Proposal: Prior approval application of single storey rear extension extending 3.55m from the rear elevation, max height of 3.46 and 2.50 to the eaves with hipped roof

 No comments

Application No: 24/0734N
Proposal: Lawful Development Certificate for a proposed single storey extension to the rear

No comments

PL/23/9/6 To consider making responses to any urgent planning application consultations that  have arisen since this agenda was published

Application No: 23/0539N
 Proposal: Full planning permission for Units 1-3 comprising a mix of Class B2 / E(g)(iii) light industrial / manufacturing and B8 warehousing & distribution uses and ancillary areas, together with access, car parking provision, landscaping (including buffers, habitat parks, nature trails), sustainable drainage features (ponds, swales and raingardens), ecological enhancements (wet meadows, woodland planting, wildflower grassland), and other associated works and infrastructure proposed within the northern part of the site, within the curtilage of Units 1 – 3.

Outline planning permission for the southern part of the site comprising a mix of Class E(g)(i) offices, B2 / E(g)(iii) light industrial /manufacturing and B8 warehousing & distribution uses, with all matters reserved including (access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) together with works and infrastructure associated with the southern part of the site.

 Location: Land in the Western Part of Basford East, Crewe

The committee commented that:

i.                    Net biodiversity gain of 0.29% represents a bare minimum based on desk dop calculations, which does not fulfil the intent of ensuring benefit as it provides close to zero margin for error. Net biodiversity gain should evidence surety that the development’s associated provision will be greater than is being displaced

ii.                   The provision of swift boxes would support a local initiative to retain and grow the local population

iii.                 The committee was unable to identify sustainable energy production on site from the roof plans (eg PV panels), which does not support the planning authority’s policies or recognition of the climate crisis.

Application No: 24/0902N
Proposal: Proposed car park at/adjacent Electra House, Electra Way, Crewe.

RESOLVED: That the committee seeks a more pragmatic proposal that provides a more sustainable approach (noting and supporting the comments submitted by the resident at Bedford Gardens):

i.                    The proposals do not provide for net biodiversity gain, which is contrary to Cheshire East Local Planning policy

ii.                   The removal of mature trees is not supported and does not meet the planning policy requirements of the local planning authority

iii.                 The proposals are contrary to active and sustainable planning policies

iv.                 There is inadequate provision for EV charging

v.                   There is inadequate provision for safe and secure under cover cycle storage

vi.                 The proposals do not address the planning authority’s adopted SUDS strategy and policy

vii.               The proposal should address the associated local planning policies relating to public transport provision and active travel.

Application No: 24/0767N
Proposal: Certificate of proposed lawful use for putting garden fence in my legal boundary. And I do not see I violate any laws or regulations.
Location: 2 , Green Field Way, Crewe, Cheshire East, CW1 4SS

No objection, but the committee seeks that the proposals do not contravene the principal planning consent and conditions for that site such that enclosures and boundary treatments meet the intent of the development’s design principles (such as a verdant appearance) and statement, the estate’s planning approval and any associated registry covenants.

Application No: 24/0969N
Proposal: Rear single storey kitchen and bathroom extension with flat roof

No comments

Application No: 24/0998N
Proposal: Removal of the existing cladding/ building signage to the showroom with new cladding/ signage zones proposed external works to uplift the current provision of car parking spaces.
Location: Swansway Jaguar Crewe, BESWICK DRIVE, CREWE, CW1 5NP

RESOLVED: That the committee objects to the proposals on the following grounds, seeking a more sustainable proposal:

i.                    Removal of trees with no provision for added benefit

ii.                   Lack of arboricultural statement or report

PL/23/9/7 To note responses submitted under delegation since the previous meeting

Application No: 24/0525N
Proposal: Single storey rear extension.

No comments


PL/23/9/8 To note and/or consider correspondence, consultations, planning policy circulated by the planning authority (Cheshire East Council) and member items
  8.1 Cheshire East Crossings Strategy Consultation

The consultation is closed


8.2 Walking/Cycling Route through Crewe

RESOLVED: That the council makes contact with Cheshire East Council Air Quality team to seek clarity on the current air quality strategy and action plan; current readings and levels of air quality; and impacts on health inequalities, with the findings to be reported to this committee at its next meeting for consideration of next steps.


8.3 Town And Country Planning Act 1990 – Section 247 Proposed stopping up of highway at Cross Street, Crewe CW2 7BN

No comments

8.4 Alfresco License Application – Earle Street – Cheese Hall

No comments

PL/23/9/9 To note correspondence associated with planning enforcement

9.1 Application No: 23/00190E
Nature of problem: Erection of a canopy
  9.2 – 5 Buchan Grove – registered with Cheshire East Planning Enforcement

9.3 – Rainbow Street – completion of works associated with development

The updates were noted

PL/23/9/10 To note the proposed date of the next meeting 22nd April 2024 at 6pm.


Meeting closed 7.18pm

Chair      Cllr John Rhodes

Clerk      P Turner

Meeting documents

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