Planning Committee Meeting

MINUTES of the meeting held 12th February 2024

In attendance:

Cllr Lena Hogben

Cllr Steve Hogben

Cllr Marilyn Houston

Cllr Toni Mortimer

Cllr Kev Murray

Cllr John Rhodes

Cllr Dennis Straine-Francis


23/PL/8/1 To receive apologies for absence
  Cllr Jamie Messent
23/PL/8/2    To note declarations of Members’ interests
  Cllr Houston declared a non-pecuniary interest in applications 23/2367N & 23/2368N as a member of Cheshire East Council
23/PL/8/3 To confirm and sign the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 29th January 2024
  RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting
23/PL/8/4 Public Participation
  A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments that relate to the items within the agenda.


To consider making a response to the following planning applications:
Application No: 24/0258N
Proposal: The proposal is for a two storey apartment block of ten flats and a pair of semi-detached bungalows to be used as a specialised supported housing scheme. The tenants will be adults living independently but with staff regularly visiting site. The scheme has therefore been designed with the specific client needs in mind. There is likely to be a mix of dual diagnosis and complex needs in the bungalows and ground floor flats plus the potential for a more moderate cohort in the first floor flats.The design of the bungalows are likely to be bespoke to enable options for very complex cases who may struggle to live directly with others in the same building. There will be staff working on a 1:1 basis and possibly 2:1 for some residents at the premises. The ground floor flats could also include higher packages and the first floor flats will likely be more moderate needs on or above the minimum levels and could be seen as a steppingstone option to more independent community living.
Location: Afford Rent A Car, Wistaston Road, Crewe, CW2 7RB

Whilst the committee welcomes development on brownfield sites and within central locations, the committee objects to the proposals on the following grounds:

i.               That the proposals do not include for sustainable energy production (PV)

ii.              That the proposals do not include for EV charging

iii.          That provision for net biodiversity gain needs to be defined in metrics, eg number of swift boxes to be provided

iv.          The lack of outdoor amenity space for the scale of development

v.            Parking for the flats aspect is accessed across a broad stretch of pavement from a busy main road with pre-existing on street parking issues. The p[ropsal on this basis represents a highways safety issue and risk to pedestrians, cyclists and other road users as well as visitors and residents to the flats who will need to reverse out of the site.

Application No: 23/4708N
Proposal: The proposed development is for the installation and deployment of Solar Photovoltaic cells to the Health Centre roof. The intention is to install 1011 panels across four roof spaces in 8 strings.

The installation will generate 435Kwp over 2020msq, with 41% of the energy being consumed onsite and 59% going to grid. This will give the medical centre a 36% level of self sufficiency.

Location: Eagle Bridge Health And Wellbeing Centre, DUNWOODY WAY, CREWE, CHESHIRE, CW1 3AW

The committee welcomes the positive investment

Application No: 24/0246N
Proposal: Change of use to accommodate a tattoo/photography studio.
Location: 14, HIGH STREET, CREWE, CW2 7BN

The committee welcomes the investment in the town centre

Application No: 24/0352M
Proposal: Outline approval for demolition of existing building and replacement with 3no. Dwellings

RESOLVED: That the committee objects to the application for back land development on the following grounds:

i.               Loss of amenity for neighbouring residences due to over looking nature of the proposals

ii.              Width of access is inadequate for safe access and egress for the scale of the development, including access for waste vehicles (width shown on plan of approx. 3.6m), which will lead to on street waste and obstruction issues

iii.            Lack of PV provision within the proposals

iv.            Lack of demonstration of net biodiversity gain

v.              The proposals are considered overdevelopment of the site

Application No: 23/2368N
 Proposal: Listed building consent for proposals for repair of Crewe Municipal Buildings main facade windows, doors and wrought iron railing and gates including replacement of two existing flag poles and associated temporary works

No comments

Application No: 23/2367N
 Proposal: Proposals for repair of Crewe Municipal Buildings main facade windows, doors and wrought iron railing and gates including replacement of two existing flag poles and associated temporary works

No comments

Application No: 24/0277D
 Proposal: Discharge of Condition 9 on approval 23/1798N for new purpose built building
 Location: South Cheshire College, DANE BANK AVENUE, CREWE, CW2 8AB
  No comments    
23/PL/8/6 To consider making responses to any urgent planning application consultations that  have arisen since this agenda was published

Application No: 22/2500N
 Proposal: Reserved matters application for appearance, landscaping, layout and scale with respect to 200 dwellings on Parcel H – approved outline application 19/2178N.
 Location: Land Off Minshull New Road And, FLOWERS LANE, LEIGHTON

The committee seeks that the planning authority ensures the drainage strategy is robust and provides long term assurance

Application No: 22/2499N
 Proposal: Reserved matters application for appearance, landscaping, layout and scale with respect to 304 dwellings on Parcels C, D, E, F and G – approved outline application 19/2178N.
 Location: Land Off Minshull New Road and FLOWERS LANE, LEIGHTON

No comment

Application No: 22/3228N
 Proposal: Reserved matters application for appearance, landscaping, layout and scale with respect to green infrastructure and open space across the outline application area –  approved outline application 19/2178N.
 Location: Land Off Minshull New Road And, FLOWERS LANE, LEIGHTON

No comments

Application No: 22/2476N
 Proposal: Reserved Matters application for approval of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale following Outline approval 19/2178N for erection of 304 dwellings on Parcels A and B
 Location: Land Off Minshull New Road And, FLOWERS LANE, LEIGHTON

No comments

Application No: 24/0239N
Proposal: Siting of an office/staff amenity building to support use of consented bungalows as assisted living accommodation.
Location: Land to the rear of 33, SYCAMORE AVENUE, CREWE, CW1 4DT

If the planning authority approves this application it should be conditioned such that the building cannot be used for overnight accommodation, leisure or sleeping accommodation and is purely for amenity use – provision of refreshments, toilet and break area for staff.

Application No: 24/0524N
Proposal: Demolition of Existing Storage Unit & The Erection of a Replacement Locomotive Storage Unit and Office Space within a mezzanine floor area – Alternative to Planning Permission 22/2307N
Location: Crewe Diesel Depot, NANTWICH ROAD, CREWE, CW2 6GT

No comment

23/PL/8/7 To note responses submitted under delegation since the previous meeting



23/PL/8/8 To note and/or consider correspondence, consultations, planning policy circulated by the planning authority (Cheshire East Council) and member items
  8.1 Cheshire East Crossings Strategy Consultation (Cllr Wye) – details HERE


8.2 Walking/Cycling Route through Crewe (Cllr Wye)


8.3 Crewe Town Council Street Naming Policy – to make recommendation to the Finance & Governance Committee

RESOLVED: That the amended policy is recommended to the Finance & Governance Committee

23/PL/8/9 To note correspondence associated with planning enforcement


23/PL/8/10 To note the proposed date of the next meeting 18th March 2024 at 6pm.

Meeting ended 6.54pm

Chair      Cllr John Rhodes

Clerk      P Turner

Meeting documents

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