Planning Committee Meeting

MINUTES of the meeting held 18th September 2023

In attendance:

Cllr John Rhodes

Cllr Steve Hogben

Cllr Marilyn Houston

Cllr Lena Hogben


1 To receive apologies for absence

Cllrs Straine-Francis, Mortimer, Murray and Messent

2    To note declarations of Members’ interests
  23/3029 – Cllr Rhodes expressed a non-pecuniary interest as a volunteer governor of the applicant site.
3 To confirm and sign the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 24th July 2023
  RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting
4 Public Participation
  A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments that relate to the items within the agenda.



5 To consider making a response to the following planning applications:

Application No: 23/3352N
Proposal: The proposal relates to the installation of 15m high slim-line phase 9 monopole, supporting 6 no. antennas, 3 no. equipment cabinets and

ancillary development thereto including 1 no. GPS module.


 RESOLVED: That the committee objects to the proposal on the following grounds:

i.                  That the location will present an obstruction of the pavement

ii.                That the reduction in capacity of the footway/pavement is not supportive of strategies and policies to support active travel

iii.               That alternative and sustainable locations are available nearby


Application No: 23/3287N
Proposal: Variation of conditions on existing permission 20/1988N; Erect a single-storey fast food drive-thru building and other associated works, including internally illuminated advertisements,
Location: Mcdonalds Restaurants Limited, WEST STREET, CREWE, CW1 2NH

The committee was unable to consider the item as the information was not available on the Cheshire East Website, therefore consultation has not been completed and the application response period extended to allow for review of the proposed details.


Application No: 23/2426N
Proposal: Change of use from Sui Generis to C3

RESOLVED: That the committee objects to the proposals on the following grounds:

i.                  It is considered overdevelopment of the site, which has been redeveloped for accommodation in a staged manner effecting a change by intent to force the financial unsustainability of the business.

ii.                Overdevelopment of the site will adversely affect the amenity of existing residences in leading to on street waste, noise and anti-social behaviour.

iii.               There is no amenity space provision for the proposed accommodation

iv.               No external window evidenced in the available plans for the 2 proposed bedrooms

v.                The proposal represents cramped and low quality accommodation and does not reflect the need for accommodation of a high standard rather than cramped and densely packed design

vi.               Within this development site there is no residential mix, contrary to Cheshire East Planning Policy


Application No: 23/3154N
Proposal: Listed Building Consent for Internal Alterations to Second Floor Staff Accommodation
Location: TICKET OFFICE, Crewe Railway Station, NANTWICH ROAD, CREWE, CW2 6HR

No comments


Application No: 23/3191N
Proposal: Advertisement consent for changing existing business signage on front elevation
Location: Wulvern House, Baywater Healthcare Uk Limited, Electra Way, Crewe, Cheshire East, CW1 6GW

No comments


Application No: 23/3190N
Proposal: 1. Installation of new electric vehicle charging equipment – conversion of 4 standard parking bays to EVC bays in rear car park 2. Changing existing business signage on front elevation
Location: Wulvern House, Baywater Healthcare Uk Limited, Electra Way, Crewe, Cheshire East, CW1 6GW

No comments


Application No: 23/3142N
Proposal: Erection of two condenser enclosures

No comments


Application No: 23/3029N
Proposal: Provision of an open sided canopy to be placed adjacent to the new catering pod and food technology building
Location: Ruskin Community High School, RUSKIN ROAD, CREWE, CW2 7JT

No comments


Application No: 23/2645N
Proposal: Prior approval for a proposed change of use from commercial to mixed use.

RESOLVED: That the committee objects to the proposal on the following grounds:

i.                  Inadequate bin storage defined within the proposals, which is against Cheshire East Planning Policy

ii.                Inadequate secure bike storage within the proposals, which is against Cheshire East Planning Policy

iii.               That access to the rear does not provide a safe and sustainable access due to the nature of the unmade alley way as well as the lack of street lighting

iv.               That the access to the property is not safety or appropriate due to the unmade surface being severely uneven.

v.                Lack of defined off-street parking which is against Cheshire East Council Planning Policy

vi.               Adverse impact on existing neighbouring residences due to on street parking and on street waste in an area already highlighted as densely populated and subject to parking issues as well as waste and fly tipping issues.

vii.             Proposals for first floor residential accommodation should demonstrate safe access/egress and sustainable bin storage/management. Access via a dark and unmade alley way is considered unsafe and access should be provided to the front of the property.


Application No: 23/3073N
Proposal: Change of use at first floor to become 2No. one bedroom apartments over 2No. shops. Rear extension to allow separate access to residential areas.
Location: 189, NANTWICH ROAD, CREWE, CW2 6DD

RESOLVED: That the committee objects to the proposal on the following grounds:

i.                  Inadequate bin storage defined within the proposals, which is against Cheshire East Planning Policy

ii.                Inadequate secure bike storage within the proposals, which is against Cheshire East Planning Policy

iii.               That access to the rear does not provide a safe and sustainable access due to the nature of the unmade alley way as well as the lack of street lighting

iv.               That the access to the property is not safety or appropriate due to the unmade surface being severely uneven.

v.                Lack of defined off-street parking which is against Cheshire East Council Planning Policy (noting spaces shown on the plans, but they are not defined as specifically for the use of the proposed residences)

vi.               Adverse impact on existing neighbouring residences due to on street parking and on street waste in an area already highlighted as densely populated and subject to parking issues as well as waste and fly tipping issues.

vii.             Proposals for first floor residential accommodation should demonstrate safe access/egress and sustainable bin storage/management. Access via a dark and unmade alley way is considered unsafe and access should be provided to the front of the property.


Application No: 23/3245N
Proposal: Erection of a detached 3 bedroom dwelling at land at rear of 2 Howard Street

RESOLVED: That the committee objects to the proposals on the following grounds:

i.                  Access details are poorly defined and risk detrimental impact on existing residences

ii.                The scale of the proposed dwelling is such that it will overshadow neighbouring gardens and thereby adversely affect the amenity of those properties and their right to light

iii.               Neighbour comments display detailed issues and concerns relating to the proposal.


Application No: 23/3159N
Proposal: Variation to existing permission 17/3951N as per cover letter; Residential Development Comprising 11 Houses and Associated Access and Parking Arrangements.
Location: Land Off, STONELEY ROAD, CREWE

No comments


Application No: 23/0231N
 Proposal: Conversion of garage to living accommodation, part single/part two storey side extension, two storey rear extension (to include balcony/patio area to ground floor level and annexe to basement level) and gabled dormer to front elevation
 Location: 21A, MANOR AVENUE, CREWE, CW2 8BD

RESOLVED: That the committee identifies the detailed comments submitted by residents and seeks that the planning authority considers these in detail and any necessary mitigation is ensured.


Application No: 23/3292N
Proposal: Advertisement Consent for the display of new signage
   No comments
6 To consider making responses to any urgent planning application consultations that  have arisen since this agenda was published

Application No: 23/3419N
Proposal: Five advertising signs placed at entrance points on to roundabout.
Location: Roundabout at junction of Remer Street, Broad Street, North Street and Stoneley Road in Crewe

RESOLVED: That the committee objects to the proposal on the following grounds:

i.                  The area is overdeveloped, with the addition of signage leading to a distracting streetscene risking safety at an already challenging traffic location

ii.                That the additional signage has not been defined within the application in terms of the finished displayed image, lack of definition does not allow for approval

iii.               Representations from residents demonstrate great concern, which highlights the risks and issues faced at this location, which should be considered in detail


Application No: 23/3453N
Proposal: Prior Approval for a proposed change of use. The work is mostly internal fit out of apartments with a few replacement/alterations to existing windows and a couple of new window openings to match existing. External shell of building to be reviewed and any required refurbishment work to be done. External carpark with Bin & Cycle store to be improved.

RESOLVED: That the committee supports the principal of development in this location but the proposals do not represent a quality design proposal, being highest possible density, not representing the residential mix or ambition for high standard developments in the town centre and therefore objects to the proposals on the following grounds:

i.                  The proposals represent overdevelopment of the site with accommodation displayed for up to 36 residents, demonstrating high density accommodation

ii.                Apartments 1,5,6,7 & 8 show bedroom 2 as a very small scale but expecting to accommodate 2. These rooms are below technical standards for shared accommodation.

iii.               The proposals do not provide for net biodiversity gain, which is contrary to Cheshire East Planning Policy.

iv.               The proposals do not provide for sustainable energy production (eg solar panels), which is contrary to Cheshire East Planning Policy.

v.                The proposals do not provide for electric vehicle charge points, which is contrary to Cheshire East Planning Policy.


7 To note responses submitted under delegation since the previous meeting
8 To note and/or consider correspondence, consultations, planning policy circulated by the planning authority (Cheshire East Council) and member items
  8.1 Street Naming Consultation

No comments

8.2 Road Safety – conversion of verge to footway for accessing the controlled crossing from the southwestern side of Sydney Road

The committee welcomes the addition of a crossing on Sydney Road, but recognises that, due to the developments being approved by the planning authority along that route, there is urgent need for additional crossings along the road to ensure safety and active travel.

8.3 Cheshire East Local Plan – Final Draft Sustainable Drainage Systems Supplementary Planning Document Consultation [LINK]


8.4 Vernon Way Zebra Crossing proposed changes

The proposal is welcomed

9 To note correspondence associated with planning enforcement
  9.1 43A High Street

9.2 23 Meredith Street

9.3 4 Hall O’Shaw Street

9.4 11 Market Street


10 To note the proposed date of the next meeting Monday 16th October 2023 at 6pm.

Meeting closed at 7.42pm


Chair     Cllr John Rhodes

Clerk     P Turner


Meeting documents

Planning Committee meeting pack 180923

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