Planning Committee Meeting


MINUTES of the meeting held 26th June 2023


In attendance:

Cllr Lena Hogben

Cllr Steve Hogben

Cllr Marilyn Houston

Cllr Toni Mortimer

Cllr Kev Murray

Cllr John Rhodes


PL/23/2/1 To receive apologies for absence
  Cllr Jamie Messent, Cllr Dennis Straine-Francis
PL/23/2/2    To note declarations of Members’ interests
  Cllr Houston declared a non-pecuniary interest as it related to applications 23/2027N & 23/2024N, having called them in as the ward member within Cheshire East Council. The applications have now been withdrawn by the applicant.
PL/23/2/3 To confirm and sign the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 22nd May 2023
  RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record
PL/23/2/4 Public Participation
  A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments that relate to the items within the agenda.


PL/23/2/5 To consider making a response to the following planning applications:

Application No: 23/1798N
Proposal: AMENDED DESCRIPTION – New purpose-built building with link corridor interfacing with the existing main college campus building. 2 stories high with workshops (4) and lecture rooms (4), external render to match adjacent main campus building with pigmented blockwork to match adjacent college campus building wall panels and window frames.
Location: South Cheshire College, DANE BANK AVENUE, CREWE, CHESHIRE, CW2 8AB


No Objection


Application No: 23/2027N
Proposal: The removal of the existing close boarded fence to the eastern boundary; removal of railings on the southern and western boundaries. Construction of a new close boarded fence, 2 metres in height, to the eastern, southern and western boundaries




Application No: 23/2024N
Proposal: Listed building consent for the removal of the existing close boarded fence to the eastern boundary; removal of railings on the southern and western boundaries. Construction of a new close boarded fence, 2 metres in height, to the eastern, southern and western boundaries




Application No: 23/1974N
Proposal: Listed Building Consent for Internal fit out work to transform the existing Pumpkin Retail unit to a new Cafe Local brand retail unit together with new signage. The works are to be contained within the existing retail area demise and the existing Platform 7 elevation is to be retained with new signage that will match the size and position of the existing.


No objection


Application No: 23/2075N
Proposal: Variation of condition 5 on approval 23/0457N – see cover letter
Location: UNIT 4, Phoenix Leisure Park, DUNWOODY WAY, CREWE, CW1 3AJ


On consideration of the ambition for greater access to EV Charge Points, the committee supports the existing condition, which is in line with planning policy, and therefore opposes the application for variation.


Application No: 22/4964N
 Proposal: Proposed erection of a part single, part two storey building to provide a Class D2 Youth Zone facility with minibus parking and drive in drop off layby from Oak Street with accessible car parking space. A 5 a-side illuminated (MUGA) pitch is located on the roof at first floor level with an acoustic screen from properties on High Street. Covered secure cycle parking to the North along with external recreation area with secure fencing. Service Yard to the North accessed off High Street providing access to bin storage and minibus space. Associated boundary treatments and hard and soft landscaping.
 Location: Car Park, OAK STREET, CREWE


The committee supports the proposed development and the provision of sustainable and long-lasting services and facilities for young people.


Application No: 23/2121N
Proposal: Advertisement consent for various signage required for drive thru restaurant – 1No. Digintal Unit Single Screen, 3No. Digital Unit Double Screen, 2No. Building Letter Signage, 3No. McDonalds Golden Arch Logo, 2No. DOT Sign Parked Order Bay, 11No. DOT Sign 25D Pedestrian Crossing, 5No. DOT 25E Give Way, 9No. Loof Left, 7No. Look Right, 3No. Look Both Ways, 1No. Single Digital Reconnect Screen and 1No. Totem Signage
Location: Crewe Market Centre, Corner of West Stre, Crewe Market Centre, Corner of West Street & Vernon Way, Crewe, CW1 2NG




Application No: 23/1906N
Proposal: Build a double storey extension off the side of their house onto their carpark and stay within the 1 meter boundary of their fence line.

The proposed extension is to match the existing materials and finishes as the original.

Location: 217, GRESTY ROAD, CREWE, CW2 6EL


No objection


Application No: 23/2182N
Proposal: Erection of a new indoor sports facility and gymnasium (Use Class E(d)) and associated access, car parking, landscaping and associated works
Location: Land off Mirion St, Crewe, CW1 2AP

The committee supports the application in principle, but recognises the comments submitted by residents. The committee seeks that the applicant will actively encourage its users to travel by sustainable means (walking, cycling) and, if arriving by car, to ensure they use the car park provide in consideration of neighbouring residents.


It was noted that the loss of trees was not supported by planning policy to ensure net biodiversity gain.


Application No: 23/2158C
Proposal: Erection of 2 No. dwelling houses with associated access and landscaping.
Location: Land To Rear Of 203 And 205, MIDDLEWICH STREET, CREWE, CHESHIRE

RESOLVED: That the committee objects to the proposal on the following grounds

i.                    Back land development in this location demonstrates over development of the site with an overcrowding effect from the proposed development.

ii.                   Inadequate access to support development, eg access by waste and emergency services.

iii.                 Loss of amenity to existing residents of Russet Close due to proximity of access and additional traffic

iv.                 Access does not provide a safe highway, including lack of identified pedestrian pavement.

v.                   Risk to established trees

vi.                 Loss of amenity due to loss of privacy based on overlooking nature of the proposed development

vii.               Inadequate access for waste services past the current extent of Russet Close, leading to on street waste

viii.             Loss of biodiversity, against CE Planning Policy requiring net biodiversity gain.

PL/23/2/6 To consider making responses to any urgent planning application consultations that  have arisen since this agenda was published

Application No: 23/2212N
Proposal: Loft conversion and dormer to rear main roof area(s)


No objection, but is sought that planning conditions ensure that there is no subdivision of the premises and that it remains as a single dwelling house.


Application No: 23/2311N
Proposal: Proposed alterations and ground floor extension


No objection


Application No: 23/2225N
Proposal: Construction of a new paint shop on the site of an existing colleague carpark including a four story office annex. Work includes the construction of two bridge links over Sunnybank Road, plant annexes and a roof terrace.
Location: Bentley Motors Limited, PYMS LANE, CREWE, CW1 3PL


Whilst the committee did not object to the development, concern was raised relating to the use by those accessing the site on Sunnybank Road. It is sought that traffic  accessing via Sunnybank Road is re-routed to reduce the impact on residential neighbours from employee and delivery traffic


Application No: 23/2128N
Proposal: Erection of 4 bay Cosmetic Repair Centre
Location: Swansway Garages Emac House, GATEWAY, CREWE, CW1 6YY


No objection


PL/23/2/7 To note responses submitted under delegation since the previous meeting
  As Circulated
PL/23/2/8 To note and/or consider correspondence, consultations, planning policy circulated by the planning authority (Cheshire East Council) and member items
  8.1 Proposed base station installation upgrade at cornerstone 12744724, Rolls Royce water treatment, Pymms Lane, Crewe, CW1 3PL
PL/23/2/9 To note correspondence associated with planning enforcement


Application No: 23/00267E
Nature of problem: Dilapidated condition of property
PL/23/2/10 To note the proposed date of the next meeting Monday 24th July 2023 at 6pm.

Meeting closed at 7.21pm

Chair – Cllr John Rhodes

Clerk – P Turner


Meeting documents

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