Planning Committee


MINUTES of the Planning Committee 21/03/2022


In attendance:           Cllr John Rhodes          Cllr Tom Dunlop          Cllr Dennis Straine-Francis

Cllr Lena Hogben         Cllr Marilyn Houston   Cllr Hazel Faddes

Cllr Emma Angier


1. To receive apologies for absence.


2. To note declarations of Members’ interests.


3 Public Participation

A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments.


4 To receive the minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting that took place on Tuesday 21st February 2022.

RESOLVED:           That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting

5        To consider making a response to the following planning applications:


Application No: 22/0769N
Proposal: Listed Building Consent for minor restoration and alterations
Location: Territorial Army Centre, MYRTLE STREET, CREWE, CW2 7HY

The Heritage Officer Comments were noted to be included with the response.

No objection


Application No: 22/0768N
Proposal: Minor restoration and alterations
Location: Territorial Army Centre, MYRTLE STREET, CREWE, CW2 7HY

The Heritage Officer Comments were noted to be included with the response.

No objection


Application No: 22/0635N
Proposal: Construct basement and erect one additional storey to No. 22a Market

Street, alter elevations and change use of property to medical / health facility – use class E(e). (re-submission of 21/4270N).


RESOLVED:     That the committee objects to the application on the following grounds:

  1. The application should clearly represent and be linked with application 22/0637N
  2. The application should be considered by the planning authority in conjunction with application 22/0637N
  3. Negative impact on surrounding heritage setting, including Christ Church and 24 Market Street
  4. The effect of the proposal will be the unacceptably visually disruptive and uneven roof line along the development of commercial units, which will be read as distracting at a gateway location to the town centre.
  5. Inadequate detail and provision for waste management. Waste bins cannot be kept to the rear or in the public realm as they will obstruct the highway
  6. Inadequate provision for cycle storage
  7. The proposal constitutes over development of the site
  8. Lack of parking provision, particularly disabled parking, is against local planning policy
  9. The development proposal does not provide for any biodiversity, sustainability or renewable energy net gain, in opposition to the Climate Crisis recognized by Cheshire East Council
  10. That the committee reflects and supports the concerns raised by the Salvation Army neighbouring the proposed site
  11. That the Heritage Officer Comments should be submitted in response to this application


Application No: 22/0637N
Proposal: Construct basement and erect one additional storey together with first

floor rear extension and change use of property to medical/health facility

– use class E(e) (re-submission of 21/4317N)


RESOLVED:     That the committee objects to the application on the following grounds:

  1. The application should clearly represent and be linked with application 22/0637N
  2. The application should be considered by the planning authority in conjunction with application 22/0637N
  3. Negative impact on surrounding heritage setting, including Christ Church and 24 Market Street
  4. The effect of the proposal will be the unacceptably visually disruptive and uneven roof line along the development of commercial units, which will be read as distracting at a gateway location to the town centre.
  5. Inadequate detail and provision for waste management. Waste bins cannot be kept to the rear or in the public realm as they will obstruct the highway
  6. Inadequate provision for cycle storage
  7. The proposal constitutes over development of the site
  8. Lack of parking provision, particularly disabled parking, is against local planning policy
  9. The development proposal does not provide for any biodiversity, sustainability or renewable energy net gain, in opposition to the Climate Crisis recognized by Cheshire East Council
  10. That the committee reflects and supports the concerns raised by the Salvation Army neighbouring the proposed site
  11. That the Heritage Officer Comments should be submitted in response to this application


Application No: 22/0862N
Proposal: Prior approval for change of use of the building from office (use class E)

to mix use to include 9no. apartments (use class C3) and commercial unit at ground floor (use class E)

Location: 23-25, MARKET STREET, CREWE, CW1 2EW

Members agreed that the proposal does not represent the aim and ambition for quality homes in Crewe.

RESOLVED:     That the committee objects to the application on the following grounds:

  1. The proposals represent over development of the site and fewer, but larger units would be more suitable to the scale of the building
  2. Lack of internal natural light
  3. The proposals represent in effect the development of an HMO. The proliferation of such developments contributes disproportionately to Ant-Social Behaviour and is contrary to the emerging Cheshire East Council Article 4 Directive that recognizes the issues faced in Crewe.
  4. The proposed accommodation is of a low quality and does not provide for sustainable communities. Room sizes are below minimum standard for this type of development
  5. Unsustainable waste management plans. The waste bins cannot be left outside for collection as they will obstruct the highway. It is likely and expected that these proposals will lead to waste bins being left outside for protracted periods of time, leading to on street waste and fly tipping as well as providing opportunity for vermin and pests
  6. Lack of details associated with the cycle storage
  7. Loss of amenity for existing residences due to the property having no outdoor space
  8. No parking for the development will lead to localized issues and compound parking problems
  9. The proposals do not provide for sanitary or welfare facilities within the ground floor commercial unit
  10. That there are concerns regarding fire safety and safe evacuation of the building.
  11. The proposals do not provide any outdoor space for potential residents, which demonstrates low amenity value and the likely potential of a poor quality development


Application No: 22/0957N
Proposal: Prior approval of single storey rear extension with pitched roof extending

3.59m beyond the rear wall, maximum height of 3m and eaves height of 2.4m


RESOLVED: The committee objects to the application at this point as there is no information available on the Cheshire East website. The planning authority should restart consultation process when the information is available and accessible and provide a timescale for consideration, including consideration at the next available meeting of the Crewe town Council Planning Committee.


Application No: 21/1219N
Proposal: Non-material amendment to application 18/4050N – Reserved matters

application for appearance, landscaping, layout and scale following Outline approval 13/2055N – Outline application for up to 240 residential dwellings, open space and new access off Sydney Road



No comments


Application No: 22/0857N
Proposal: Two storey rear extension

The committee recognised and supported the concerns of the adjoining property as the proposals risk loss of amenity for the neighbouring property at number 69 due to over bearing nature and loss of light.

The committee requests that the planning authority considers the concerns submitted by the neighbouring property at number 69.


Application No: 21/5448N
Proposal: Change of Use from a large House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) (Sui

Generis) to a Children’s Care Home (C2 Use Class) for up to 4 children.

Location: 261, NANTWICH ROAD, CREWE, CW2 6NX


Whilst members again welcomed the provision of quality accommodation for vulnerable young people in Crewe and acknowledges the revised plans, the committee repeated its concern that the location of the proposed development is inappropriate due to the risks in that area to the potential residents of the proposed development


Application No: 22/0594N
Proposal: Variation of condition 2 on application 21/4625N and (NMA reference

22/0230N) – Demolition of existing buildings followed by the construction of a new Fire Station (including a training tower and training building) together with associated external works which include hard standings and car parking

Location: Crewe Fire Station, CREWE ROAD, CREWE, CHESHIRE, CW1 6DS

The committee welcomed investment in the fire station


Application No: 22/0596N
Proposal: Variation of condition 2 on application 21/4618N – Erection of temporary

fire station accommodation for the duration of the construction of the new fire station

Location: Crewe Fire Station, CREWE ROAD, CREWE, CHESHIRE, CW1 6DS

The committee welcomed investment in the fire station


Application No: 22/0802N
Proposal: Single storey Side and Rear extension to the house with an Ancillary

Guest Annex/Garden Room.


RESOLVED: That the committee objects to the proposal on the following grounds:

  1. Loss of amenity for adjoining properties due to noise and disturbance
  2. That the proposals risk commercial use of the garden room element as income generating guest accommodation (eg Airbnb), which would be unacceptable in this residential garden setting
  3. That the proposals risk the garden room element being used as low quality rental accommodation in the future
  4. That the garden room element should not be used for any overnight accommodation due to risk of disturbance to neighbouring properties.
  5. Any proposals associated with the garden room element must be conditioned on sole recreational use of the residents of the primary dwelling, no overnight accommodation and no subdivision of the property


Application No: 21/2601N
Proposal: Demolition of existing building and erection of a residential block of flats

and ground floor office Class E(c) or Class E(g)(i)


Whilst the committee welcomes sustainable urban development near the town centre, on reconsideration of the proposals in light of greater heritage understanding concerns were raised relating to the heritage impact of the proposals.

RESOLVED:     That the committee objects to the application on the following grounds:

  1. That the existing main building should be retained and reflected in the design proposals
  2. That the roofline should be in keeping and sympathetic to the surrounding area
  3. That the Heritage Officer Comments are submitted in response to the proposals.


Application No: 22/0782N
Proposal: Two Storey Side Extension Small Front Extension & Porch
Location: 21, BETJEMAN WAY, CREWE, CW1 5FS

RESOLVED:     That the committee does not object to the principle of the development, but objects to the proposals on the following grounds:

  1. The development should not allow for separate front entrance to the extension to reduce risk of subdivision of the primary development and remain in keeping with surrounding residential setting
  2. That the development cannot be subdivided or separately let and is for the sole use of the residents of the primary dwelling.
  3. That it should be conditioned that the proposed office extension cannot be separately let or disposed
  4. That it should be conditioned that the amenity of the surrounding residential properties is not adversely impacted by increased car traffic, associated parking or commercial activity


Application No: 22/0757N
Proposal: Single storey wrap around extension following previous approval



No objection


Application No: 22/0541N
Proposal: The application is for retrospective planning approval for conversion of

dwelling to HMO in what has recently been designated Article 4 Area. No

elevational changes required


RESOLVED: That the committee objects to the application on the following grounds:

  1. The proposal is contrary to the emerging Cheshire East Council Article 4 Directive, which seeks to cease the proliferation of HMOs in Crewe and recognizes the detrimental effect of such developments on the town and community
  2. That the development of an HMO has a negative impact on the amenity of other residences in terms of noise, on street waste and parking.
  3. That the proposals represent poor living accommodation, below minimum standards.


Application No: 22/0640N
Proposal: Upgrades to facade of P35 Mulliner Building including application of new

rainscreen cladding and section of living wall

Location: Bentley Motors Limited, PYMS LANE, CREWE, CW1 3PL

No objection


Application No: 22/0897N
Proposal: Manned eco car cash facility and electric vehicle charging, construction of four jet wash bays and four valeting bays, two self serve electric vehicle charging bays. A single, modular, amenity building containing a customer lounge, store and employee welfare area. Change of use as


Location: Land At, NORTH STREET, CREWE

RESOLVED:     That the committee objects to the application on the following grounds

  1. There is no separate or independent treatment of contaminated water (with oil or petroleum) which will be in concentration on the site due to the proposed use.
  2. That access and egress at the site will have a dangerous and detrimental effect on local traffic, with risk of road traffic incidents in a high traffic volume area
  3. The siting is poorly placed in consideration of nearby crossing and bus stop
  4. That residents’ concerns are taken in to account and considered fully.


Application No: 21/4382N
 Proposal: Demolition of existing buildings and erection of a residential development (Use Class C3) alongside a care home (Use Class C2) with associated access, parking, landscaping and infrastructure


The committee confirmed its previous objection to the principle of development and proposals, including concerns relating to accessibility for active travel due to dangers crossing a busy main road, the concerns raised by residents in response to the consultation and the loss of green space and open countryside.


  1. To consider making responses to any urgent planning application consultations that have arisen since this agenda was


Application No: 22/0924N
Proposal: External alterations and installation of plant
Location: Unit 13, Grand Junction Way, Crewe, CW1 2RP

No objection


Application No: 22/0970N
Proposal: Application to upgrade existing advertisement billboard to a digital LED advertisement
Location: Hungerford Road, Railway Bridge, CW1 6DA

RESOLVED:     That the committee objects to the application on the following grounds:

  1. Existing digital bill board advertising at the opposite corner will lead to unacceptable distraction to traffic at this busy junction and gateway to the town centre (planning ref 20/4318N).
  2. That the proposal will be detrimental to the amenity of the facing and nearby residential properties due to light pollution.



Application No: 22/0891N
Proposal: Single storey rear extension and associated internal works providing accessible kitchen and reception room allowing for ground floor bedroom and accessible wet room. Demolition of brick shed and associated landscaping.
Location: 199, WHEELMAN ROAD, CREWE, CW1 3QN


RESOLVED: The committee objects to the application at this point as there is no information available on the Cheshire East website. The planning authority should restart consultation process when the information is available and accessible and provide a timescale for consideration, including consideration at the next available meeting of the Crewe town Council Planning Committee.


  1. To note responses submitted under delegation since the previous meeting




8. To note and/or consider correspondence, consultations,  planning policy circulated by the

planning authority (Cheshire East Council) and member items

8.1 Proposed expansion of Springfield Special School (Crewe site) (consultation end 30/3/22)



Application No:        21/4434N

Proposal:    Reserved matters application proposing details of layout, appearance, scale and landscaping for the residential element (C3 use) of the outline development 15/1537N – Outline planning application (with all matters reserved) for a mixed-use development comprising residential use (Use Class C3) (up to 325 residential dwellings); employment use (Use Class B1), local centre comprising health centre and community facility (Use Class D1), food/non food retail (Use Class A1), public house/restaurant (Use Class A4/A3) and associated works including construction of a new access road with access from the Crewe Green Link Road South, creation of footpaths and provision of public open space and landscaping.

Location:     Land to the West of , DAVID WHITBY WAY, WESTON



  8.3     Consider requesting that the planning authority ensures early engagement and pre- application discussions for strategic, challenging and larger scale planning proposals as they relate to Crewe with Crewe Town Council’s Planning Committee

RESOLVED: That the committee formally requests that the planning authority ensures early engagement with Crewe Town Council, including pre-application consultation, for strategic, challenging and larger scale planning proposals as they relate to Crewe

8.4    Street Naming Consultation – road off Maw Green Road (planning References 18/0690N & 18/5442N)


8.5  20 is Plenty wheelie bin stickers – Cllr Wye

Deferred until Cllr Wye is able to attend and lead the item

9. It is recommended that Committee considers a resolution under Section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 to exclude the public and representatives of the press from the meeting during the consideration of Item 10 on the grounds that matter contains sensitive information and by reason of the confidential nature of the business being transacted.


20/0829N – Decision outcome

The update was noted

11. To note the proposed date of the next meeting Monday 25th April at 6pm – location and

format of the meeting to be confirmed subject to government Covid-19 safety guidance and restrictions at that time

  Meeting closed at 8.17pm

Chair Cllr John Rhodes

Clerk P Turner



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