Planning Committee
MINUTES Planning Committee 21st February 2022
In attendance: Cllr John Rhodes; Cllr Lena Hogben; Cllr Marilyn Houston; Cllr Tom Dunlop
1. | To receive apologies for absence.
Cllr Dennis Straine-Francis; Cllr Emma Angier & Cllr Ben Wye
2. | To note declarations of Members’ interests.
Cllr Houston declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 10
3 | Public Participation
A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments.
4 To receive the minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting that took place on Tuesday 18th January 2022
RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting
- To consider making a response to the following planning applications:
Application No: | 21/6400N |
Proposal: | Redevelopment of Flag Lane Baths, Crewe into a flagship Community Centre for the town. Refurbishment of exterior of the building. Replacement of all doors, windows and rooflights. Proposed landscaping and general refurbishment of the external grounds. Change of use from a public swimming pool, to a Sui Generis hub. Delicate and complementary extensions on the south elevation The extensions are a different materiality to the brick, |
Location: | Swimming Pool, FLAG LANE, CREWE, CW2 7QX |
The committee welcomed the ambitious and positive proposals for the building and the potential benefit for the community. Additionally, it was sought that:
- That the existing art deco windows and features on primary elevations are retained and reflected in external design proposals
- That there is detailed consideration of the Crewe Town Council Heritage Officer’s comments (submitted separately)
Application No: | 22/0306N |
Proposal: | Improvements to junction on A530 Middlewich Road to Pyms Lane |
Location: | Junction on A530 Middlewich Road and Pyms Lane, CREWE |
The committee has no objection to the proposals, but seeks that designs consider:
- Sustainable and active transport elements to be included within the designs, such cycle lanes and priority as well as pedestrian prioritisation and ease of access.
- That the proposal provides for a net gain and benefit to biodiversity and wildlife safety, including permeability for wildlife (eg wildlife corridors)
- Public art and public space improvements
Application No: | 22/0279N |
Proposal: | Proposed Ground floor external seating area on the rear and flue extractors and first floor extension |
Location: | 31, MILL STREET, CREWE |
RESOLVED: That the committee objects to the proposal on the following grounds:
- Reflecting the concerns of lack of detail as identified by the Environmental Health Officer comments
- That a site visit is required to understand the application prior to consideration, for example to identify if this is a retrospective application.
Application No: | 22/0385N |
Proposal: | Construction of a 4.9m x 0.7m outbuilding at the front to comprise meter house for gas, electric and water meters for the property |
Location: | 54, SYDNEY ROAD, CREWE, CW1 4HG |
No objection
Application No: | 21/6342N |
Proposal: | The reconfiguration of the site access arrangement to include separate access and egress junctions and formalisation of the existing unmarked parking layout. |
Location: | 4, OAK STREET, CREWE, CW2 7BX |
No objection
Application No: | 22/0342N |
Proposal: | Planning permission to install a telecoms shelter as part of VX Fiber FTTP telecoms network installation on the grass verge on Mill street, Crewe, CW2 7DT |
RESOLVED: That the planning committee objects to the application on the following grounds:
- The application is inaccurate and misleading in its description of the location as verge, as the location identified is public open green space used for leisure, exercise and amenity
- The proposal does not demonstrably provide for sustainable access for servicing the facility – access by vehicle will lead to damage of the public open green space; parking on Mill Street will lead to serious localised traffic congestion on a major gateway access to the town centre and nearby large-scale business parks.
- Loss of amenity for residents accessing the public open green space
- The proposal would be more appropriately placed elsewhere, away from public open greenspace, mitigating impact on residents and traffic
- Material negative impact on the streetscene – more care should be given to the location and visual amenity impact of this proposal
Application No: | 22/0336N |
Proposal: | Single storey extension to rear and loft conversion with dormer to rear |
Location: | 64, LUNT AVENUE, CREWE, CW2 7NA |
No Objection
Application No: | 22/0305N |
Proposal: | Existing lawned area in front of MINI showroom to be hard paved for the display of used cars |
Location: | Lookers MINI, Gateway, Crewe, CW1 6YY |
RESOLVED: That the committee objects to the application on the following grounds:
- That the plans should provide evidence of net improvement in drainage, particularly in line with sustainable drainage systems
- That all existing trees on the site should be retained
- That the planting bed should be replaced in equivalent sustainable planting.
Application No: | 22/0068N |
Proposal: | Two storey side and single storey rear extension(s) |
Location: | 231, MANOR WAY, CREWE, CW2 6PH |
No objection
Application No: | 22/0331N |
Proposal: | Planning permission to install a telecoms shelter as part of VX Fiber FTTP telecoms network installation on the grass verge on Lime Tree Ave, Crewe, CW1 4JA |
Location: | Site Compound Adjacent 243, Lime Tree Avenue, Crewe, CW1 4JA |
RESOLVED: That the planning committee objects to the application on the following grounds:
- The application is inaccurate and misleading in its description of the location as verge, as the location identified is public open green space used for leisure, exercise and amenity
- The proposal does not demonstrably provide for sustainable access for servicing the facility – access by vehicle will lead to damage of the public open green space; on street parking will lead to localised traffic congestion
- Loss of amenity for residents accessing the public open green space
- The proposal would be more appropriately placed elsewhere, away from public open greenspace, mitigating impact on residents and traffic
- Material negative impact on the streetscene – more care should be given to the location and visual amenity impact of this proposal
Application No: | 22/0326N |
Proposal: | Planning permission to install a telecoms shelter as part of VX Fiber FTTP telecoms network installation on the grass verge on Underwood Lane opposite Abington Close, Crewe, CW1 3SB. |
Location: | Land adjacent to 370, UNDERWOOD LANE, CREWE, CW1 3SB |
RESOLVED: That the planning committee objects to the application on the following grounds:
- The application is inaccurate and misleading in its description of the location as verge, as the location identified is public open green space used for leisure, exercise and amenity
- The proposal does not demonstrably provide for sustainable access for servicing the facility – access by vehicle will lead to damage of the public open green space; on street parking will lead to localised traffic congestion
- Loss of amenity for residents accessing the public open green space
- The proposal would be more appropriately placed elsewhere, away from public open greenspace, mitigating impact on residents and traffic
- Material negative impact on the streetscene – more care should be given to the location and visual amenity impact of this proposal
Application No: | 22/0307N |
Proposal: | Proposed dropped kerb |
Location: | 122, BROUGHTON ROAD, CREWE, CW1 4NS |
No objection
Application No: | 22/0109N |
Proposal: | outline application for two dwellings |
Location: | Land adjacent to 131, STONELEY ROAD, CREWE, CHESHIRE, CW1 4NQ |
The committee does not object, but seeks that:
- the vision splay details are reviewed as the diagram does not indicate how that spay will be maintained as it crosses private land of the adjoining and existing residence. Potentially, the controlled area for a vision splay south west of the site is far less than indicated
- That the development reflects net biodiversity gain as per planning policy
Application No: | 22/0243N |
Proposal: | Demolition of the existing conservatory, replacement single storey rear extension |
Location: | 53, CREWE ROAD, CREWE, CW1 6DT |
No objection
Application No: | 22/0196N |
Proposal: | Proposed 2 storey extension to the rear. |
Location: | 83, WARMINGHAM ROAD, CREWE, CW1 4PS |
No objection
Application No: | 21/6438N |
Proposal: | Advert Consent for Retrospective Application to install 1×42 LCD screen & 4x 1250x700mm flag Pole Signs overall height 2450mm |
Location: | Tesco Extra, VERNON WAY, CREWE, CHESHIRE, CW1 2DD |
No objection
Application No: | 22/0472N |
Proposal: | Two storey extension to side, single storey extension to rear and single storey garage extension to side |
No objection
Application No: | 22/0343N |
Proposal: | Use of the premises for the sitting and administration of computer-based driving theory test exams on behalf of the DVSA |
Location: | UNIT 8, Victoria Centre, 5 Victoria Streeet, CREWE, CW1 2PU |
No objection
- To consider making responses to any urgent planning application consultations that have arisen since this agenda was
Received since issuing the agenda:
Application No: | 22/0476N |
Proposal: | The proposed development is for external alterations, partial demolition and formation of a new fire escape stair enclosure |
Location: | UNIT 1, Phoenix Leisure Park, DUNWOODY WAY, CREWE, CW1 3AJ |
No objection
Application No: | 22/0127N |
Proposal: | Two storey side extension and single storey rear extension. |
No objection
Application No: | 22/0450N |
Proposal: | To convert a section of my land to commercial use to allow my son to operate a vehicle repair garage by appointment only. |
Location: | Woodland View, 2, WALDRONS LANE, CREWE, CW1 4PT |
The committee has no objection, but, due to its location on a small and rural lane, seeks that any associated planning consent includes such enforceable conditions to ensure that:
- There is no sub division of the site
- The commercial access it controlled by appointment only
- The commercial operation is not to expand beyond the current proposals.
Amended Plans:
Application No: | 21/3725N |
Proposal: | Demolition of double garage and erection of new double garage |
RESOLVED: The committee confirmed its previously submitted objection to the proposal on the following grounds:
- That the proposals demonstrate an over-bearing nature
- That the proposals demonstrate over development of the site
- That the proposal risks extension of living accommodation without proper scrutiny
Application No: | 21/5720N |
Proposal: | Extension over garage |
No Objection
Notice of appeal:
Application No: | 20/3766N |
Proposal: | 3 No Apartments |
- To note responses submitted under delegation since the previous meeting
8. To note and/or consider correspondence, consultations, planning policy circulated by the planning authority (Cheshire East Council) and member items
8.1 Cheshire East Commuted Sums (s106) Policy notice
8.2 CEC Air Quality Reports Noted
8.3 Crewe Hub Area Action Plan Withdrawal Notice Noted
8.4 Notice that the Cheshire East Brownfield Land Register has been published Noted
8.5 HS2 Phase 2b: High Speed Rail (Crewe to Manchester) Bill 2022 It was agreed that the Clerk will contact the Cheshire East Council Lead Officer for HS2 and offer support for their approach, subject to details.
8.6 20 is Plenty wheelie bin stickers – Cllr Wye Deferred to allow Cllr Wye to lead on this item |
9. |
It is recommended that Committee considers a resolution under Section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 to exclude the public and representatives of the press from the meeting during the consideration of Item 10 on the grounds that matter contains sensitive information and by reason of the confidential nature of the business being transacted. |
RESOLVED: That the meeting will enter closed session for the purposes of Agenda Item 10 | |
10. |
20/0829N – consideration of the conclusion of this planning application Resolution not currently available |
11. |
To note the proposed date of the next meeting Monday 21st March 2022 at 6pm – location and format of the meeting to be confirmed subject to current Covid-19 guidance and restrictions |
Meeting Closed at 8:06pm
Chair Cllr John Rhodes
Clerk P Turner
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