Planning and Environment Committee Meeting

MINUTES meeting held 20/05/2024

In attendance:

Cllr Lena Hogben

Cllr Toni Mortimer

Cllr Kevin Murray

Cllr John Rhodes

Cllr Dennis Straine-Francis


PL/24/1/1 To elect the committee Chair and Deputy Chair for 2024/25


i.                    That Cllr John Rhodes is elected Chair of the committee

ii.                   That Cllr Kevin Murray is elected Deputy Chair of the committee

PL/24/1/2 To receive apologies for absence
  Cllrs Steve Hogben, Marilyn Houston, Jamie Messent
PL/24/1/3    To note declarations of Members’ interests


PL/24/1/4 To confirm and sign the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 22nd April 2024

RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting

PL/24/1/5 Public Participation
  A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments that relate to the items within the agenda.


To consider making a response to the following planning applications:

Application No: 24/1500N
Proposal: Change from office space to C3 residential unit. No external alterations are required as part of the works.
Location: 1, MILL STREET, CREWE, CW2 7AE


Members expressed their support for the residents’ comments submitted.

RESOLVED: That this committee objects to the proposal on the following basis:

i.                    The proposal does not meet the minimum technical housing standard, thereby providing for low quality and cramped living conditions.

ii.                   The proposals provide for over-development of the site with excessive occupancy levels.

iii.                 The proposals will lead to loss of amenity for neighbouring properties due to the high density  nature of the proposals leading to on street waste, on street parking and additional noise disturbance.

iv.                 HMOs are considered an unsustainable development type and subject to Article 4 Directive to restrict such developments. The directive implemented in recognition of the detrimental impact on the community related to HMO developments and their further proliferation.

v.                   There is no provision for secure cycle storage, which does not meet local planning authority planning policy.

vi.                 No provision for off street parking does not meet local planning authority policy, being that it is unreasonable to assume that no residents will own a car.

vii.               Lack of outdoor amenity space does not provide for appropriate accommodation for potential residents.


Application No: 24/1409N
Proposal: Full planning application for residential development comprising 20 dwellings, with associated landscaping and infrastructure.
Location: Land to the west of DAVID WHITBY WAY, adjacent to Crotia Mill Farm.


Members expressed their support for the residents’ comments submitted.

RESOLVED: That the committee comments to the proposals in relation to the following aspects:

i.                    Submitted reports are inconsistent and require corrections

ii.                   That submitted reports associated with habitat and biodiversity are out of date.

iii.                 That  considerations associated with this site should be in line with considerations for the larger and adjoining development in terms of S106 contributions, impact on net biodiversity gain and community impact.

iv.                 That the development should include for sustainable energy production (roof-mounted solar panels).

v.                   That the development should provide details associated with evidenced compliance with local planning authority adopted SUDS policy

vi.                 That the development should provide for household EV charging points.

vii.               That the proposals for the entirety of this site do not provide for any additional social or health infrastructure and large developments such as this in and around Crewe should be obligated to deliver additional social assets and capacity such as health facilities, schools and public transport infrastructure.


Application No: 24/1222N
Proposal: Division of exiting retail unit into three units at ground floor and the part conversion of storage space at first floor to accommodate 4nr residential apartments, to include alterations to existing shop frontage to provide access to retail space and residential accommodation from Market Street
Location: 61-67, MARKET STREET, CREWE, CW1 2EY


RESOLVED: That the committee objects to the proposals on the following grounds:

i.                    That the commercial waste storage detail is not provided, leading to risk of local site contamination due to on street waste, which is already a serious reported issue at this site

ii.                   Over-development of the site, with plans showing unit 4 with no outward facing windows leaving the unit lacking an outlook (just roof lights), which provides for poor quality living accommodation.

iii.                 Lack of provision of sustainable household waste store for the residential units

iv.                 Lack of provision for secure cycle storage for the residential units.

v.                   Lack of amenity space for potential residents providing poor quality accommodation.

vi.                 Lack of a planning statement which could provide necessary associated details.

vii.               Lack of fire safety and safe evacuation routes.


Application No: 24/1529N
Proposal: Proposal for the installation of two rapid electric vehicle charging stations and ancillary equipment within the car park of McDonalds on Macon Way in Crewe. Two existing parking spaces will become EV charging bays.
Location: Mcdonalds Restaurants Limited, MACON WAY, CREWE, CHESHIRE, CW1 6DR


No comments


Application No: 24/1321N
Proposal: Additional residential accommodation comprising static mobile home and dayroom
Location: Orchard Meadows, GROBY ROAD, CREWE, CW1 4ND


RESOLVED: That members expressed concern relating to the proposals on the following grounds:

i.                    That the additional accommodation indicates multiple households in occupancy on the site

ii.                   That this approach could lead to over development of the site within the open countryside as a residential estate.

iii.                 That the application does not address the impact on the highway for higher density residential site.

iv.                 That should approval be granted by the local planning authority, such conditions as to ensure that the associated day rooms cannot be used for overnight/sleeping accommodation and cannot otherwise be let on a commercial basis or for the benefit of financial gain and must be for the sole use of the primary household of that site.


Application No: 24/1559N
Proposal: Installation of new digital communications kiosk and ancillary digital advertisement.
Location: Pavement O/S 66A Nantwich Rd, Crewe CW2 , Pavement O/S 66A Nantwich Road, Crewe, CW2 6AL


RESOLVED: That the committee objects to the proposal on the following grounds:

i.                    The committee expressed reservations as it was considered that the intent of the proposal could be interpreted as disingenuous, being that the social benefits of the proposed communications infrastructure referred to in the application being used to support the argument for a digital advertising board.

ii.                   The installation of this advertising screen at this location raised concern of cluttering the highway, acting as a visual distraction for traffic and active travel.

iii.                 Additional comment: Should consent be granted, Crewe Town Council, in consultation with the Cheshire East communications section, should have some access to the use of the digital display for its events and activities


Application No: 24/1626N
Proposal: Amendment of previous approval 21/2434N for construction of single storey side and rear extension

No comments


Application No: 24/1607N
Proposal: Installation of a new roof mounted air source heat pump to replace existing gas fired boiler plant serving the LTHW heating system.

No comments


Application No: 24/1608N
Proposal: Installation of a new roof mounted air source heat pump to replace existing gas fired boiler plant serving the LTHW heating system.
  No comments


Application No: 24/1702N
Proposal: Front Extension to existing dwelling. Resubmission of current planning approval 21/2522N to prevent a lapse of planning approval prior to starting the development.

No comments


PL/24/1/7 To consider making responses to any urgent planning application consultations that  have arisen since this agenda was published

Application No: 24/1710N
Proposal: Resubmission of 23/2426N: Change of use from Sui Generis to Studio


RESOLVED: That the committee objects to the proposals on the following grounds:

i.                    The reasons for the dismissed planning appeal associated with previous planning application 23/2426N as listed within the Appeal Decision Letter numbered 5, 9, 10 and 12, which have not been mitigated within this application

ii.                   That the proposals would create over-development of the site.

iii.                 That the proposals doe not provide for amenity space for potential residents, thereby creating low quality accommodation.

iv.                 That the proposals do not provide any community or social benefit in terms of improvements to the streetscene and enhancement of the heritage front elevation.


Application No: 24/1614N
Proposal: Recladding of existing premises and new UPVC windows in white, together with car parking alterations
Location: Jaymar Packaging, FIRST AVENUE, CREWE, CW1 6BG
No comments


Application No: 24/1812N
Proposal: Single storey side and rear extension

No comments


Application No: 24/1622N
Proposal: Listed building consent for internal non-structural fit-out new signage

No comments


PL/24/1/8 To note responses submitted under delegation since the previous meeting


PL/24/1/9 To note and/or consider correspondence, consultations, planning policy circulated by the planning authority (Cheshire East Council) and member items
  9.1 Proposal to include SEN unit for KS1 and 2 at Leighton Primary Academy for 20 pupils (here)

No comments


9.2 Royal Arcade future uses.

Members commented that they supported the provision of a quality public green space, including lighting and additional planting and features.


That the committee recommends to council the following formal position for consideration for adoption:

That, in the understanding that Cheshire East Council has been unable to secure a future purpose for the Royal Arcade land, Crewe Town Council supports the provision of a community greenspace park at the former Royal Arcade for the benefit of the community and town centre and that additional recreational and amenity facilities at the site would add value to the town centre, its regeneration and those living and working there.

PL/24/1/10 To note correspondence associated with planning enforcement

10.1 Furnival Street – noted

PL/24/1/11 To note the proposed date of the next meeting of the Planning & Environment Committee is

24th June 2024 at 6pm.

Chair      Cllr John Rhodes

Clerk      P Turner

Meeting documents

Planning Committee Meeting Pack 200524

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