Planning and Environment Committee Meeting

MINUTES of the meeting held 16th September 2024

In attendance:

Cllr Steve Hogben

Cllr Marilyn Houston

Cllr Toni Mortimer

Cllr Kevin Murray

Cllr John Rhodes

Cllr Dennis Straine-Francis


1 To receive apologies for absence

Cllr Jamie Messent; Cllr Lena Hogben

2    To note declarations of Members’ interests

Cllr Hogben declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 11 as a volunteer member of the Railway Cottages Residents’ Association.

Cllr Straine-Francis declared a non-pecuniary interest in 24/3152N as a resident on Sydney Road.

3 To confirm and sign the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 15th July 2024

RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting

4 Public Participation
  A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments that relate to the items within the agenda.


5. To consider making a response to the following planning applications:
Application No: 24/3172N
Proposal: Certificate of lawful existing development in respect of condition 1 on Outline planning permission 19/3356N.
Location: Land To The East Of, BROUGHTON ROAD, CREWE

No comments

Application No: 24/3152N
Proposal: Engineering operation to create a Sustainable Urban Drainage basin on land to the east of the Seddon Homes development referenced 21/4382N.


No comments, subject to the details of the associated technical consultation response from the Environment Agency (or other appropriate technical consultee). The clerk is delegated to provide a response should there be any issues identified by consultees with the associated technical expertise.


Application No: 24/3161N
Proposal: Change of Use from Residential (Class C3) to Commercial (Class E)
Location: 333B, WEST STREET, CREWE, CW1 3HU


RESOLVED: That the committee is not opposed to the principle of development but objects to the proposals on the following grounds:

i.                    That the development does not provide for internal residential amenity space and as such proposes over development of the site, with no reception/amenity room for residents and purely bedrooms provided. The kitchen facility is not of adequate scale to provide a communal lounge area.

ii.                   The proposals do not provide for appropriate residential waste bin storage detailing, which will lead to on street waste and therefore loss of amenity for existing residences in the area.

iii.                 The Proposals do not provide for appropriate commercial waste storage detailing, which will lead to on street waste and therefore loss of amenity for existing residences in the area.

iv.                 The proposals do not provide for details of secure cycle storage.

v.                   The provision of high-density accommodation without allocated off-street parking at this location will lead to on street parking pressures, which will have a negative impact on existing residences.

vi.                 The accommodation does not meet minimum technical housing standards for the residential unit. The internal floor space is shown as 68.7sqm, which is below the very minimum requirement for a 3-bed unit, therefore demonstrating very cramped and unsustainable living conditions.

vii.               Bedroom 2 is shown as a walk-through room and as such cannot be considered as an independent bedroom.

viii.             There is no external amenity space provided for the residential unit, which is not sustainable.

ix.                 The commercial property development will have an adverse effect on the highway due to lack of on street parking and localized traffic and parking issues.


Application No: 24/2957N
Proposal: We currently have a 2.5 metre dropped kerb for a sharded driveway. We are proposing to extend the current dropped kerb.


The committee supports the provision of additional off-street parking capacity in this location.


Application No: 24/2951N
Proposal: Listed building consent for repairs to the existing roof coverings, flashings and rainwater goods and repairs and redecoration to high level windows.
Location: Brierley Primary School, MIRION STREET, CREWE, CW1 2AZ


No comments


Application No: 24/2988N
Proposal: External alterations associated with the continued factory / warehouse use (use class B2 / B8)
Location: 1, DUCHY ROAD, CREWE, CW1 6NB


No comments


Application No: 24/2919N
Proposal: Change of use of existing terraced house to HMO and conversion of garage to residential accommodation
Location: 185 , Ruskin Road, Crewe, Cheshire East, CW2 7JX


RESOLVED: That the committee strongly objects to the proposals on the following grounds:

i.                    The provision of an HMO in this location is in opposition to the principles of the associated Article 4 Directive to prevent the proliferation and unsustainable development of HMOs in Crewe

ii.                   The accommodation does meet the minimum technical housing standard for living accommodation for a 6-bedroom unit and demonstrates provision of accommodation significantly below the prescribed level.

iii.                 The conversion of an outbuilding to permanent residential accommodation is not supported as it removes suitable and sustainable amenity space for future uses.

iv.                 The proposals do not identify sustainable waste storage, which known and highlighted localised issues reported, which will adversely impact on the amenity of existing residences.

v.                   There is no provision for off street parking which will adversely affect the amenity of existing residences due to increase on street parking pressures.

vi.                 There is no provision for secure cycle storage within the proposals

vii.               The proposals for the garage conversion represent a separate living accommodation unit and do not provide for kitchen or associated utility facilities.


Application No: 24/3196C
Proposal: Single storey side extension to accommodate disabled bathroom and utility room and garage conversion to a bedroom to enable full time care
No comments  
6 To consider making responses to any urgent planning application consultations that  have arisen since this agenda was published

Application No: 24/3166N
Proposal: Variation of conditions 2, 11 & 20 – plans on approval 22/4964N.
Location: Crewe House Car Park Spaces, OAK STREET, CREWE

No comments

7 To note responses submitted under delegation since the previous meeting


8 To note and/or consider correspondence, consultations, planning policy circulated by the planning authority (Cheshire East Council) and member items
  ·         Valley Brook Corridor Active Travel Scheme


i.                    The committee supports active travel and the enhancement of the Valley Brook track/path.

ii.                   The committee opposes the creation of a one-way system along Alton Street and/or Electricity Street, noting that this will cause significant issues for local residents.

iii.                 That the committee seeks a detailed impact assessment for all proposals as they will have significant implications for highway operations and residents in that area and accessing services in that area.

iv.                 That the proposed restrictions for on street parking are not sustainable as it will lead to a displacement of parked cars, exacerbating issues for residents nearby.

v.                   That the council shall continue to promote engagement with the consultation

9 To note correspondence associated with planning enforcement

Application No: 24/00544E
Nature of problem: Demolition of a canopy


10 Building Conservation

10.1 Update on progress towards a Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Plan

11 Environmental & Sustainability Projects

11.1 Update on projects associated with environmental sustainability and improvements

12 Budget setting – consideration of potential committee budget for 2025/26
  Noted with no further proposed amendments
13 To note the proposed date of the next meeting of the Planning & Environment Committee is

14th October 2024.

Meeting closed at 7.09pm

Chair      Cllr John Rhodes

Clerk      P Turner

Meeting documents

Planning Environment Committee agenda pack 160924

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