Operations & Improvements Committee Meeting
Minutes of the Operations and Improvements Committee Meeting 12th March 2023
Cllr. S. Mackay
Cllr. J.Bratherton
Cllr. B.Wye
Cllr.D. Straine -Francis
Cllr. J. Pratt
Cllr. T. Mortimer
Cllr. S.Yates
Cllr S. Hogben
Cllr. K. Murray
Cllr. A. Coiley
OI/23/4/1 | To receive apologies for absence |
Apologies were received from Cllr. J. Messent | |
OI/23/4/2 | To note declarations of Members’ interests |
Declarations of a non- pecuniary interest were made by Cllr Mackay and Cllr Murray with regard to Crewe Heritage Centre Heritage Centre and from Cllr Yates as a previous steering group member for the development of the Crewe BID. | |
OI/23/4/3 | To confirm and sign the minutes of the Operations and Improvements Committee meeting held on 17th January 2024 |
Resolved: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting. | |
OI/23/4/4 | Public Participation |
A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments in relation to the published agenda items.
No questions or comments were received. |
OI/23/4/5 | To note the year-to-date financial position for the Operations and Improvements Committee |
Noted: the year-to-date financial position for the Operations and Improvements Committee | |
OI/23/4/6 | To receive an update on Crewe Heritage Centre |
Noted: The update on Crewe Heritage Centre | |
OI/23/4/7 | To receive an update on the Heritage Delivery Plan |
Noted: An update on the Heritage Delivery Plan | |
OI/23/4/8 | To receive an update and consider matters related to the Regeneration Delivery Plan for 2023/24 |
Noted : the update.
Resolved: I.To recommend to Council to approve the draft Memorandum of Understanding with Crewe BID company, enabling the BID to retain the funds for BID developments and allocate to further activity in line with BID and Town Council objectives. II.To allocate £5000 from Budget Regeneration Projects for the ‘Keep on Keeping On’ project from Regeneration Projects to EMR pending arts council confirmation. III.The residual Public Realm funding 23/24 be allocated to EMR for decorative lighting enhancements in the town centre. |
OI/23/4/9 | To consider matters related to Park Improvements |
i. To recommend to Council to allocate both 2023/4 and 2024/5 funds (up to a limit or to the available £200,000) to improve Brookhouse Road Park. And any residual funds to be allocated to other park improvements. ii. To request a survey of signage from Ansa with potential to consider investment in new signs as part of 24/25 delivery plan. |
OI/23/4/10 | To consider onward maintenance of park play areas and play spaces |
Resolved To recommend to Council that:
i. That Council contracts ANSA to provide a Play Park and Spaces Maintenace Officer ii. That the officer is appropriately resourced with vehicle, tools and some budget for repairs. iii. That the provision is contracted for 10 years iv. That the funding for 2024/25 contract is provided from general reserve (plus initial equipment from 4170 307) v. That the budget setting process for future years includes for the onward delivery and addressing any learning. |
OI/23/4/11 | To consider options for the allocation of Cleaner Crewe funding for 2024/25. |
i) That the preferred direction would be to provide neighbourhood support. The Regeneration Manager was asked to produce a job description around this proposition. Councillor Bratherton left the meeting at the end of this item. |
12 | To consider matters related to the 24/25 Regeneration Delivery Plan |
i) Noted: The update.
ii) Resolved: to add the play space officer role to the delivery plan. |
13 | To note the proposed date of the next meeting on Tuesday 21st May at 6pm.
Noted: The meeting date . The meeting finished at 7.42 PM Chair Cllr S. Mackay Clerk: Lindsay Lewis |
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