Operations and Improvements Committee
To: Members of the Operations and Improvements Committee
Dear Councillor,
You are summoned to attend the meeting of the Operations and Improvements Committee to be held at 6:00pm on Tuesday 10th May 2022 The meeting will be held at the Crewe Town Council offices, 1 Chantry Court, Crewe, CW1 2DL.
In the interests of maintaining Covid 19 safety, adherence to guidance and to facilitate appropriate public access, the meeting will be recorded and shared on the Crewe Town Council youtube.com channel.
Yours sincerely,
Peter Turner
Town Clerk
Crewe Town Council
1 | To receive apologies for absence |
2 | To note declarations of Members’ interests |
3 | To confirm and sign the minutes of the Operations and Improvements Committee meeting held on 14th February 2022 (attached) |
4 | Public Participation |
A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments. Any member of the public wishing to participate should email [email protected] by 4.00 p.m. on the day of the meeting, providing their name, email address and an indication of the subject of their question or comment. Alternatively, your comments or questions can be submitted in advance and read to the committee at the meeting by the clerk.
Attendance at the meeting in person is permitted, but space is limited and you are asked to consider if you might be able to access the meeting virtually in consideration of available space and associated government Covid-19 safety guidance. Please feel free to contact the office to discuss this in more detail if you would like to. |
5 | To note the year-to-date financial position for the Operations and Improvements Committee (attached) |
6 | To receive an update and consider matters related to the Delivery Plan for 2022/23
(attached) |
7 | To consider matters related to heritage activities in Crewe |
7.1 Christ Church
7.2 Heritage Development |
8 | To receive an update on the work of the Crewe Rangers |
9 | To consider a proposal from Councillor Wye regarding a campaign to discourage idling of car engines outside schools. |
10 | To receive and consider a report on the Cleaner Crewe Project and continuation of funding for a Community Enforcement Officer. |
11 | To receive and consider a report on investment in play areas for 2022. |
12 | To consider additional contract for town centre painting scheme. |
13 | Regarding Item 14 |
It is recommended that Committee considers a resolution under Section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 to exclude the public and representatives of the press from the meeting during the consideration of Item 14 on the grounds that matter contains sensitive information and by reason of the confidential nature of the business being transacted.
14 | To consider the future resource and strategic direction for Heritage support and Development in Crewe |
15 | To note the proposed date of the next meeting Tuesday 19th July at 7pm, location and format of the meeting to be confirmed subject to government Covid-19 safety guidance and restrictions at that time.
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