Operations and Improvements Committee
Minutes of the Operations and Improvements Committee 14th February 2022
O&I 21 4/1 | To receive and consider apologies for absence |
Apologies were received from Councillor Cosby, Councillor Morrissey, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Palin and Councillor Straine-Francis. Cllr Messent has dispensation to not attend meetings for 6 months. | |
O&I 21 4/2 | To note declarations of Members’ interests |
No interests were declared | |
O&I 21 4/3 | To consider the co-option of new members to this committee
i. Cllr Dawn Clark ii. Cllr Martin Edwards |
Resolved: to confirm co-option of Cllrs Dawn Clark and Martin Edwards to the committee. | |
O&I 21 4/4 | To confirm and sign the minutes of the Crewe Town Council Meeting held on 10th November 2021 (attached) |
Resolved: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting. |
O&I 21 4/5 | Public Participation |
A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments. Any member of the public wishing to participate should email [email protected] by 4.00 p.m. on the day of the meeting, providing their name, email address and an indication of the subject of their question or comment. Alternatively, your comments or questions can be submitted in advance and read to the committee at the meeting by the clerk.
The Regeneration Manager conveyed thanks on behalf of Councillor Dunlop, Mayor of Crewe, for the purchase of the commemorative plaque for Leighton Hospital. No other questions were received. |
O&I 21 4/6 | To note the year-to-date financial position for the Operations and Improvements Committee . |
The financial position was duly noted | |
O&I 21 4/7 | To receive an update and consider matters related to the Delivery Plan for 2021/22.
The Regeneration Manager sought approval for purchase of items listed and |
i) To delegate further expenditure of Animation budget 473/ 4279 £8409 against defined outcomes to Regeneration manager in agreement with Town Clerk and Chair of Committee. II) To approve revised expenditure of Public Realm Budget 473/4721 of up to £10,000 in consideration of changes made to original plan for Prince Albert Street and to benefit from any additional expenditure of Welcome Back Funding to Market Street. III) To delegate purchases using residual Public Realm budget 473/4271 as achievable to the Regeneration Officer, with approval from the Chair and Clerk, including self – watering baskets planters and repairs to bike shelter. Further clarification was sought from Councillor Wye regarding the Bike rack and an alternative roof cover was preferred to leave the bikes visible or an alternative rack if this was not possible. IV) To approve expenditure of budget within parameters as outlined in including 4186 Regeneration Projects for Shop Window Improvements. V) To approve use of residual budget 4184 Ranger Service to make provision for new Rangers joining in April, with larger items of expenditure listed: · Weed brushes, £1250 · Hire or purchase of trailer £2500 · Bowser £3000 · Watering Unit, £1000 VI) To delegate decision regarding additional support for Lansdowne Road Park residents of expenditure up to £1000 to Regeneration Officer, with agreement from Town Clerk and Chair of Committee. |
O&I 21 4/8 | To consider matters related to Christ Church. |
i. That the committee confirms its commitment to find a sustainable long-term use for Christchurch as part of the town centre regeneration ii. To note the proposal and indicative timetable to secure additional funding for Christ Church iii. That authority is delegated to the committee chair and town clerk for spend on proposition development and engagement (from budget code 465 4277 and the AHF grant) to the maximum value of £10,000 iv. That the recommended delivery vehicle is in the form of a charitable trust v. That the charitable trust (exact designation to be defined) comprises of a single trustees, that being Crewe Town Council
O&I 21 4/9 | To consider matters related to the Heritage Strategy.
(a) Members Received the update on Year One heritage activity and planned development of Year Two activity. (b) Resolved: To approve the budget requests made for the remaining 2021/22 financial year. |
O&I 21 4/10 | To consider the delivery plan for 2022/23 |
i. That the service delivery plan and associated spend within the approved 2022/23 budget is recommended to Council ii. That all associated spend and procurement is delivered within the council’s governance iii. That all ongoing work, actions and outcomes are reported regularly to the associated committees and council where relevant. iv. That undefined aspects of delivery are progressed though the appropriate governance, committee or council for further development and definition for later approval. |
O&I 21 4/11 | To consider the provision of town entry sub-signage.
The Clerk reported on the removal of commercial sub- plates following a notification from Cheshire East Council that these would make the town entry signs subject to non – domestic rating. This would incur additional costs for the Town Council and planning permission may be required for the signs. Should Council wish to continue with such signs then the opportunity would have to be advertised and all businesses and organisations wishing to use them would have to be offered the opportunity to apply. |
Resolved: Not to replace the sub- plates on Town Entry signs on a commercial basis. | |
O&I 21 4/12 | To consider the draft Business Improvement District (BID) feasibility report and the recommendations for any future progress. |
Resolved: To recommend to Town Council to consider the report and provide the development funding shortfall. | |
O&I 21 4/13 | To consider the date of the next meeting of the Operations and Improvements Committee. The Chair indicated that further consultation was required on a start time. |
The date was Noted:
Tuesday 10th May 2022 at 7.00pm |
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