Operations and Improvements Committee
Minutes of the Operations and Improvements Committee Meeting 7th March 2023
Cllr Clark, Cllr Palin, Cllr Straine -Francis, Cllr Coiley, Cllr Edwards, Cllr Walton, Cllr Cosby |
Regeneration Manager, Heritage Manager. | |
O&I4/1 | To receive apologies for absence. |
Apologies were received from: Cllr Messent and Cllr Wye. | |
O&I4/2 | To note declarations of Members’ interests. |
No interests were declared. | |
O&I4/3 | To confirm and sign the minutes of the Operations and Improvements Committee meeting held on 31st January 2023 |
The minutes were duly signed. | |
O&I4/4 | Public Participation |
A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments. | |
No questions were received. | |
O&I4/5 | To note the year-to-date financial position for the Operations and Improvements Committee. |
The Year- to date position was noted. | |
O&I4/6 | To receive an update and consider matters related to the Delivery Plan for 2022/23. |
4/6/ii 4/6/iii |
I. Resolved:
II. To note existing approved Earmarked Reserves as listed. III. To approve creation of Earmarked Reserves for projects to be completed. To recommend to council that approval is given for the Regeneration Manager to seek quotations for shop window and hoarding decorations up to the value of £21,487 in line with financial and procurement regulations. |
O&I4/7 | To receive an update and consider matters related to Heritage. |
4/7/i 4/7/ii |
To approve the request to transfer £3,685 from 465 4277 Christ Church Project to 350 EMR Christ Church to support community engagement activity. To approve the proposal to spend £5,000 from 473 4281 Heritage Working Group 2023/4 Business Delivery Plan to develop a heritage workshop for schools. |
O&I4/8 | To receive an update and consider matters related to the Knife Angel. |
4/8/i 4/8/ii 4/8/iii |
The deposit of £4000. i. The additional Insurance cover required and excess of £50,000. ii. To note the purchase of barriers £489 from 473 4721 Public realm. |
O&I4/9 | Noted:
The date and time of the next meeting Tuesday 30th May 2023 at 6pm. |
Councillors expressed their thanks to members who have served on the committee, and would not be putting themselves forward for election for another term: Cllr Cosby, Cllr Walton and Cllr Palin.
The meeting closed at 6.25pm Chair : Cllr Dawn Clark Clerk : Lindsay Lewis |
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