Operations and Improvements Committee

Minutes of the Operations and Improvements Committee Wednesday 21st July 2021

Present: Cllr Minshall, Cllr Walton, Cllr Palin, Cllr Wye and Cllr Coiley

Also Present: Cllr Faddes

1. To receive apologies for absence

Apologies were received from: Cllr Messent, Cllr Cosby and Cllr Morrissey

2. To note declarations of Members’ interests

No interests were declared.

3. To confirm and sign the minutes of the Crewe Town Council Meeting held on Weds 19th May 2021.

Resolved: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting.

4. Public Participation

Cllr Faddes spoke to the Committee with regard to funding for parks and asked if a friends group in Sydney could be established, and that any residual budget from Lansdowne Road play area be attributed to other areas. She also suggested that members engage with their local communities. Cllr Coiley expressed interest in setting up a group for Pebble Brook. Cllr Palin suggested that a CEC member should also join groups in their respective wards.

5. To note the year-to-date financial position for the Operations and Improvements Committee.

The financial position was duly noted.

6. To consider and inform the Draft Parks Strategy.

Resolved: To recommended the Strategy to Council.

7. To consider matters related to:
The Heritage Strategy
Christ Church Development

It was recommended that Committee considered a resolution under Section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 to exclude the public and representatives of the press from the meeting during the consideration of Item 7 – Christ Church Development on the grounds that the matter contains sensitive information and by reason of the confidential nature of the business being transacted.

Resolved: To exclude the press and representatives of the public from discussion of Christ Church Development by reason of the confidential nature of the business being transacted, and to move this item to the end of the Agenda.

In relation to the Heritage Strategy:

i) To approve the adoption of the revised terms of reference for the Heritage Group.
ii) To receive a Heritage Delivery Plan for 2022/23 alongside proposals for medium and long -term projects at the November 21 O&I Committee.

8. To receive updates and consider matters related to the delivery plan, notably
1) Regeneration Projects
2) Play area improvement scheme
3) Public Realm and Lyceum Square
4) Town Promotion/Animation
5) Town Centre BID feasibility
6) Enforcement Officer and Cleaner Crewe Project.
The Report was noted with the following resolutions:

Regeneration Projects

i) To approve progression of the vacant shop front project, approaching relevant town centre property owners.
ii) To note the offer of additional support for the shop front project, which will be accepted subject to final detail being approved by the Clerk.
iii) To delegate authority to the Regeneration Manager to procure suitable suppliers for the vacant shop front project within procurement requirements.
iv) To delegate authority to the Regeneration Manager to spend up to the value of £5000 on the vacant shop front project.

Town Promotion /Animation

i) To approve expenditure of up to £2000 to support installation of art display Cubes temporarily in the town centre.
ii) To delegate allocation of further animation funds within agreed budget to secure covid- safe activities where required before the next committee meeting in November. Activity to be agreed with the Chair of Committee, Town Clerk and Regeneration Manager.

9. To consider matters relating to the work of the Crewe Rangers
Councillor Straine-Francis joined the meeting at the start of this item.

i. That the report was received noting the current operating practices
ii. To receive a full proposal on the viability of direct employment of the Range Service at a future meeting.

Councillor Palin left the meeting at the end of this item.

10. To receive an update on the Project to apply decorative finish to Crewe Hoardings – update on supplier and activity to take local images for inclusion.

Members noted the update.

11. To discuss budget requirements for 2022/23

Members noted the budget proposals with a view to sending their responses to the Regeneration Manager for further discussion at the November meeting.

12. The meeting was closed to the public and members of the press in order to consider matters from Item.

7: Christ Church Development.

Resolved: To extend delegated authority to the Heritage Officer in relation to procuring legal advice and specialist support, subject to consultation with the chair, from the Christ Church budget (code 4277), including:

i) Engaging specialist community trust legal advice after obtaining quotes for the services.
ii) Obtaining financial advice in relation to the proposal for CTC to become the transferee.
iii) Investigating whether acquiring the land surrounding Christ Church would be desirable.
iv) Instructing specialist surveyors to determine the current condition of the building and identify costs to make good, as well as ongoing maintenance costs.
v) Exploring a strategic overview of the Christ Church development and determining additional costs to develop this.
vi) That officers develop and research options for supplementary and alternative sources of funding for Christ Church, in so doing seeking to mitigate identified risks to the project, should, for any reason, the current project proposal not prove to be viable under the terms of the proposed use of the Chancel and current related funding criteria.
vii) The committee confirmed its commitment to finding a sustainable long- term use for Christ Church as part of the town centre regeneration and asked officers to ensure that this was made clear to all partners in the Future High Streets Project.

13. To consider the date of the next meeting of the Operations & Improvements Committee.

Resolved: That the next meeting will be held on Weds 10th November 2021 at 6pm.

The meeting closed at 7.20 PM

Chair: Councillor Benn Minshall
Clerk: Lindsay Lewis

Meeting documents

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