Operations and Improvements Committee
Minutes of the Operations and Improvements Committee Meeting
O&I 20 5/1 In attendance: Cllrs Messent, Minshall, Faddes, Hogben, Coiley, Walton
Present: Cllrs Dunlop, Straine-Francis, Houston, Town Clerk and Regeneration Manager
To receive apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Cllrs Cosby and Palin
O&I 20/5/2 To note declarations of Members’ interests
No declarations were received.
O&I 20/5/3 Public Participation
A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments.
No requests to speak were received.
O&I 20/5/4 To confirm and sign the Minutes of the Operations and Improvements Committee meeting held on the 9th November 2020
RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting
O&I 20/5/5 To review the year-to-date financial position for the Operations and Improvements Committee
The spend to date was reviewed and noted.
O&I 20/5/6 To consider matters relating to the Crewe Town Board and current activities:
LY2 Creative Hub development, Potential Projects and Town Board web site
RESOLVED: To earmark Budget from 2020/21: To support a partnership project to improve Valley Brook and its surrounding environment.
473 Town Promotion
4281 Heritage Working Group £10,000
320 Parks and Allotments
4102 Volunteer Support £1,000
Further information to be provided and spend to be approved by Council as the proposal is developed.
RESOLVED: To recommend that Council considers the possibility of supporting/investing in the development of community project viability and proposals in order to support future funding opportunities.
O&I 20/5/7 To consider matters relating to the budget for 2021/2022.
Members discussed project delivery for 2021/22, which will be considered further at the meeting in March. Specific references to:
3027 4770 CCTV with potential to purchase additional cameras
4186 Contribution to additional enforcement officer. For which heads of terms were awaited from Cheshire East Council.
320 Play Areas: agreement required for areas to be prioritised for improvement.
4279 and 4723 Animation and Promotion: Priority to assist with town centre recovery, bringing people back in to the town centre.
4721 Public Realm: Lyceum square was identified as a priority but other areas might also be improved.
Budget from 2020/21 which might be earmarked to complete or enhance projects, including:
4282 Heritage Support: Committed as match fund to employment of Heritage Officer over three financial years.
Town BID feasibility Study
Town Centre Lighting to augment project delivery in 2021
CCTV Awaiting costs of re-deployable cameras to support cleaner Crewe Project.
O&I 20/5/8 To receive an update on the Cleaner Crewe Project and related matters.
The Regeneration Officer reported that due to the recent lockdown restrictions, the Pilot Project which was being organised by Cheshire East Council had been postponed. Costs are awaited from Cheshire East Council regarding procurement and management of mobile CCTV cameras and these will be shared with members once available. One of the Street Scene Officers has now left the Town Council ahead of the contract ending in March, and the remaining officer is organising any out standing matters over the next few months.
Costs for hire of mechanical cleaning equipment to support the pilot project have been requested from a supplier.
Members NOTED the update and thanked the Street Scene Improvement Officers for their hard work and commitment to the project
O&I 20/5/9 To note the date of the next meeting Monday 16th March 2021 at 7pm
The time and date were noted.
Meeting closed at 7.51 PM
Chair – Cllr Jamie Messent
Clerk – Lindsay Lewis
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