Operations and Improvements Committee

Minutes of Operations & Improvements Committee 09/11/20

In attendance: Cllr J Messent, Cllr B Minshall, Cllr J Cosby, Cllr A Coiley, Cllr N Walton, Cllr L Hogben and Cllr J Toth

Present: Cllr Jill Rhodes, Cllr D Straine-Francis, Town Clerk and Regeneration Manager

OI20/4/1 To receive apologies for absence.

Apologies were received from:
Cllr G Palin and Cllr H Faddes

OI20/4/2 To note declarations of Members’ interests

Oi20/4/3 Public Participation

A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments.

The meeting was attended by James Coates, team leader for the Alley Angels charitable organisation. He explained the work undertaken by volunteers to address environmental crime in neighbourhoods, through engagement with residents. He offered the group’s services to work with the Town Council on nominated streets and alleyways.

The Chair thanked Mr Coates for the information and explained the work that the Town Council was undergoing with Cheshire East Council on local issues. Once the pilot project on selected streets was agreed, there might be an opportunity to discuss further.

OI 20/4/4 To confirm and sign the Minutes of the Operations and Improvements Committee meeting held on 29th September 2020.

RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting.

OI20/4/5 To review the year-to-date financial position for the Operations and Improvements Committee.

The spend to date was reviewed and noted

OI20/4/6 To consider a report from the Regeneration Manager on the work of the Rangers and Street Scene Improvement Officers, and consideration of future support for projects to improve the cleanliness of streets and living standards in Crewe.

Concerns were raised that a decision could not be taken regarding any future funding for maintaining cleanliness of streets without consideration of Cheshire East plans.

RESOLVED to ask officers of Cheshire East Council to attend the next meeting.

OI20/4/7 To receive an update on the delivery plan agreed at the meeting on 29th September.

Members noted the update.

OI20/4/8 To receive an update on the Crewe Town Board and to consider a proposal to support the development of a web site for the board.

RESOLVED To receive a grant from Cheshire East Council to the estimated value of £5000 to fully cover the cost of development, hosting and maintenance of a web site for the Crewe Board, in line with procurement and financial policies and procedures.

OI20/4/9 To consider an update with regards to the LY2 Creative Hub project and any related financial implications for the Council to better support its development.

Members noted the update.

OI20/4/10 To consider a report on CCTV provision and future budget requirements.

i) To continue contributions to the CCTV service provided by Cheshire East Council.
ii) To Authorise signature of a contract by the Town Clerk to continue the service to the value of £32,160 per annum for three years, with due consideration of and adherence to Town Council financial regulations.
iii) To instruct the Regeneration Manager to liaise with Cheshire East Council regarding additional costs of re- deployable cameras.

OI20/4/11 To consider matters relating to the draft budget for the Operations and Improvements Committee for the forthcoming financial year 2021/22. Members discussed the requirement for additional investment in public realm as the regeneration process develops, in particular the interest in providing a large screen.

RESOLVED: to recommend the draft budget to the Finance and Governance Committee with an amendment for line 473/ 4721 to £37,000 for public realm improvements.

OI20/4/12 To note the date of the next Operations and Improvements Committee meeting:

Tuesday 12th January 2021

Meeting closed at 8.13pm

Chair Cllr J Messent
Clerk L Lewis

Meeting documents

O&I 4 Minutes 09.11.20 20

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