Operations and Improvements Committee
Minutes of Operations & Improvements Committee 28 09 20
In attendance:
Cllr B Minshall, Cllr J Cosby, Cllr H Faddes, Cllr A Coiley, Cllr N Walton and Cllr L Hogben
OI20/2/1 To receive apologies for absence
Cllr J Messent and Cllr G Palin
OI20/2/2 To note declarations of Members’ interests
Cllr Cosby declared a non-pecuniary interest in Agenda Item 10 due to connections to Cheshire East Council activities
OI20/2/3 Public Participation
A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments.
There was no public participation in the meeting
OI20/2/4 To confirm and sign the Minutes of the Operations and Improvements Committee meeting held on 6th July 2020
RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting
OI20/2/5 To review the year to date financial position for the Operations and Improvements Committee
The spend to date was reviewed and noted
OI20/2/6 To receive an update from the Town Centre Projects officer on the work of the Street Scene Improvement Officers, and the support being provided by Town Council officers to projects to improve the cleanliness of streets and living standards in Crewe (to follow).
To consider allocation of funds within the Operations and Improvements budget to cover additional service delivery to year end.
RESOLVED: That the extension of the project to 31/3/2021 (as approved by Council 4/8/20) is to be funded using £10,000 received as a Covid-19 Recovery Grant and £6,000 from the Streetscene Improvement budget line 307 4187
OI20/2/7 To receive and consider and update on the work of the Rangers
(Note: Cllr Hogben joined the meeting at this point (delayed due to technical connectivity issues))
RESOLVED: That spend within 2020/21 committee budget designations is approved for allocation to the following projects:
i. That £5,270 of budget code 307 4170 is approved for spend on machinery and materials to support and facilitate the ongoing work of the Town Ranger Service
ii. That £5,000 of budget code 310 (definition and designation to be determined by the Responsible Financial Officer) is approved for bulb, shrub, tree and perennial planting schemes, to be delivered by the Town Ranger Service
iii. That £1,500 of budget code 473 4721 is approved for the provision of additional public realm waste bins to be positioned and maintained by the Town Ranger Service
iv. That £600 of budget code 473 4721 is approved to align the Town Centre Ranger Service with the Crewe Town Branding
OI20/2/8 To consider a delivery plan and related expenditure of the Operations and Improvements Committee budget for the rest of the financial year
RESOLVED: That spend within 2020/21 committee budget designations is approved for allocation to the following projects:
i. That £2,000 from budget 473 4276 is approved for delivery of Crewe Roundabout Christmas Tree Lighting Scheme (approval of variation of costs delegated to the Chair of this committee and the Town Clerk, within budget and in accordance with financial regulations)
ii. That £2,000 from budget 473 4723 and £2,000 from budget 473 4279 is approved for delivery of town centre animation
iii. That £1,200 from budget 473 4281 is approved for the purchase/hire of a screen as part of remembrance commemorative activities and displays
OI20/2/9 To receive an update on the licensing of Market Square, Lyceum Square and Memorial Square
The work to secure the necessary event licences for the town centre was noted
OI20/2/10 To receive an update from the Town Centre Projects Officer with regards to the Creative Hub Proposal and any related financial implications for the Council to better support its development
The update was noted and the Towns Fund proposal and expressed support for the project.
OI20/2/11 To receive an update on the Crewe Town Board.
The update was noted
OI20/2/12 To consider matters relating to the draft budget for the Operations and Improvements Committee for the forthcoming financial year 2021/22
The draft budget was noted. Proposed amendments were noted. The draft was agreed at this stage to be reviewed again at the next meeting of this committee
OI20/2/13 To receive an update on the recruitment of a Heritage Project Development Officer
The update was noted
OI20/2/14 To note the date of the next Operations and Improvements Committee meeting: Monday 9th November 2020
Meeting closed at 7.53pm
Chair Cllr B Minshall
Clerk L Lewis
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